To Mei Lingxi's embarrassment, the Grand Elder gave them an amused grin.

“It seems I have a fan in your attendant, Disciple Wei. I can’t lie and say I’m not flattered. Still, don’t be so nervous. As Elder Zhongli said, I am not so fragile that I need to prop myself up by my disciples being servile.”

He could see Mei Lingxi flush a bright red in the corner of his eye. Usually, he would comment on that, but the Grand Elder’s casualness astonished him even more.

William had met many higher-level cultivators in the Jade Healing Sect who were uncaring of formalities. They were forgiving as long as he hadn’t been purposely rude or unknowingly insulted their disciples like he had with Li Xinyue by staring for too long.

Well, he supposed Elder Meng might be an example of someone who was a little stuck up, but even that was minor compared to the endless bootlicking he had seen outside the sect.

It was something he was coming to appreciate.

“Thank you, Grand Elder,” William smiled. He nodded in respect, “But Sister Lingxi isn’t wrong. I forgot my place.”


The Grand Elder waved him off as he started to leisurely lead them through the crowd. “Like I said, it isn’t a problem as long as we are not speaking on sect matters. At my age, I find that formalities quickly get tiresome. A waste of time if you ask me.”

William blinked in surprise, his smile growing larger the more he heard the Grand Elder talk.

“Ah, I have to warn you not to be so casual in your interaction with the Peak Masters. Most of them feel the same as me, but their disciples would take offense in their place and seek to punish you.”

He remembered Li Xinyue looking as if she would love to punch his face when he didn’t refer to Elder Huang respectfully, while the man himself didn’t care one way or another. To him, it was good if the disciple felt like they had to come to their master’s defense. That usually meant they had a good master, in his mind.

“Yes, Grand Elder,” William agreed, with Mei Lingxi agreeing with a jerky nod.

The path through the market was quick. Even though it looked relatively packed, there wasn’t an issue with moving since cultivators were aware of their immediate surroundings, making it easy to keep out of the way.


More importantly, he found it strange that none of the disciples in the market seemed to take more than a few looks at their little group. It was mainly at the Grand Elder, but the looks the man received weren’t due to his status in the sect. Surprisingly, it was mostly the female cultivators giving him multiple looks, hinting that it was the Grand Elder’s physical appearance they were interested in.

William found it hard to believe they didn’t know who the Grand Elder was. Not when Mei Lingxi recognized him almost instantly, and she was technically still an outsider compared to these disciples.

“You only have around a thousand points left.”

His ears perked up, not sure why this was heard clearly when the rest of the conversations were a jumbled mess.

“Yeah, and? I think that formation will help with regulating the flames.”

“Then what? Do you want to depend on a formation whenever you try to make a grade-one pill? Besides, the auction starts in a few days. You always waste your points right before it on something you think you need but never use!”


William was finally able to pinpoint where the conversation was coming from. The system conveniently showed him their basic status as he glanced over them, finding they were weaker than him.

Perhaps some of the newer admits into the Inner Court?

The low hum of the crowd quietened as they left the market and entered an area with little to no foot traffic. It resembled his idea of a pretty European town and was very similar to the dwellings in the Outer Court. Of course, the most luxurious dwellings of the Outer Court looked to be the minimum here. If a single-bedroom flat was the bare minimum, then it wouldn’t be a stretch for something like a penthouse to be available.

He wasn’t drooling at the luxury inside the hypothetical penthouse but rather at the specialized cultivation rooms the sect might have included.

“Interested in the dwellings, are you?” The Grand Elder broke him out of his imagination.

“Yes,” William nodded without shame, pointing at the building that felt more than the others, “Is it possible for a new entrant to the Inner Court to get one of those?”

He ignored Mei Lingxi’s warning looks. He seemed to be favored, for whatever reason, and didn’t mind if that meant he received extra comforts because of it.

“How bold,” the Grand Elder laughed loudly, “Very bold, Disciple Wei! Are you hinting at having me abusing my power to get you unearned benefits?”

The Grand Elder seemed amused beyond belief, but William felt one step away from losing his supposed favored status.

“Of course not, Grand Elder! I would never!” He shook his head rapidly in denial.

The Grand Elder roared in laughter, drawing the attention of some disciples entering or leaving the area.

“Of course, you did, Disciple Wei,” the Grand Elder patted William’s shoulder, “If you continued to be bold, I would have given you the best dwelling in the common grounds. It’s a shame that is not the case. I guess you must earn your way just like any other disciple!”

William gaped at the man, who continued to chuckle to himself as he led them past the residential area and into a street that was a foodie’s dream. The number of disciples that could be seen slowly increased the further he looked into the street.

It was bustling with activity as disciples traveled in small groups to enjoy the delicacies and drinks offered by the numerous restaurants and tea houses. The aroma of various dishes filled the air, making him swallow to prevent himself from drooling as his mouth watered.

There were chairs on patios outside most of the eateries, and he could see the disciples chatting with each other as they ate their dishes. A quick glance let him see that they were eating dumplings, noodles, soups, and pastries, but nothing as heavy as the meal he ate with Li Xinyue in the Phoenix’s Nest long ago.

William found it strange that they were all eating snacks, but he didn’t mind. The delicious scent beckoned him to restaurant hop.

Unfortunately, the Grand Elder didn’t lead them to any restaurants. He chose a place that had far fewer customers than anything surrounding it.

Jade Lotus Teahouse.

“Welcome back, Senior Brother!” A pretty disciple wearing a green, full-length cheongsam with purple and red designs greeted with a bright smile, “And you brought friends!”

[Name: Su Qinglian | Level: 152]

When she dared to call the Grand Elder her senior brother, William instinctively looked at her basic status. He wasn’t sure what surprised him more. That Su Qinglian greeted the Grand Elder so casually before she unsubtly glared at Mei Lingxi like her existence offended her, or the Grand Elder going along with the casual greeting like nothing was wrong.

“Little Qinglian!” The Grand Elder beamed, “I brought my juniors today to let them taste your famous Crimson Flame Lotus Tea!”

“All of them?” Su Qinglian asked with ill intention, “I don’t think we have enough for three people, Senior Brother.”

“Oh? That’s a shame,” the Grand Elder sighed. He muttered, “Maybe I can take them to Nine Clouds?”

“Actually, Senior Brother, I think I forgot about the new stock that arrived,” Su Qinglian quickly changed her tune, “Let me lead you to your usual room.”

“Oh, that’s great!”

William and Mei Lingxi shared looks of confusion before they followed the Grand Elder into the teahouse.