Shen Yu stood on the bow of the great ship, the Shenfeng, as it cut through the sky. The wind was in his hair and blowing through his beard. The birds and beasts of the sky without Qi approached the construct curiously; those with any sense fled from the overwhelming power the artifice produced. Behind him, the deck was a hive of activity, and the fairies of Soaring Heaven’s Isle maintained their ship and as Brother Ge traded pointers with the new recruits of the Cloudy Sword Sect.

Shen Yu ignored all of it. His gaze was fixed on the steadily approaching Cloudy Mountain.

It had been… Three hundred years since he had been back upon the mountain, striding the halls of the Sect. As he looked at the distant peak, shrouded by clouds, he felt conflicted. The Cloudy Sword Sect was where he began. It was his nest, before he could spread his wings and fly. It was his rock, for though he may have left the Cloudy Sword Sect, their rules and regulations too rigid for his taste, he still held to the Ideals of the Honoured Founders, if not the letter of their law. He lit a candle every year for his fallen brothers; he drank in remembrance to the Masters who had seen his talent.

He had trusted the sect utterly.

More than any cultivator should trust something besides themselves if he was truthful with himself. He had thought nothing of leaving something precious in their care, for his old sect was righteous and took their oaths seriously.

Of course, Little Rou would be safe there. Put in the same nest that had nurtured Shen Yu, he too would spread his wings and fly in time, while Shen Yu took care of an obligation that could not be ignored.

He had been with little Rou for ten years; for most cultivators it would be the blink of an eye, but to him, it had been enough. He couldn’t help but care for the boy. Rou was more a proper descendant than his last spawn. He knew hardship from a young age, and was unspoiled. He knew how to work hard, he knew how to suffer to achieve his goals. He was upright and righteous without letting it get in the way of what needed to be done. He reminded Shen Yu so much of himself that it hurt.


He was everything Bu hadn’t been. Or he was what Bu could have been… if Shen Yu hadn’t had a hand in ruining the boy. He had doted on him too much. Helped too much. And in the end, it was all for nothing. His little Bu, his son, had become a monster.

Jin Rou. With him, he finally had a chance to fix the mistakes of the past. He had a chance to wipe the stain of dishonour, to leave a legacy.

Then, through negligence and rot, they had broken that precious boy.

They had nearly broken Rou. Nearly killed him. The little shit who replaced wine with horse piss, just like Shen Yu had done to Brother Ge and his old Sectmates. The boy, who took in all of Shen Yu’s teachings and was on the cusp of becoming his own man.

To have such potential, such drive smothered in the nest was always a tragedy.

To have it happen to Little Rou made his blood boil and his organs clench. It made him want to vomit blood and erase the mountain that he stared at. It was a hard thing to love something so greatly. The nest and his boy.


Two things eased his anger. First, the bond between himself and Brother Ge which was strong. His brother had accepted responsibility for the mistake immediately, and the thought of fighting him to the death was unacceptable. He didn’t know if his spirit could recover from such a battle. But even that might not have been enough if Rou wasn’t still alive, and well enough to still be his little bastard.

The little worm who had harmed him, however? That creature‘s life was forfeit. Or better yet, Rou could decide what to do with him. Yes, yes, that seemed like the best option. What sort of grandfather would he be, to take away his grandson’s vengeance?

Shen Yu took a deep breath as his hands clenched and he tried to calm himself, banishing the anger and betrayal.

Someone had obviously sensed his distress, however. A hand trailed along Shen Yu’s shoulders as Minyan floated behind him. The Second Lady of the Soaring Heaven’s Isle Sect was once more clad in pristine robes and her veil. Such a shame, her beauty was always a sight to behold. Icy blue eyes regarded him as she trailed a finger along his back. She was recovering well from the battle, but one arm was still covered in seals and bandages.

Her presence dispelled his mood fully as her Qi brushed along his.

It was the other reason, besides his still healing body, he was upon the great ship. One simply did not spurn the company of Tianzhe Minyan, be they man or woman. She was still, as ever, a tiger. She had clawed him quite thoroughly, but Shen Yu was quite adept at making this particular tigress purr.


And then they were both very rested indeed.

“Sunlight shines on The Raging Gorge, in a prismatic haze. From afar, like a veil, do the waterfalls hang.” Minyan’s musical voice recited the ancient poem.

“Water cascading three thousand feet from the sky. Is the Celestial River falling from heaven on high?” Shen Yu completed, and Minyan smiled beneath her veil. He had spent ages memorizing all the poems in his youth just to impress her; but in the end, despite their dalliances, they always did end up going their separate ways.

“The aging of your body has done wonders for your voice.” She sniped.

“Indeed. The timbre has improved; while your singing voice is as sweet as ever.” He said before waggling his eyebrows at her.

