Sylvester had to ensure that all the 32 kidnapped Bright Mothers reached safety. It was his duty as a clergyman and also as a decent man. But, he could not make up his mind if he should take them to Ranthberg because the primary accused and a high-ranking clergy of the church lived there.

He was confused and a little nervous, wondering what he must do. The inquisitors were supposed to help him whenever needed, but what happens when the boss of the Inquisitors is the bad guy?

Not just any bad guy but an Archbishop, someone three ranks above his and likely power level enough to kill him with ease. 'This was expected from the start. Why am I worrying? I should start planning how to get to the truth instead.'

He shook his head and looked around. Then, seeing the Bright Mothers standing and able to walk, he decided it was time to go. "Let's head back. It's going to be a long journey. But before that, Sir Arnold, may I have a word?"

As he called the man, he also nodded towards Sir Dolorem, silently telling the man to accompany him too.

Soon, the three were standing on the side. Sylvester was straightforward and respectful with his requests. "Sir Arnold, I shall ask you once. Who do you serve?"

The old man looked around, knowing why this was being asked. "I serve the light, Priest."


"What would you do if the accusations by that heathen turned out to be true?" Sylvester added to the question.

Sir Arnold frowned, knowing the darkness around the world, "I would slay that man for tarnishing the name of the Inquisitor branch I have served since I was young."

Sylvester nodded as he felt no lies from the man, but instead, there was anger. "Good. I shall return to the Ranthburg town and call the Inquisitor General for questioning. If he tries to flee or make a scene, I need you to take command of the situation, as not everyone is strictly loyal to the light of the lord, Sir."

"I will, Priest Sylvester."

"Great, let's move then." Sylvester rushed back to all the Bright mothers.

As everyone was in place, he decided to start. "Everyone, follow the person in front of you as precisely as possible. Place your foot in the place the previous one did. This forest is perilous. One wrong step could be your doom, so remember this."


The women nodded and started following Sylvester's lead. Since there were about 32 women, they decided to stand after each five of them to ensure their safety. At last was Sir Arnold, as the man had experience.

They walked on the same path they took that morning. However, the part after last night had changed entirely, so they had to make their way again. But Sylvester was at the front and was good at such work.

With the help of the sun and shadow directions, he had already recognized which direction was the way back. So he kept that general direction in mind and kept moving, avoiding large water bodies and cutting down any large vine infestation in their way.

Thankfully, they only saw some minor animals, not the great ones. But Sylvester reckoned this was the case because of the constant movement of the heathens. So they must have either killed the creatures or the creatures have moved away for a better place.

Good for him, however.


Sylvester tried his best to get out of the forest before the sunset, as managing and securing so many people would have been a headache. First, however, he picked up whatever value he could find from the heathen camp.

Regardless, the half-goblin was still alive, just tied to Felix's back. The man was knocked unconscious for ease of travel since he had gone mad after seeing his family die.

"Just a little more, mothers. We will be out soon." He assured as he shined his body like a beacon of light. Each second Bright Mother also held a light crystal now, while Gabriel also emitted light from his hands. Jax, meanwhile, was somewhere in the middle, killing any small animals that came close.

The night was falling, and they had just a little more to go.

"I think we've reached the place. I hear sounds." Sylvester heard the noise of a camp.

"I shall check." Sir Arnold walked forward as he was the commander of the army.

Sylvester safeguarded all the Bright Mothers in the meantime. He was trying to ask them if they knew anything about anyone else being involved in the case or the killings.

However, the common answer he got was that they didn't even know each other that well. Maybe some had seen each other during their initial days in the Holy Land. This meant that they had no idea what was even going on.

"Priest, please come here." Sir Arnold called him.

Sylvester took the Bright Mothers along and stood in front of the camp. But first, he needed to get these men to his own side, with so much frenzy that their devotion would appear they were possessed by Solis himself.

He raised his right hand to silence everyone. It was already turning night, so he knew when he'd sing, he would look like a light bulb, which was what he wished to do."My brethren, these women who stand beside me were hurt by the heathens! We were able to bring them back, but not all survived. They faced inhuman torture and fear, yet they showed no despair.

"So hear me and raise your arms and shields, for we are the men of the Holy Inquisition. Hunting sinners and heathens are in our definition!"

After turning up the heat a little, he roared at the top of his lungs. The bright yellow halo that usually stayed small behind his head suddenly increased its size. It shined brighter than the light of the sun… brighter than any stars.

♫O' my mighty brothers.

Look at the faces of mothers.

Heathens dare lay their hands on them.

Punishment is unfulfilled if only condemned.

So hear me, young men of the Inquisition.

It is time to follow our old tradition.♫

♫Hunt—kill—burn the evildoers.

Be it I, you, a lord, or a ruler.

