"Raven, quick! Pack your bags. We are leaving!" Gabriel rushed into his room, locked the door, and ordered his sister. His heart was beating faster than ever in his life, but at least he liked to believe that he'd be safe inside the school.

He was not as worried about Romel's death as he was about what his best friend would do to keep him quiet. He was not dumb enough to run around shouting what he saw, but he wondered if Sylvester would even give him a chance to speak.

"W-What? But you said I can live in the Holy Land." Raven was confused by the sudden change in demeanor. Just a few hours ago, Gabriel had assured her that she was safe now, and now he was trying to run from something.

Gabriel didn't explain anything and started packing on his own. For him, Raven's safety was of utmost importance. "No time to explain. We need to leave quickly or…"

Raven got up, caught her brother by his shoulder, and looked him in the eye. The fear was evident in them. "What happened? Why are you acting like this?"

"What would you do if you saw your best friend killing someone?"

Raven was taken aback by the sudden question. "W-What?"


Gabriel pulled her back and made her sit while he dragged a chair for himself. "What would you do if you saw your best friend killing someone?"

Raven didn't think much before answering. "A murder is a murder, but isn't it common for you guys? I know the Church kills people after judging them as heretics. So you must have killed someone too, right?"

'Wait…' Gabriel did remember such things. And in an instant, his mind switched from being scared to being thoughtful. "I did...In my last quest, the town was compromised by Desert Cannibals, and to survive, I killed many… I would have died too if not for…"

"But that doesn't change the fact that you're a murderer as well." Raven pointed, "Isn't it hypocritical of you to accuse someone of it and act pure simultaneously?"

Gabriel's head lowered. However, he was quick to justify himself.

"Those I killed were heathens, unfaithfuls that sinned against Solis. While the one here was a believer."


"This is not about right or wrong." His sister stared at him, "Brother, we have suffered enough to know how people are around us. I firmly believe that when it comes to personal gain and morals, things are never black and white, they are every shade of grey.

Gabriel sighed and thought about what his twin sister said. The world was indeed grey. "Well, I never doubted him ever. He's like a brother to me… and to betray him-"

"Is to betray his trust. At least talk to him and ask him about things. What is he like? Is he like that arse, Billy, from the village? Or…"

Gabriel interrupted with a slight smile. "He's like our father. Caring, strong, smart, but unforgiving. He taught me how to walk in this cruel world. He taught me how not to die… he held my hand and guided me when I needed him the most."

Gabriel's eyes heated up as he remembered a great many fond memories with Sylvester and his father. Both men profoundly impacted his life and taught him how to survive.

"Never judge a book by its cover. That's what you said about that healer Cruella. Although it turned out to be wrong, aren't you doing the same here? Judging the book by its cover? And do you know why that friend of yours killed someone? You should confront him, question him, and find the reason. Only then make your judgment."


Gabriel stayed silent and kept looking at his feet, at nothingness. His mind was a mess, thinking of all kinds of scenarios. 'What if he kills me? Will he even allow me to speak?'

"What if we're wrong? What if… he kills me?" Gabriel asked her.

At that, Raven was conflicted too. She could not put herself in her brother's shoes no matter how much she tried. She did not know who he was talking about either. "Only you can be the judge of that. What if I go with you?"

Gabriel shook his head quickly. "No! Never… It's too dangerous. He's very dangerous, and we won't last a minute in front of him."

Raven moved slightly and held his hand in hers. "I'm dead without you anyway. We might as well die together. And if he's as dangerous as you say, then are you sure we can ever run away?"

'I guess there is no other way then. What will you do, Sylvester? Was our brotherhood just a lie? Were all those pacts false?'

He fell silent and closed his eyes to think. He was a clergy member and couldn't run away just like that. He'd have to tell the administration his reason for leaving, and that was something he'd never do.

He took a long deep breath and cleaned his eyes. Then he faced his sister, who appeared wise beyond her age. "He is my closest friend, the one I consider my brother. So I guess… I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light."But he quickly moved back and looked at her in doubt. "Since when did you become so wise and philosophical?"

"Cruella—she used to lock me in the dark cellar whenever I made a mistake in the kitchen. I'd be there for days because that bi- that witch would forget. In there, I had only myself to talk to. I had all the time to philosophize about life, death, fate, and such."

Gabriel suddenly moved, pulled her into a hug, and caressed her deep black hair. "I'm sorry, Raven… I was an extremely incompetent brother… I caused you so much pain."

She dug her head into his shoulder, and silent tears fell out. The dam she had made to keep herself strong finally broke. "I-I was… scared, Gab. I hated being there… but you are not a bad brother. No bad brother sells himself to feed his sister. You lived a much cruller life than me, and because of you, I am alive—So never say that."

Gabriel wet his eyes yet again as he remembered his life's hardships. There were days when he felt like quitting and jumping into the river, only to stop at the thought of his sister.

He thought about Sylvester and wondered what he must have been through, too. After all, everyone had a story.

'I'm sorry I doubted you, brother… I forgot we're all books, hiding our pain, sorrow, and fears.'

He forced a smile on his face and cleared tears from Raven's eyes. "Look how beautiful you've grown. You're as tall as me. Any man would go crazy over your sparkling blue eyes. I should find a good strong man and get you married fast. You'd make a great homemaker."

Raven smacked Gabriel's shoulder haughtily. "I will marry when you marry."


