Chapter 887 Interlude  

  This chapter is dedicated to @Edi_o! Thank you so much for the supergift!  Finally, Butler Charles deemed it sufficient after the four had gone through the chicken dance for three rounds.

Then he called for the music to be stopped to the utmost relief of Zeres and Kyle.

Though the girls were embarrassed as well, but they did not take it too much too heart.  Once the two pairs returned to their seats with burning faces, Zeres and Kyle immediately asked for water.

It was as though they had just come back from a strange and embarrassing battle.  They somehow found themselves laughing at themselves midway as they danced, but now that the fun was over, the embarrassment from the knowledge that they had actually danced like that did not cease to make their faces blaze as hot as when they were on stage, if not hotter.  Kyle had never imagined himself having to dance to such a song like that.

If that could even be called a dance! Oh, goodness… he was afraid that this had just become a historic moment in his life.

The good thing was that Lilith had danced along with him too!  "I didn't know you could dance so amazingly like that." Alex was grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland as he draped his arm around Zeres, teasing him mercilessly.  "Shut up, Alexander." Zeres rubbed his face in embarrassment as he rolled his shoulders, trying to dislodge an annoyingly large bug called Alexander.  "I'm expecting you to teach your nephew and niece that dance in the near future, okay?" Alex whispered before he walked over to his wife, leaving Zeres sitting there open-mouthed in disbelief at first but his expression eventually changed and he laughed quietly at himself, shaking his head wryly.  He faced Iryz and leaned a bit closer to her to whisper.

"Did you hear that? I might hire you to be the twin's dance teacher one of these days." No way was he going to endure this embarrassment all on his own.


As people always say, misery loves company, right? Then he grinned naughtily at Iryz.  Iryz just laughed at his comment.

She did not think it was such a bad thing to do that dance again.

After all, it was quite fun in her opinion.  "Alright.

Now let's move on to the next event." Butler Charles announced.  Two chairs were now facing each other on the stage.  Zeke led Alicia there and had her sit down first before he sat on his own.  There was nothing but seriousness on Zeke's face.

But that was what made the scene even more funny, in Alex's opinion of course, as he was the one enjoying his friend's discomfort and embarrassment.  "I wonder what he'll be singing." Abi whispered to Alex.

She too could not help but be curious and interested in knowing how this crown prince of the vampires would sound like singing.  "I don't know but…" Alex lowered his voice even more.


"Zeke can't sing." Before coughing out a couple of times, in an attempt to mask his laugh.  Abi looked surprised as she widened her eyes at her husband.

"Really? Are you sure?"  "I am sure.

I have never heard him sing before.

Because he just don't sing." Alex looked pretty certain, so Abi could not help but feel surprised.

She had already expected that as always, Zeke would also sing perfectly – as how he does everything perfectly.

That guy was just too perfect in everything that he does that it was more unbelievable for them if there was something he could not actually do.  "I think… he might be hiding his talent from you? It's hard to believe that Zeke does not have a talent in singing too." Abi said somewhat skeptically as she pursed her lips while looking at her husband's over-confident look.  Alex smirked at his wife.


"Why don't we make a bet, my wife? If you lose…" he whispered something naughty that caused Abi to blush and give him a smack on his shoulder.  "And if you lose?" she retorted, and Alex whispered what must be another naughty thing into her ears as it had Abi looking fired up.  Soon, a maid brought a guitar over and handed it to Zeke.  By then, Zeke and Alicia's feet were now connected.

Alex had actually already explained that there was a reason why the two cannot break skin contact a while ago.

He did not give any details as to why though, but the others were discreet enough to know not to probe too much into it.  Zeke holding a guitar was… a never been seen before scene.

Even Kai, Lucas and Kyle were amazed looking at him with a guitar in his hands.  Alicia could never have even imagined it in her wildest dreams.

That this man could actually play a guitar! Was there anything that he did not know how to do?!  He tested the strings, adjusting them.

He was quiet and so serious.

He did not say a single word since he had read that card.

Alicia could not help but wonder if this was Ezekiel being nervous.

But then, his heartbeat was as steady and as calm as always! So she could not quite place his current mood and what it meant.  It was really hard for her to read him if they were among other people.

It seemed as though the only time where she could easily read him was when they were together, alone.  Finally, he seemed satisfied with his fine tuning now as he finally lifted his gaze and meet Alicia's eyes.  Suddenly, Alicia felt her heart skipped a beat and she did not know why.  A slow, plucking sound started echoing as he kept his gaze on hers.

Never once looking down at the strings of the guitar.  The atmosphere seemed to suddenly shift.

And slowly, everyone else seemed to disappear.

It was as if it were only the two of them that was left in the world.  The plucking sounds of the guitar echoed beautifully in the air.

He had not even started singing yet, but the interlude was already so good.

The soft music was romantic and peaceful and sweet… the kind of music only makes one feel a deep nostalgia.  The audience even could not help but fall utterly silent as they listened to his playing.

There seemed to be something in the way Zeke played that enraptured everyone who listened.

The sound was just so heartfelt, so unlike his not so expressive expressions.  Alicia felt like Zeke had been skipping the first verses and turned them into plucking instead.  He continued with the beautiful plucking that no one could actually complain, even they knew he should be singing.

Alex thought that he would make a complain once the song was over and perhaps make Zeke repeat his singing the song from start to finish.  But just as when everyone thought Zeke did not have any plans on singing the lyrics out loud, a deep, cello-like voice came out.  "I don't know when it began but i think i'd loved you then  Before i even realize and understand  I tried my best to stay away  Strengthen my walls around me  But you set everything on fire  Put life in my eyes  And now i don't want to go  No, i dont want to go"  ___  Don't forget to vote with your Golden Tickets hellbounders! Let's keep our #01 rank till this month ends! :flexed_biceps::flexed_biceps:  P.s.

the song i have in mind is Just say you won't let go by James Arthur.

I originally planned to use the lyrics from that song but it's not allowed.
