Sylvester looked at the paper with a hidden frown. "I requested for the Traveling Preacher profession, Holy Father."

The Pope chuckled and tried reassuring him. "Son, that job is reserved for old retiring clergy. However, this one is better fitting for you, as it requires a sharp mind and strong body, which you have proven during years of training. Moreover, Inquisitor High Lord has informed me about your amazing feats of noticing things most fail to do.

"Meanwhile, Priest Felix is brave and powerful. He shall become a great partner to watch your back."

Sylvester didn't buy it. 'This job… aren't I underqualified for it? So what's his deal now? Pushing me to get stronger by forcing me to take risks?'

He knew he could not deny this work. But he sure was going to milk it. "Can I bring a few other friends with me? And Sir Dolorem?"

"Of course, you will have to form a team under you either way. It's best if you're all friends. But first, you must complete basic training at Saint Wazir's office to learn all the laws, regulations, and methods to report or ask for assistance. Your job has a wide scope, but all of it leads to an investigation." The old man patted Sylvester's shoulder.

"It's a fantastic opportunity, son. There is much to learn for you, so utilize it. And the rest of you as well, I hope you can reach the clergy rank of Bishop as soon as you can. Only then shall you be reassigned to a job better suiting your ranks.


"Now, I must return to work, but I am extending special permission to you five. You may have direct access to me whenever you need to talk or need help. You are the future of faith, and I shall stand by you as your guide. May the holy light enlighten us."

"May the holy light enlighten us."

All five of them saluted back and watched the Pope leave. Once the man was out of sight, they all frowned, as none of them got what they had requested.

"Ugh, Inquisitor Army, they live like nomads," Griffin muttered.

"And they travel constantly," Louis added.

August was shattered, too, as he was terrible at social interaction, and now he was an exorcist. "I hope this ends well."


Meanwhile, Felix was laughing and patting Sylvester's back. "Bwahaha… it seems we're both stuck together forever, brother. Our adventures are going to be legendary… I know it!"

Sylvester did not show such optimism because he knew the reality of his job. "Yeah, that is if we survive."

None of them got what they wanted, and disappointment was at hand in the end. So to quench that, they decided to go and eat something since Guild Peninsula was not too far and had some shops inside various guilds.

They could not drink anything alcoholic, as that was one of the things banned under the law for clergy. But they did eat a lot and just let themselves go. Griffin and Louis were going to be in the Inquisitor army and had no idea when they'd get another good meal. In contrast, Augustus might get good food because Exorcists usually spend their time in good places when they're not working.

But it was the worst for Sylvester and Felix because, unlike others, they'd have nobody to count on for food. Instead, they'd have to cook their own meals, find their own food, and manage their finances.

"We can not drink liquor, but let's have a toast for the bright future of the faith and us." Felix proposed as he picked up his milk glass.



They all chugged down the glass of milk and felt refreshed. They slowly came to terms with their jobs. After all, they knew their life would be challenging the moment they graduated as God's Favored Candidates. The past eight years were not very kind either.

Sylvester looked at the sky and noticed the sun was above their heads. He got up as he had a place to be.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere divine. See you tomorrow."

Sylvester wished to clear his head from all the mess of yesterday. He needed calm to plan the next steps carefully, the job he was asked to do was very loosely defined, and he hoped not to die on it.

So, after getting permission from the mentor of religious studies, Archbishop Noah, he went to the Soul Peninsula to sit under the Soul tree and meditate. He remembered he had that vision of a newborn baby eight years ago and hoped he'd get some updates on that.

Like the Golden Peninsula, this place was heavily guarded too, and nobody was allowed in without permission. He had to pass through three different gates that required three different approval documents.

Only then was he let in to move freely.

'I envy these guards here. They get to stay in the soothing warmth of Solarium. If I could, I'd have made a tree house on this and live here forever.' he muttered.

He made his way towards the tree's base, where a few giant roots were sprawling around. But all of it was covered in short green grass, colorful flowers, and fireflies. The tree had such a broad umbrella that it also blocked a lot of sunlight, creating a balanced environment.

'Who is that?'

To his luck, when he arrived at the base, he saw someone was sitting there on a carpet made of thatched sheets—meditating. The man was bald and appeared very old with a beard. Even the eyebrows were so long that they fell to the chin from the sides. While he wore orange monk robes, one shoulder uncovered.

The most striking parts were the man's wooden staff and the line of tattoos over his body. He appeared wise, calm, and yet overwhelming.