“Hmph. You’re a bastard, Shen Yu.” Minyan huffed, before turning her eyes to the land below them. “It has been nigh on four hundred since the Shenfeng saw these skies.” She mused, “and nearly the same length since I have set foot within the Cloudy Sword Sect.”

“Indeed, it has been a while since our sect has been able to offer you hospitality, Divine Falcon of the East.” Brother Ge’s voice came in next as he approached them both at the bow of the ship. “In return for the generosity you have shown us, we shall hold nothing back.”

“See that you don’t, Black Cloud.” Minyan said before turning slightly to look upon the eight men and six women wearing the robes of Cloudy Sword Sect Initiates, being transported to the mountain instead of having to walk. “Though I must confess you recruited far more than I thought you would.”

Brother Ge looked back at the new recruits, mostly soldiers taken from the survivors of the mortal army who had shown aptitude or from the Imperial City itself.

They had been receiving Ge’s personal instruction, and Shen Yu had even seen some of the Soaring Heavens Isle girls listening in on Brother Ge’s lectures. His brother had spent many an hour lecturing Shen Yu when they had first become friends; he could recite what they were learning from him by heart.

“They all have potential. I would be remiss not to recognise them.” Ge stated simply.

Minyan turned her eyes to one of the female disciples in particular, her intent focusing on the meditating student. Then, she clicked her tongue in annoyance, as she beheld the potential within her.

“Take care, lest I poach that one from you.”

“You are welcome, as always, to try. Mastering temptation is a vital art.” Xiao Ge responded mildly.

The two elders snorted at each other. They were, in the end, rivals. As all cultivators were.

As all cultivators had to be.


“We greet the returning Heroes, and our Honoured Guests!” the ranks of the Cloudy Sword Sect Disciples boomed as one. Shen Yu paid them barely any attention as he entered his old sect. He remembered having to gather like this. He also remembered hating it. It was tedious and boring, time better spent studying than greeting people that barely cared about them.

Yet he couldn’t help but stand slightly straighter, as he felt their Qi and intent. Their Qi felt solid and immutable as law; yet like the clouds above, ready to unfurl and cover the land in shadow.

Thus he was welcomed back into his old sect.

Stepping foot onto the ancient grounds of the Cloudy Sword Sect was like stepping into the past.

The massive gates, decorated with the images of the first wars, where men fought demons. The stone buildings and the green roof tiles.

It was a stark kind of beauty. There was an almost otherworldly quality, for no mortal could have ever built this. One he still appreciated. This was a place disconnected from the dirt and grime of the mortal world below. It was truly the abode of cultivators, intended solely for cultivation.

He paid little mind to Brother Ge and Minyan’s verbal sparring as she fished for information about some manner of disturbance in the sect. There would undoubtedly be a few pretty fairies fishing doing the same this night; and many young men suddenly accosted by their greatest weakness. He doubted it would lead to any real conflict, they were too polite for that.

The feast later was delicious. Shen Yu listened as the young ones told tales of their ferocious battles against the demons. It was amusing, their antics, the fairies and the Cloudy Sword both trying to impress each other.

The ceremony for the fallen was a bit more bitter. Shen Yu partook, his body and mouth flowing through the actions and words that had been repeated far, far too many times. He lowered his head for those so beneath him, like Master Cao Ci, who had eclipsed Shen Yu utterly back then, had bowed his head.

He paid his respects to his old sect.

And then… and then he wandered.

He appreciated the fact that no one followed him.

He traveled first to the balcony wherehe had spent many a night, staring up at the stars. One of the support beams had been repaired recently, but on the bottom of the cliff side, where none could see, he could still see the place where he had carved his name.

He walked through the gardens where the Lowly Spiritual Herbs or as they were more commonly known, Seven Fragrance Jewel, were grown. He had been amused to know that such precious plants were given such a humble name by the Cloudy Sword Sect.

To the Outer Sect dormitories, clean and regimented where he remembered the food being the best he had ever tasted, way back then. He had spent many a night in one just like this, studying and reading the works of the Founders and trying to improve himself.

He meandered to the sparring ring, where he had gained his first true friend in this world when Ge had offered his hand after knocking Shen Yu down.

Next was the library. To a certain spot where he told Rou he could study freely, and even hide his notes. To his surprise, when he looked he found there were notes. His heart seized as he recognized Rou’s hand—detailing a technique that would surpass what the Cloudy Sword Sect had for growing Spiritual Herbs. Shen Yu couldn’t help the grin that stole across his face at that, nor the pride in his chest. He carefully took the notes, in case Rou wanted them later.

His steps were lighter after the library, as he continued his journey. He found his steps taking him to the secluded place in the back of the sect where he and Ge had taken to drinking, and then roped Ran into joining their conspiracy when he had found them.

He went up a level, to the Inner Sect, and to the dedicated medical facilities. Where he and Ge had spent many a night recovering, after fierce battles with the Demonic Sects.