If they are cruel, we can be crueler.♫

♫Spare none, or remain tarnished.

How will you sleep in your grave?

When your enemy still isn't vanquished?♫

♫Raise your swords and chant with me.

For we are against the cancer-filled puss.

Thus, may glory embrace us.

May the holy light enlighten us!

May the holy light enlighten us!♫

As his little hymn ended, he opened his eyes. The knights and wizards in front of the home raged with unfiltered emotions and anger. Since all Bright Mothers were perceived no less than birth mothers, anyone who lay hands on Bright Mother was touching their mother.

"Slay the sinners!"

"Burn the heathens!"

"We shall bring you their skulls!"

"Lord Bard, who was it?"

"We shall dry their blood under Solis' light!"

Various kinds of chants roared from the crowd. Sylvester had, in a minute, ensured that the people remembered where their loyalty lies. Not with the money or whatever the Inquisitor General provided, but rather the church.

"We head back to Ranthburg now." He announced and started the march.

There were only 250 men, to begin with, and each had a horse, so it was fast to travel. They also carried Bright Mothers together.

Ranthburg was close, but it was night, so they had to hurry. However, since they were passing through farm fields, it was safer.The Ranthburg town was still full of light and activities. Someone was always passing through there, and the taverns were forever full.

Sylvester, however, didn't waste a moment and decided to go and confront the old man, Inquisitor General Joseph. So he first got the Bright Mothers accommodation in the local monastery and then headed to the Inquisitor camp.

But, surprisingly, he didn't find the man there. Instead, he was told the Inquisitor General had gone to the nearby healer's building. So Sylvester followed, with the half-goblin along. However, he did not bring anyone else, for even one Sanctum Inspector was enough.

He did not knock at the room door the man was staying in for reasons understandable. Instead, he looked the old man in the eyes, wondering how he got fooled by the former and how he would get a confession.

"Why?" Sylvester asked.

The old, white-bearded General looked at him. His eyes appeared dead already as multiple thoughts went into his mind. "What do you mean, Priest?"

Sylvester slapped the half-goblin and woke him up. "Was this the man?"

The half-goblin stared blankly and started to nod. "Y-Yes! This was it! The leader… he told me which Bright Mother to kill. If I did not, he would have killed my whole family… this bastard!"

Sylvester looked at the old man blankly, his senses appearing sharp enough to notice even the tiniest details. "Why? Why did you get Bright Mothers killed?"

"I do not understand what you are talking about, Priest. I am a respected member of the clergy. You cannot accuse me of such without due proof." Inquisitor General Joseph said, still trying to act calm. But his voice had started to rush. "And no one will believe you."

"Haha…" Sylvester made a fake laugh. "Don't be naive, General. I am a Sanctum Inspector. Any confession made in front of me is admissible in the Holy Land. Now, don't make it harder for yourself, as I have called Inquisitor High Lord already. But, your death is guaranteed and brutal if you do not confess before he comes here."

"Do not try to fool me, boy." The Inquisitor General barked. He was the highest man in the camp and could not believe a mere priest could look down on him.

But Sylvester scoffed. "He reached Goldstown in a few hours, while it normally takes a few days. And you think he can not come here?"



Suddenly, from outside, the noise of a cane hitting the floor started to come through the corridor.

Sylvester rushed. "He's here. Just tell me why you did it, and I will tell the Inquisitor High Lord to show some mercy."

The old Inquisitor General saw his whole life flashing through his mind. Everything he gained was going to be ruined soon. He was angry but also helpless.

"Inquisitor General, give me the answer!" Sylvester pressed.

The old man slowly started to whimper, making it worse for himself. But soon enough, there was some reaction. "I-I will tell you; please stop him! D-Do you want to know about me? Do you know how much we get paid for this kind of work? I have given my whole life to the church, yet I got nothing in return.

"But, then one man came to me with a proposition. That he wished to mate with Bright Mothers, and he would pay me. I merely got him the women for money. But slowly, a few Bright Mothers tried to bring the matter to the light. However, we found out and killed them, ensuring it was barbaric and all blame falls on heathens."



The noise of the Lord Inquisitor's staff hitting the floor echoed. It was too close to the door, hence paling the man. Joseph quickly shouted the name in an instant in reaction. "It was Count Ruthberg! He's a sick man!"

Sylvester nodded and got back up. "Fine, another noble? I will talk with the Inquisitor High Lord then. Stay here and pray that he does not decide to kill you."

Sylvester quickly got up and left the room, ensuring he closed it first. "You can stop slamming the broom now, Felix."

"He fell for it?" Felix smirked, looking up.

"Yeah, the blockhead fell for it."

[A/N: Super Detailed Map]

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**669 Stones = Bonus Chapter!**