There wasn’t much of a wait needed before the Inner Court Elder arrived. Still, it was long enough to realize that he needed to question whatever Zheng Tao told him if it wasn’t also confirmed by a manual.

That mainly included information about the sect. It was not too much of a headache, but enough to add another reason Zheng Tao would die a painful death.

“Bow,” Elder Meng ordered.

William glimpsed someone rapidly flying toward them before he followed Elder Meng in a bow.

It wasn't something the newcomer appreciated.

“This isn’t the time for formalities. Rise,” a gravely voice thundered.

[Name: ? | Level: ?]


He did so and flinched when he was met with a piercing gaze. The Inner Court Elder was clad in robes that seemed to be just below the Grand Elder’s in impressiveness, but unlike the unfairly pretty man that was the Grand Elder, this one seemed weathered by life. Like he had seen far too much to smile casually, and that was only backed up by the scars and marks that appeared to be a leftover from old battles.

Out of everyone William had the pleasure of meeting, the Inner Court Elder was the only one that looked like a veteran warrior.

“Meng Hui, report.”

“Yes, Elder Zhongli!” Elder Meng said with a quick bow, “Two trespassers were found. One was killed by Disciple Wei, and one is alive but in a critical state. Disciple Wei has claimed that an Outer Court disciple named Zheng Tao has defected from the sect while also attempting, but failing, to steal some Soul Lotuses.”

“Steal?” Elder Zhongli hummed, eyes meeting William’s, “I suppose it was you he planned to make use of. Elder Yu informed us about your increased level of access.”

“Yes, Elder Zhongli,” Elder Meng said, almost gleefully, “Elder Yu has to answer for the danger she invited by doing this.”


Elder Zhongli’s answering glare was so harsh that even though William was not the target, he had to stop himself from cowering in fear when it felt like a sharp sword was threatening to split him in half.

“So this is why you didn’t bring Disciple Wei and his attendant back to safety behind the sect walls. You put your petty internal competition over the good of the sect.”

Elder Meng paled as he tried to stammer out excuses, but was stopped with another harsh glare.

“I will deal with you later, Meng Hui,” Elder Zhongli’s glare lessened when he turned to look at William, “Do you have anything to add?”

This would have been a great time to bring up the group that Zheng Tao defected to used people as cultivation tools, but as much as he wanted to put Elder Meng in a worse standing with someone who was obviously feared, he still had to consider the fact that the man was an Elder.

As much as William didn’t like him, and his feelings were screaming for him to forget about common sense, he and Elder Meng might cross paths in the sect again. There was no need to make any enemies when it wasn’t necessary. At least, not so obviously.


Besides, they had a prisoner in custody. It would likely be revealed without him having to say anything.

“No, Elder Zhongli,” William denied, “That should be everything.”

“Very well,” Elder Zhongli strode to him before placing a hand on his shoulder and another on Mei Lingxi’s, “Return to the sect, Meng Hui. You will be summoned shortly.”

Elder Meng’s face paling even more was the last thing William saw before the surroundings suddenly changed. Gone were the scattered Jade Trees and open fields of grass. It was replaced by something that looked like a room where officials gathered.

They stood at the lowest point of the room, with seats that numbered nearly a hundred raised high around them. None of them were occupied, but someone familiar was waiting for them.

“Grand Elder Lian Xue!” Mei Lingxi sounded uncharacteristically starstruck before her knees dropped to the ground and her forehead touched the floor, “It’s an honor to meet you!”


William wasn’t sure what he should be staring at. Mei Lingxi kowtowing while practically vibrating in excitement, or the Grand Elder’s confused face.

“Get up, girl,” Elder Zhongli ordered, making Mei Lingxi do so in haste, “The Grand Elder’s ego isn’t so fragile that he needs everyone to kowtow before him.”

“I apologize,” Mei Lingxi said quickly, though it was said as she gave an instinctive bow.