The pavilion, where he had been recognised by Master Cao Ci. The old Master had praised his efforts, and allowed him to go higher than he had ever imagined.

It became a blur, after that, as he roamed. The tournament grounds, with its cheering crowds. The Wall of Martyrs, and the names. The garden, and its sweet fragrance, where Ran, Ge, and himself had sworn brotherhood to each other.

A hundred thousand good memories. Memories of an urchin rising up to challenge the heavens.

All of them, now tinged with a slight bitterness that Rou did not get to see the true beauty of the Cloudy Sword Sect.

Shen Yu stopped before the enormous gate; down to which the steps to Crimson Crucible City went.

There was a certain finality to this last place. The doors where he himself had exited, and gone forth into the world.

Shen Yu simply stood there, his breathing calm and steady, and wondered what his life would have been like, if instead of his open hand, Ge had offered his fist.

It did not paint a picture Shen Yu liked.

He grimaced. Hopefully, hopefully, things were still salvageable with Rou. Hopefully, he hadn’t been broken before he could become strong enough to truly be free.

He felt the presence of Brother Ge approach. The man projected his movements. If Shen Yu wished to be unbothered for a while longer, Ge would leave.

Instead, Shen Yu allowed him to approach.

“Shall I take you to the culprit so that you may render your judgment?” Ge asked quietly.

“His Fate is for Rou to decide. No, take me to your man, the one who found him. I shall reward him for his efforts.” Shen Yu said. If only because he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from killing the rat who had dared to derail a better life for Rou.

Brother Ge nodded. “Very well. Our Lu Ri is a good egg. You shall not find him wanting.”


Lu Ri, disciple of the Cloudy Sword Sect, sat at a table under the moonlight and once more thanked his kindly Senior Sister for putting him through hell. Yeo Na had even returned to the mountain, with Elder Ge’s retinue, so he could serve her some tea and get her an appropriate gift.

Because he was sitting across the table from an intent that was every bit the equal—no, it was stronger than Elder Ge’s aura.

Lu Ri kept his composure as Shen Yu stared at him.

Shen Yu, The Unconquered Blade.

One of the strongest Experts in the Empire. His name was little known amongst the mortals, for he both cared little for their adulations and time had turned the tales of his climb to the heavens into myth and legend. The mortals knew him only as some wandering, legendary hero who appeared and changed the tide of history with every breath and swing of his sword. Demonic Sects shattered. Rebellions crushed. Legendary treasures unearthed, and terrible Spirit Beasts felled.

To those who reached for the heavens of the Younger Generation, it was often a shock to learn that Shen Yu, the man who they grew up reading stories about, was real, so astounding were his deeds.

And that was who Jin Rou’s benefactor was. No wonder Elder Ge had spat blood. They had harmed the tiger’s cub and were armed with but their fists and a prayer against the beast's fury.

Lu Ri waited as calmly as he could as Sword Intent surrounded him, ready to end his life.

Lu Ri reached out, picked up his tea, and sipped it.

Shen Yu, his eyes burning, suddenly softened at the action, and the man burst out laughing.

“You’re right, Brother Ge! This one is good! You have my praise, Senior Disciple Lu Ri. Your composure impresses this old man!”

Lu Ri, his heart pounding, bowed his head at the praise. “Thank you for your kind words, Honoured Expert. How may this Lu Ri aid you?”

“You’re the one who found my boy, correct? Tell me how you did it.” Shen Yu demanded.

“It is a long and at times tedious story. Would you like the abbreviated version?”

Shen Yu seemed amused. “Tell your tale in full, Disciple. Leave nothing out.”

And thus, Lu Ri told his tale of trekking for six months through a starved Qi desert, and the actions that he undertook in order to find Jin Rou.

The Expert listened to Lu Ri intently, his face impassive, as Lu Ri did as he was bid. He told his tale to the impassive man, though at times his eyes twinkled with amusement, which was a good sign.

Until finally he asked a question. “Did you feel his cultivation?”

“His cultivation was not something this disciple could comprehend. It was powerful, but subtle.” Lu Ri responded immediately. “If this one had more time to study it, perhaps, but…”

That, at least, drew a pleased smile, as the man suddenly seemed utterly relaxed.

“I see.” Shen Yu stated, “And then?”

“Then, I left, and did not push, as instructed. This pleased Jin Rou, so he offered me a way to contact him and said he would offer me his hospitality should I need it.”

Shen Yu mulled over Lu Ri’s words… and then nodded again.

“You have done well, Disciple Lu Ri.” He glanced at Elder Ge, who had been smoking his pipe. The Elder Nodded. “Now, I shall allow you to guide me to my grandson.”

Lu Ri paused at the declaration.

Well… it appeared that he would be heading back to the Azure Hills quicker than he anticipated.