"But I am a clergyman. So I can never get married."

"That's the point!"

"No! You can't… There is nothing worthwhile about being a Bright Mother. How about you live in Guild Peninsula for a while first? Who knows, maybe you will fall in love with an adventurer? Just don't close your doors. You're merely seventeen." Gabriel nearly pleaded with her, as he always dreamt of giving his sister a beautiful princess wedding after growing up.

"Hmm, I'll think about it."

"Great! I will now head back to the Arena. The farewell banquet must have started. I will bring you food later… and don't go out. Also, I was not talking about any friends. It was just a hypothetical situation."

"I got you, brother." She showed a big smile and a thumbs up.

She waved her hand, all smiles. But once Gabriel left, the smile on her face receded as her body lost strength, and she plopped on the bed. A stream of tears flowed down her cheeks, and she felt at home with him—safe.

In the Arena, all the Deacons-turned-Priests had their mitre on their heads. Everyone's face was beaming with a huge smile, while the God's Favored sat at one table reserved for them only.

Sylvester made talks with the remaining five God's Favored, which, other than him and Felix, included Louis Hermington, Griffin Blazekin, and Augustus Steel. What was common among them was that all of them were highly talented. Other than Felix and him, they all had the talent of being a Grand Wizard, basically the same level as Inquisitor High Lord.

So it was clear that these men would be the Church's backbone in the future. And Sylvester knew the value of networking. Of course, it didn't hurt that he had earned their respect over the years either by helping in training, quests or financially.

Where did Sylvester get his money from? Well, it was the oldest profession in the world. No, it was not prostitution.

It was from money lending, ranging from merchants and adventurers, to clergy members. Naturally, he got interest from all the loans and, over the years, accumulated a good amount of wealth. The best part was that this was just his clean money. The black one was still in Miraj's belly.

"Priest Sylvester, what job field have you requested?" Asked Louis Hermington, a blonde, plain-looking, five-foot-five-tall guy with the talent of a Grand Wizard and Diamond Knight.

Sylvester replied as he gulped his food, a simple steak. "I have asked to become a traveling preacher. Let's see what they'd give me."

"What? I thought you'd be an Inquisitor. You fit right in there," said Griffin Blazekin, a black-haired boy with strange purple eyes. He was a noble too."But then my bard talent would have been wasted. Being a Traveling Preacher, I can spread the Lord's word and learn new things. We're still young, after all, we need more real-world experiences. What about you two?"

"I'm joining the Holy Army."

"Me too!" Louis and Griffin chirped.

But then Griffin said something that made Sylvester's heart jump, but in joy. "Romel wanted to join the Holy Army as well, but he ran away."

"Ran away?" Felix exclaimed in a ridiculing voice.

"Yes, we heard Archpriest Edmund talking. Apparently, all the gold Romel had in possession is gone too. So he has likely run away. I guess the pressure from his father was too much for him." Louis added. But he didn't stop there and even showed elation. "It's good he's gone. He was not worthy in the first place. You all may only remember Bishop Norman as the worst person, but for Griffin and me, it was Romel.

"Being friends with him was the worst thing of our lives. He'd order us around, make us run errands, make us buy things for him, make us do his assignments, and he used us as live target practice. We'd often spend nights at the infirmary because of that."

'No wonder these two jumped the wagon and became nice to me as soon as Bishop Norman died.' Sylvester noted. But he thanked Miraj silently for eating away all the gold Romel had over the years.

"What about you, Augustus?" Sylvester turned to the silent priest.

"I chose the Holy Land Administration. I'm not… good at talking with people." the man said with a depressed look.

Felix chuckled. "We all know that, buddy. But we'll all be in contact, as we're the future of the faith. I, by the way, have decided to join the Holy Army as well. But, that is until my family needs me to fight another invasion."

Sylvester sighed because Felix had talents in other fields too. But if the man wanted this, who was he to stop him? He wanted to be a Traveling Preacher for selfish reasons too. But, he'd be foolish if he thought the choice they had put in the request was something they'd get.

They were still God's Favored Candidate. And the true winner was yet to come out. From now, there is no class to drop out of, so these five would be the final choice until one of them rises overwhelmingly.

"I will head back now, I need to celebrate with my mum as well." Sylvester got up as he had another important appointment.

"See you tomorrow at Magna Sanctum temple." Felix waved goodbye, as did the others.

Then as Sylvester walked away, he passed by Gabriel's chair at another table and slipped a note down.

Later that night, when the twin moon shone its bright yet depressing light, Gabriel immediately climbed the Bright Mother's complex building and went to the terrace. The note he had gotten asked him to come there to talk.

'I hope he doesn't kill me instantly.' Gabriel thought as he opened the final door that gave him access to the open roof.

He looked around and saw Sylvester sitting at the edge, hanging his feet down. The bright moonlight made him appear strange—lonely—he felt.

Without saying much, he walked to him and sat down beside him. He didn't look at Sylvester's face and simply asked. "Why?"

But to his surprise, Sylvester raised his finger towards a distant road. Following the direction, he noticed it was a man, but because his face was not visible, he could not recognize him.

Just then, Sylvester asked a strange question.

"Gab, for your sister, would you kill that man?"


[Sorry for being late.]


Bonus chapter coming up with the next!

**1111 Stones = Bonus Chapter!**