It was time. Brent’s time to shine.

For thirty seconds, he was going to step in and be the hero.

It wouldn’t look like it.

His new trope set him up to save the day in the most gruesome way. It was a self-sacrifice trope, one of the most powerful kinds of tropes in the game.

Curiosity Killed the Neighbor-- A Wallflower trope designed to attract all attention from the enemy and the camera and give his allies the perfect chance to escape, regroup, or go on the offensive.

All he had to do was walk out of his comfortable hideout, ask, “What the hell is all this ruckus?” and then those little goblin creatures would leave Adeline alone and come attack him. They would kill him instantly, usually in a painful way.

He wouldn’t even be a named character in this storyline. His allies would get a boost in Hustle. They would be set up for an easy win. He would be in ribbons. Dead.


Adeline stood in the street at the end of the cul-de-sac attempting to kick the little demons off her.

Now was the time.

Just one quick act of bravery and she would be safe. Brent would be dead.

But why should he?

Adeline hadn’t died once. Not a single time. She was a Final Girl in every way. Wasn’t it her turn? Why should he have to die again?

He didn’t want to. He stood behind a bush near the street. He could help her so easily. His death would be quick. They’d yank his head off or cut him in half, something sudden and terrifying for the audience. He knew the drill.


He just couldn’t do it.

They didn’t need her alive to win anyway. He watched through the bush as she was attacked. He was sorry. Kind of.

He backed away. He wasn’t going to die this time. He refused.


“Hey, Silas,” Miles, the team’s Comedian, said as he pressed down the button to obtain his rewards. “I’d like a tall brunette who will laugh at my jokes and hold me in her arms all night long.”

Silas the Mechanical Showman waved his flashlight and out of his dispenser shot a series of tickets, as well as a few coins.


“Sorry, I don’t take requests,” Silas said in his showman voice. “You’re thinking of my cousin, the jukebox.”

Miles threw back his head and gave a throaty laugh.

Then, he turned toward his teammates and said, “Hey, guys, did you hear what Silas just said? Silas just said his cousin’s a—”

He stopped short as he realized that his team was preoccupied by a rather loud discussion between William and Brent.

William was a blue-blooded college man with well-defined musculature who held himself like a young senator.

“I knew you’ve been holding out on us,” William said firmly. “Now, I can prove it. You could have saved Adeline. Everything was set up just like Arthur and I planned, but you didn’t go through with it.”

“Bullshit,” Brent said. He stood defiantly against the larger man and refused to give an inch. “I can’t be everywhere every minute of the day. I didn’t know she was in danger.”

“You said something similar last time,” William said trying and failing to keep an even temper. “But last time, I didn’t have my War Games trope. This time, I saw you right next to Adeline. You could have saved her from those things. Not like we needed the trope to know that you have been avoiding your job. You think we haven’t noticed how you’re lagging behind in levels. It’s because you’re not doing anything in storylines, and Carousel knows it.”

Arthur held his arm out, “William, this is pointless. He knows what he’s doing. We’re not going to get him to stop by yelling at him. Let’s just go back to base and tell Curtis.”

In the background, Adeline silently wept.

Brent stammered something indecipherable and then said. “This is so fucking stupid. Why does she automatically get to live? I’ve died plenty. Why should I have to sacrifice myself? You ask me, it was good for her. Finally getting the raw side of the deal.”

William’s eyes grew wide. “It’s your job! We were relying on you! Arthur makes the plans because he’s the Scholar. Adeline plays her role as Final Girl. Miles dicks around because he’s the Comedian. Jenny is our Eye Candy. And I make sure everything runs smoothly because I’m the Soldier.”

“Soldier?” Brent said. “You were in the ROTC. You ran around campus playing dress-up. You are not a soldier.”

“When I found her,” William said, trying to hold back his rage. “She was eaten to hell. I’m sorry, Adeline, I have to tell him. They took her face. Her teeth. Her fingers, eyes. They did everything but kill her because they couldn’t kill her. Do you know why?”

Brent didn’t answer. He grew enraged with every word William said.

