Coming into the Pillar of Gluttony, I expected things to be rather serious, but I was surprised to see that the situation wasn't as dire as I expected it to be.

In fact, the situation was a lot more advantageous then I thought it to be.

"Is this your doing?" I turned to look at Liam who was hanging on the bridge of the Princess's nose.

He seemed battered, and tired, but the moment our eyes met, his expression relaxed a little.

"Oh, hey Ren.

How have you been?" "You did a good job." Ignoring his light hearted greeting, I lowered my head to stare at the cheeks of the Princess which were currently inflated.

I could feel a certain energy from within, and when I turned my gaze away, I locked my eyes on a certain figure in the distance.


'It must be her doing.'There was only one person that was capable of producing such pure and powerful energy.

Although Liam was strong, he wasn't at this level just yet.

It could only be her.

"I see… I think I understand what's going on." Rumble! Rumble! At the same time I realized what was happening, the Princess trashed around and destroyed everything that her feet stepped onto to.

Gradually, however, she was able to somewhat stabilize the injury that she sustained in her eye, and the energy inside of her started to calm down.

"We can't be having that." If there was anything that I couldn't allow, it was that, and as my vision blurred, my feet touched something soft.I was standing right on top of her cheek, and the moment I appeared over there, I felt two eyes lock on me.


When I turned my head, our gazes met, and I lowered my hand and pressed it against her cheek.

Her expression changed drastically at that point, but it was already too late.

Exerting a lot the mana inside of me, her cheeks started to inflate even further, and the energy that she was trying to keep in check became even wilder.

Rumble! Rumble! "Hmmmmm!" Her trashing increased, and it became hard for me to keep myself steady as a result.

A large shadow cast behind me, and I knew exactly what she was trying to do.

Thus, frowning, I opened my mouth and imbued my voice with the laws.


"Stop." Her body stopped at my words and her expression changed once more.

Golden runes and words clamped her hand above me, and covered every inch of her body.

"Mhhh… mhhhhhmm…" She seemed to be saying something, but I honestly couldn't understand a single word that she said.Not that I cared as I continued to imbued her cheeks with mana.

Within a matter of seconds, her cheeks swelled even further, and their size grew to such an extent that her entire face became red.The cheeks were puffed up to such an extent that I could see the skin on her cheeks tearing."Don't move." Whenever she was about to free herself from my restraints, I'd speak again.Whenever I did so, my body would start to flicker in and out of existence and accompanying it was an agonizing pain, but I resisted through the pain and continued to inject mana into her cheeks.

As I continued to inject more of the laws that were contained within my body into hers, the golden runes that surrounded her body began to flicker continuously."Mhh!!!! Mhhhhmmmhhh!!"Her muffled screams rang throughout, but I paid them no attention and continued to work.

With time, the tear around her cheek deepened, and blood started to leak down her cheeks.When I looked back, I was met with two eyes that were glaring hatred in my direction.I stared at them for a short moment, and savored the gaze before pressing my foot against her cheek and finding myself standing right in front of Liam once again.

"Let's go." I reached out my hand, which Liam gladly took, and pressed my foot against her skin once more.

We appeared quite a fair distance away from her, and when I looked around and saw that the place was safe, I snapped my fingers.

BAAAAAAAAAAAANG—! It was an explosion unlike any other.The moment I snapped my fingers, the Princess's body inflated rapidly, and her cheeks finally burst apart.Black blood rained from the sky, and pieces of flesh fell all over the land.

At the same time, a wave of concentrated energy burst out from that direction, shredding everything that was within its path.

Extending my hand and erecting a barrier around the two of us, we were able to avoid getting injured from the residual energy.

I frowned when I felt the energy.

It was quite overbearing, and if not for my strength, I'd have difficulty handling it.

'I can't believe she was able to suppress this much energy inside of her.'She wasn't one of the seven clan heads without a reason.

She as indeed extremely powerful.

"Stay here for now, I'll finish up things." Dropping off Liam, my vision blurred once more and what appeared in my vision was an enormous crater that seemed to stretch very deeply.

Frowning, I flicked my finger and a small light entered the hole.

Shortly after, my brows relaxed and I nodded my head.

'As expected, she didn't die just yet.' Motioning with my fingers, a body burst out from the hole, and I clapped my hands once.

Clap! A small barrier erected around the body once I clapped my hands.

Just in case, I tapped onto the barrier and a small white ripple formed, creating a second layer.

'Just in case.'Gazing at the body before me, I relaxed when I saw that the Princess had fainted.

While her cheeks had burst, they were slowly healing, as her fleshed wiggled and overlapped against each other.

The sight was quite gruesome.

Her eyelids trembled, and I could tell that she was about to wake up.

Noticing this, I knew that I couldn't waste any time and stretched my hand which passed through the two layers and reached out for her face.

'I'll make this quick.'Closing my eyes, I felt the laws that were contained within her body and channeled them toward me.

Almost instantly, a wave of warmth entered my body and I found myself relaxing as the laws within my body started to increase.

The feeling was pleasant, almost intoxicating.If not for the fact that I had felt this sensation before, I'd have fallen into a deeper sense of depravity, but I held my focus and transferred all of her laws into body.

"Uagk." At the same time that I retrieved all of the laws, I felt a sharp pain course through all parts of my body, and I almost fainted from the pain right then and there.

The fact that I wasn't able to suppress the pain was a testament to how painful it was, and I almost cried out from the pain.

It took every last bit of me to suppress my scream as I gritted my teeth with everything I had, and my body flickered wildly at that point.

Cr… Crack! Unsurprisingly, cracks started to appear on all parts of my body, and the pain became even more unbearable.

My body was failing.

"Ukgh." 'No… not yet… not now...!' I knew exactly what was happening to me at the moment.

This was a consequence of using the laws too much with this unfit body.

I had been warned beforehand about the consequences of using the laws wit this body, but I chose to ignore such warning.

I was now paying the consequences of ignoring such word, but not once did I start regretting my decision to use the laws.

I just did what I had to do, and even if the pain was unbearable, I calmly accepted it knowing that there was something else eating up at me that made the pain that I was bearing… somewhat bearable.

"Huuu.." 'Not yet.' Taking a deep breath, I shifted my attention back toward the Princess and extended my hand once more.

Reaching out for my hand, I could see that it was trembling, rather fiercely at that.

I was struggling quite a bit at the moment, but clenching my teeth I moved my hand toward her left armpit.I could feel the core over there, but just as I was about to reach her armpit, her eyes fluttered open and our two eyes met.

My heart, which had somewhat steadied, suddenly started to beat wildly, and I swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

….I …I stood no chance against her at my current state.

My lips went dry as our gazes met, and her eyes which were somewhat blurry started to regain some clarity.

'Now!' Spurt—! Clenching my teeth, I used all of my remaining strength, and pierced right at the left armpit area.

At the same time that happened, clarity returned to the Princess's eyes and her mouth parted open.

"You bastard How da—" Crack! It was too late.

Before she could even finish her sentence, I crushed the core in my hand and her figure froze on the spot.

Her expression changed drastically at that point, but it was already too late.

Shortly after, her figure turned into dust which disappeared into thin air.

Thump! At the same time that happened, unable to keep my legs steady my body fell down, and I blankly stared at the sky.

"Haaa… haaa… almost… almost there…Just one more.

Just one more...