Sylvester didn't waste much time and sat down cross-legged not far from the old man and closed his eyes.

He took long breaths in and cleared his mind from all thoughts. He let the Solarium flow into his body, and the calming breeze of the tree filled his lungs. At the same time, the beautiful cacophony of the small insects around filled his ears.

All that gave him enough to focus and forget all other thoughts. Slowly, he started to feel as if his body had become completely relaxed and floating in nothingness. However, soon after, some scenes started appearing, something related to the visions.

"Come, Zye, I shall teach you how to ride a horse today."

"I don't wanna… I wanna play with ma."

"Haha, you are a princess, dear. These are the things you must know. Come now, pa will teach you."

The visions were blurry, but Sylvester could hear them just fine. He finally had a name to go by, Zye. But he longed to see more, see the landscape, and learn where this vision was from.

However, it appeared his connections with the Soul Tree were over, as a butterfly came and sat down on his nose outside. That, for some reason, immediately pulled him out.

"'Tis a fine day, won't you agree?"

Sylvester rubbed his eyes and looked to his left. The old monk had woken up too and was looking up.

He replied to the old man's hoarse voice. "Every day is a fine day in the Holy Land."

The old monk chuckled. "Hah, Indeed. So you are the Lord's Bard?"

"What gave it away?"

"That bright halo behind your head when you meditate. So it was you Archbishop Noah was talking about… indeed, you have the potential if you're having visions."

'At least introduce yourself first, old man.' He thought. "I am Priest Sylvester Maximilian…"

"I remember not my name, but everyone calls me grandpa monk, but you may recognize me better by Fifth Guardian of Light."

Sylvester's eyes widened at that revelation. 'This man is just two ranks below Inquisitor High Lord? And is also supposed to be stronger than that Lady Aurora, the tenth Guardian?'

He saluted the man in the usual manner. "I pay respect to the Fifth Guardian."

However, a hidden frown remained on Sylvester's face as he could not sense any emotions from the old man. There was no smell, as if the man felt nothing and had truly given up everything.

"What are you doing here, Fifth Guardian?" He inquired respectfully.

The old man glanced at the sky again and muttered. "For every birth, the Lord's plan is devised. All the way until the demise. I am three hundred years old, child. I am merely counting my last breath here—under the warmth. And it helps my joint pain too, hah."

'This old monk, has he truly realized control over all of his body, including emotion?' Sylvester wondered about the lack of knowledge. But he also realized this man was a treasure trove of knowledge.

"Why do you not remember your name?" He asked, using the first rule of starting an interaction: showing interest in the other person.

"Three hundred years ago, we were still at war. My parents were wizards, not from the church, however. My mother gave birth to me in an ongoing battle, and unfortunately, they died a few hours after I saw the first light. So I never got a name. But, one who has nobody, the church is their everybody.

"However, even during my younger days, everyone called me monk. Now it's Grandpa Monk,"

Sylvester digested that information. He was amazed that almost all of the most powerful clergy had either a tragic past or were orphans. 'I guess you have everything to prove once you have nothing to lose.'

"Do you not wish to know what I saw in my vision?" he inquired, it being the best way to gauge one's character.

Grandpa Monk shook his head. "What would I do after knowing? I'm a dying man. And, you better tell that to none because then the vision might not happen."

"What if the vision is supposed to be something ominous?"

"Life is unpredictable. Let it be. Why else do you think most wizards blessed with talents in divination go mad? They become obsessed with their destiny and try to perfect it, not knowing that the lord's plan was already perfect—a plan you can never reject."

'A very sound argument, I must say.' Sylvester agreed with that statement.

He noticed the night would soon be upon him. So he quickly asked a few more questions. "Grandpa Monk, do you have any teachings for me? I have been assigned the task of a Sanctum Inspector."

"Show me the paper." The old man extended his wrinkled hand.

Sylvester handed it with no reservation. He could not even see if the old man's eyes were open due to his old age and loose skin.

"Ah, your override authority is 'B'. This means the higher-ups can still overturn your decisions. So I believe this appointment is a test for you, child. But, of course, Axel would do that. He's a man who believes in tough love."

"Axel? You mean…"

The old man chuckled as he nodded. "Of course, the Pope. That little bugger used to play and cry on my lap when he was little—now he makes others cry, haha."





Next chap coming in an hour or so.

Also, pray this Gorilla gets a contract soon.

**669 Stones = Bonus Chapter!**