“Because she is the Last One Alive,” William continued. “She can’t die until the rest of us do. If you had used your sacrifice trope, your death would have been almost instant. You were an extra. Hers took hours, you son of a bitch. That’s my sister you did this to. I’m never doing a run with you again.”

William walked by Brent toward Silas the Showman.

“So, it’s true?” Arthur asked Brent. “You’ve just been, what, goofing off this whole time? Did you get yourself written off last year at the parade? Is that why you were nowhere to be found when we needed you? I knew it.”

Brent didn’t answer.

Arthur took that as a yes and followed behind William. Jenny gently guided Adeline over toward Silas.

“I shouldn’t have to die. It’s not fair,” Brent said so quietly that no one could hear him.

Once they had all gotten their tickets and were heading back to base, Brent ran up to Silas, slapped his button, and waited for Silas to dispense his rewards.

It was true. Brent had been leveling much slower than the rest of his team. It wasn’t that he didn’t care or didn’t want to help. He just couldn’t bring himself to die on purpose. He had died enough since arriving. Now that he had collected some Wallflower tropes that could keep him alive, he intended to stay that way.

“Those guys are assholes,” he said to Silas. “Fuck ‘em.”

Silas took a little longer than usual to give up Brent’s winnings. Brent didn’t get much. He never did. Almost no money. No stat tickets. It had been a month or more since he got one of those.

He did get one thing, though. Something he had never dreamed of acquiring.

“Writ of Habitation?” he read aloud as he looked down at the folded piece of paper Silas had given him. “Nobody’s gotten one of these in ages!”

The City of Carousel

Writ of Habitation

By the decrees of the City of Carousel and under the authority of the Office of the Mayor, this document certifies that:

Bearer: Brent Henderson

Henceforth has the right and authority to claim as a Base of Operations, the dwelling, structure, or property described as follows:

The property known as the "Guest House" located at 616 Nowlinger Rd., is a detached single-story residential dwelling constructed primarily of reinforced concrete and steel bars, encompassing an approximate total square footage of 1,200 sq. ft. Situated approximately 100 feet to the northeast of the main residence, this structure boasts three main rooms, which include features such as a bedroom devoid of windows, a bathroom with a securely locked utility closet, a kitchen equipped with a solid steel door, and a living area fortified with shatter-proof windows.

Under the provisions of this Writ, the following conditions apply:

Protection from Omens: The property and its immediate vicinity are free from the activation of any Omen, ensuring the bearer's safety from unforeseen threats emanating from said Omens.

Duration of Habitation: This Writ grants the bearer habitation rights for a period of 5 years.

Guarantee of Livable Lodgings: The property is ensured to provide basic amenities including a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, a functional locking door, and weatherproofing sufficient for standard habitation, though not necessarily of premium quality.

Provision of Sustenance: Drinkable water and sustenance will be provided, though quantity may vary and is not guaranteed to be of the highest standard.

Guarantee of Safe Acquisition: Upon signing this writ, the bearer is assured protection and will remain unharmed in their good faith efforts to take actual possession of the designated property.

Transferability: This Writ is non-transferable. Any attempt to sell, trade, share, or give away the rights to the claimed property will result in immediate nullification of this document and all protections herein.

Maintenance of Sanctuary: The bearer is not responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the property. Such repairs and upkeep will be administered by the City.

Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment: The bearer will not be required to perform in any storyline while inhabiting the property.

Respect of Boundaries: The protections offered by this Writ are bound to the described property only. Straying outside its confines forfeits the guarantees granted herein.

Limitations: This Writ of Habitation is valid for one tenant only. If additional tenants are found on the property, this writ is null and void.

Act of Gods Clause: The Office of the Mayor and the City of Carousel shall not be held liable for any damages or threats arising due to unforeseeable acts of nature or apocalyptic occurrences beyond the City's apparent control.

Renewal and Extension: Upon expiry, the bearer has the first right to renew this Writ. Renewal terms and conditions will be dictated by the City of Carousel's then-current rules.

Sealed with the emblem of the Office of the Mayor.

Date of Issue: January 12, 2004