William had no idea what he was supposed to name this new skill. Mainly because he had no idea what it did.

Well, that wasn’t true.

He had an idea of what the martial skill could do. After all, he used it to basically become invincible. Or, at least, it felt like he did, but that couldn’t be true.

[Expand details on Unnamed Martial Skill?]


That was helpful. Extremely so.

He glanced at Princess Jin, noting that she was still red all over and her injury hadn’t healed. However, it was slightly better to look, so there was some progress. It seemed that he would have plenty of time to fiddle with the system without looking like a lunatic.


[Expanding details]

Unnamed Martial Skill - (100% Compatibility)

When performing this technique, the user spreads their Qi throughout the body before infusing it evenly to greatly enhance oneself. The user will experience a transcendence of their physical limitations for the duration of the skill. However, overuse will come with great personal detriment.

Cost: 200 Spiritual Energy

Duration: 1 Minute

Affect: Multiply [Strength], [Stamina], and [Agility] by 5 times while in Qi Gathering Realm


Overuse: Will come into effect after the use of Unnamed Martial Skill two times within 30 minutes.

Overuse Penalty (2):

. 50% of base health

. Temporary 25% reduction of [Strength], [Stamina], and [Agility.] Reduction will be removed after full recovery of health.

William blinked repeatedly before rereading the message as he tried to ensure he wasn’t hallucinating. It finally felt like he had a martial skill that a protagonist would be proud to use. The type that one would yell the name of every time they used it in a fight.

He would need to give this a name he would be proud to scream into an opponent’s face before becoming an unstoppable berserker.


The only problem was that naming things was not his forte. He supposed it could be something basic, like ‘force multiplier.’ Still, if and when he met other cultivators bragging about his finishing moves of ‘flying phoenix’ or ‘void crushing palm,’ he wouldn’t be able to hold his head up high.

[Name Unnamed Martial Skill as ‘Force Multiplier’]


William immediately declined it. It would likely come up with that prompt multiple times as he went over the possible choices, so it was best to be careful. Who knew if this name could be changed or not?

Princess Jin hissed softly, making him give her a once over to make sure there wasn’t a mishap. She was still hurt, but unlike before, her arm was well on the way to full recovery. Perhaps it would take a few minutes more at this rate.

William couldn’t hold back the wince as he eyed the heavily bruised spot on her arm. With how easily he had crushed everything in his path and the apparent increase in strength his new skill allowed him, it was a miracle that he hadn’t snapped her arm in two.

Her robes certainly didn’t hold up where his grip was strongest on her arm since they had disintegrated sometime during the escape from the collapsing chamber. Then again, if he was putting enough pressure to damage her clothing, maybe it had some protection that saved her from more damage.

He looked over her robes casually, not really expecting to find out much information, and he was right about that. However, he noticed some faint embroidery that resembled misshaped dragons. Perhaps it had been damaged from the journey so far, but it gave him an idea.

William was aware that dragons held a high status in this world. Which was why it would be perfect to put that in the name.

[Name Unnamed Martial Skill as ‘Dragon Rage Technique’]


He frowned, repeating the potential name in his mind, but it didn’t sound as grand as he wanted. This wouldn’t be it.

[Name Unnamed Martial Skill as ‘Fury of the Five Heavenly Dragons’]


William shifted on his feet as he thought this one over. It was as dramatic as he wanted, and it fit the martial skill perfectly.

After all, he would basically become a berserker after using the skill, and it increased the affected attributes by five times. He was proud of the name he thought of. If he ever had a disciple or needed to show off in some spar, this would be something that would get sighs of admiration from others.

Yes, this would be the name of his first created martial skill.

[Name changed]

“Why’re you smiling? ”

William blinked, his attention back on Princess Jin. She was getting to her feet, but to his surprise, she still hadn’t healed herself fully.

“What are you doing?” William ignored her question, “You’re not healed yet.”

“Of course,” Princess Jin shot him a confused look, “It’ll take far too long for me to return to my peak state. You know a pill is only useful for healing most of the damage. The rest will take time we don’t have to waste.”

He raised his eyebrow in surprise at her matter-of-fact tone. It seemed that there was more his body was capable of doing that shouldn’t be possible. Another thing to file and put in the back of his mind.

As for what Princess Jin said about time, William begged to differ. He thought that it would be ideal for her to take more time.

Spiritual Energy: 249/440 (20% per Hour)

It was necessary for their combined well-being for him to recover more Spiritual Energy and, more importantly, have a thirty-minute gap so he could use Fury of the Five Heavenly Dragons without crippling himself in the process.

At the rate William recovered his Qi, he would need at least forty-four added before he felt comfortable moving forward.

“How long will it take?” William asked directly.

“… Maybe an hour?” Princess Jin replied unsurely before moving her damaged arm freely in a show, “But it really isn’t worth the risk of waiting, Wei Liang. All the damage right now is just visual.”

“You might be right about that when only considering your arm,” William agreed, “However, I want to be able to access my trump card if we fall into danger. I need to have a break for my body to recover. Waiting here is the best, and smartest option.”

It was easy to see the princess was easily convinced. She was obviously thinking of how everything worked in their favor after he activated the martial skill. Or, at least, that was how he took her nod of acceptance.

“Good. Focus on recovering,” William nodded before he pointed at the hair-like roots swaying slightly, “I’ll keep an eye on those things.”

Given the way she stared at the moving roots with a blank face, he assumed she also had no idea why it was doing so. However, the way she lit up with excitement barely a moment after made him question that assumption.

“Finally!” Princess Jin waved a clenched fist happily, “I can take care of this, Wei Liang!”

“Er, sure. If you say so,” William replied doubtfully.

“You don’t have to believe me, but you better answer questions about that martial skill after I get us to the end!”

William hummed in agreement, not finding it necessary to hide information about the martial skill since she had seen him use it. He wouldn’t give out the weaknesses, but there was no harm in telling her the name. After all, this was one of the reasons he gave it such a cool name.

William decided to follow her example after the princess sat crosslegged on the ground and started to do the strange breathing exercise to accelerate her healing.

He wouldn’t close his eyes since he intended to keep watch as he told her, but that wouldn’t be necessary since he wasn’t going to cultivate. His intention was to practice spreading his Qi throughout his body evenly.

While the system said that William had perfect compatibility with the Fury of the Five Heavenly Dragons, he certainly didn’t feel that way. A perfect fix for that was to practice spreading his Qi to mimic what was necessary to activate his newest martial skill.