“Ah, right!” The Grand Elder smiled bright, “I knew I recognized your presence. Disciple Wei is your master, correct? I recall Elder Yu mentioning that she has provided him an attendant.”

“Yes, Grand Elder,” Mei Lingxi was flushed pink.

It was an interesting sight for William. To see the tables turned on Mei Lingxi with her blushing instead of her target.

The Grand Elder smirked and gave him a knowing look. “It seems that you are already reaping the rewards, Disciple Wei. Don’t tell me you already forgot your princess.”

“Grand Elder,” Elder Zhongli interrupted, “We should discuss the trespassers.”

“Right. Of course,” the Grand Elder said almost sheepishly, “I generally don’t get involved in sect matters, but I admit I have been paying attention to you, Disciple Wei. After taking a look at the trespasser, it was necessary to contact you.”

William's hopes were raised. Maybe the knowledge of the demonic cultivators who cultivate by absorbing souls was common with people with higher cultivation realms.

“Did they seem off to you?” The Grand Elder seemed to want to avoid directly mentioning what he was talking about. Perhaps to spare him from any hidden trauma from what he experienced when he was a mortal.

William held back a chuckle. As if anyone in the cultivation world would be worried about that. The typical solution would be to get stronger so it was possible to kill the problem out of existence.

“They absorb souls, Grand Elder,” he said bluntly, “The same as the group that almost killed me before I ever thought of cultivating. Zheng Tao chose to steal souls to make up for his mediocrity.”

He was aware of Mei Lingxi stiffening in shock beside him. She likely hadn’t believed his claim of them using people, and he could understand that. It was hard to believe if one hadn’t witnessed it happen.

“Soul-absorption techniques,” Elder Zhongli spat, “I never thought they would be seen inside the Empire’s borders again.”

“It’s not too surprising,” the Grand Elder commented with a frown, “With the Kingdoms testing the borders, the Empire can’t focus the same attention on rooting out the savages.”

“This is the thanks the Kingdoms give for letting them be independent. We should have extinguished them when it was an option,” Elder Zhongli snarled before meeting William’s gaze, “And you, why did you not tell me this before? Do I seem untrustworthy to you?”

He was glad to take the additional opportunity to point this ire toward Elder Meng.

“Not at all, Elder Zhongli,” William shook his head empathically, “I mentioned it to Elder Meng, but he brushed it off. I wasn’t sure if that meant I should keep it quiet.”

“Is that so?” Elder Zhongli glowered before disappearing.

“Quite a little troublemaker, aren’t you?” The Grand Elder chuckled, “Even I feel sorry for Meng Hui.”

He winced, not having expected to be called out so directly. At least the Grand Elder didn’t seem to mind.

“Leaving that aside, I have one last question for you, Disciple Wei. Elder Zhongli informed me that you were someone they targeted for your ability to access a Soul Lotus. Do you think they had another motive?”

“Yes,” William confirmed immediately, “Zheng Tao mentioned that he wanted to use my potential to grow his own.”

“I see. But there was no other reason?”

After he nodded, the Grand Elder seemed to be more relaxed.

“Good! This means they weren’t targeting you specifically. Those savages have always had a shortage of alchemists, and with the traitor joining them, they will do everything to raise his cultivation, even if it’s to sacrifice one with far greater talent in combat.”

“Is that why those two Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators were sacrificed?” William asked.

“That’s one of the reasons,” the Grand Elder nodded, “The other is that those two likely reached the end of their cultivation paths. Their talent is poor, so they were relegated to sacrificial pawns.”

He almost felt sorry for them, but he only felt pity for humans. Not the demonic filth that the men chose to be. Being left to die was their own fault.

“That’s all I needed from you, Disciple Wei,” the Grand Elder said brightly, “I could return you to your dwelling, but how about a tour of the Inner Court instead?”

William’s eyes lit up as he nodded eagerly.

The Grand Elder laughed and said, “Follow. I’ll show you the true Jade Healing Sect!”