William had to admit that the first 'glove' he saw beat out any sword he had seen on the first floor. At least, it was better in looks. It seemed like something that should belong in a futuristic society rather than a world like this.

“I see the Elemental Gauntlet caught your eye,” Mei Lingxi waved her hand to lift the sleek, metallic-looking glove out of its display and float it toward them, “For those that can bear the cost, it is a lethal tool that could act as the decider in battle. It amplifies any element of the wearer and directs it into the target.”

William ignored the part where she praised the lethality of something to a thirteen-year-old and took the offered glove into his hands. “Is it safe to put it on?”

“Usually, I would say no, but I can make an exception for you,” Mei Lingxi smirked, finding something amusing, making William a little suspicious.

Still, William believed there should be no harm in trying on the gauntlet, which looked more like a glove. It certainly felt like one when he slipped them on.

His eyes widened when it resized to be a perfect fit on his hand, blending in to make it seem like it wasn’t even there. Now it definitely seemed like it should belong in some futuristic world.

“Now redirect your Qi to your hand and try to activate it,” Mei Lingxi suggested with the same look that made him suspicious.


Still, it was one of the few things William could do with the Qi he possessed, so he was happy to follow her instructions.

[Equip detected]

[Calculating cost per use]

[ERROR | Spiritual Energy Insufficient]

“What’s the matter?” Mei Lingxi chuckled when William stared at his hand in betrayal, “Try to activate it.”

“I can’t… I don’t have enough Qi.”


When there was no reply, he looked away from the infuriating glove to see Mei Lingxi staring at him in surprise. “… Did I do something, Sister Lingxi?”

“How did you know you didn’t have enough Qi to use the Elemental Gauntlet? I don’t think I have ever seen anything like that before in someone so young.”

William had forgotten that this level of sensitivity was not typical in his frustration at the gauntlet. Luckily, his blank expression helped him out this time.

“I suppose that’s how you were able to get the Jade Healing Sect’s attention,” Mei Lingxi shook her head in exasperation, “You are a fortunate one, Little Brother Wei. The Jade Healing Sect is one that many wish to join, but few ever accomplish.”

It looked to William like Mei Lingxi used to be one of the people rejected by the Sect in the past, but he didn’t wish to linger on it. There would be no benefit to staying on a potentially damaging topic.

Luckily, he could act like the kid with a shiny toy in his hands because, well, he was one. “So I can’t use this?”


Mei Lingxi’s lips twitched in amusement when he lifted his hand to show what he was talking about.

“Not at the moment. Some Qi Gathering cultivators can use it in the later stages, but Foundation Establishment is usually the minimum requirement.”

William sighed, expecting that answer, but was still dejected. He couldn’t have the spatial ring because murder-crazy cultivators would kill him, and now it seemed he couldn’t even get some of the ‘normal’ things because he was too weak. And while he could take it to use after he increased his realm, he couldn’t afford to wait that long.

As he pulled off the Elemental Gauntlet and handed it back to Mei Lingxi, he asked, “How much does this cost to buy?”

“Fifty Spirit Stones,” Mei Lingxi replied as she placed it back in the display.

William’s eyes bulged, suddenly reconsidering his previous thought of picking it being a waste. That was an enormous sum that he knew would be impossible for most Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators. It was likely only those from large clans that would be able to splurge on something like an Elemental Gauntlet.

“Sister Lingxi, could you show me something I could use?” William asked tiredly.

Mei Lingxi laughed before rubbing his hair, much to his growing annoyance, and brought out two more items.

“This is called a Soulchain,” Mei Lingxi handed what looked like strips of cloth with designs woven into them to William before continuing, “And these are Impact Boots.” William’s other hand was now occupied with sturdy leather boots.

“… What do these do?” William asked with no expectations. It was hard to have any after what the gauntlet could supposedly capable of.

“Still so easily caught up with flashy things, Little Brother Wei,” Mei Lingxi tutted, “These might not seem impressive, but they are possibly even more useful than the Elemental Gauntlet. Try the boots on first.”

A few seconds later, William had them on and directed his Qi to his feet, hoping the system didn’t say he was still too weak for it.

[Equip detected]

[Calculating cost per use]

[Cost | 20 Spiritual Energy]

[Passive Effect | +10 Agility]

His heart started to race at seeing the last alert.

“Good, you can sense this too!” Mei Lingxi praised, increasing William’s exasperation at how easily everyone could read him, “As you can guess, the Impact Boots enhance the cultivator's agility and speed, allowing for lightning-fast kicks and agile maneuvers. But more than that, it can be a lifesaver for someone at your level. The inscriptions woven into the leather increase the quickness of the wearer simply by having it on.”

“That’s amazing!” William exclaimed before looking at the strips of cloth he was holding, “What about this one?”

“You know what to do. Direct your Qi to your hand,” Mei Lingxi suggested with a smile.

William gasped when the strips of cloth came to life as the designs glowed brightly before they attached themselves to his hand, wrapping around it snugly. If not for the fact that he could see it, he would have thought his hand had nothing on it.

[Equip detected]

[Calculating cost per use]

[Cost | 10 Spiritual Energy]

It was disappointing that there was no passive effect, but he could sense something strange about this Soulchain. It… felt like it was somehow connected directly to his meridians, and that was more than a little terrifying.

Without hesitation, William practically ripped the wraps off his hand in fear, only calming down when that alien feeling was removed.

“I could feel it accessing my meridians!” William yelped as he dropped it to the floor.

“… I should have explained after knowing your sensitivity to these things,” Mei Lingxi said apologetically, “It’s one of the specialties of the Soulchain. Every time you are able to land a strike on your opponent, it will steal the Qi of your enemy. Plus, if you are skilled enough, it could also be possible to add that stolen Qi to your own reserves!”

William grimaced at the last part, not liking the idea of such a thing. Not only would it pollute your Qi, making it a chore to try and purify it by cultivating diligently, but he also despised the idea of taking something from another’s body that should never belong to him.

Perhaps it was the nightmarish way he was introduced to this world, but anything that even remotely reminded him of the savages that killed countless innocent children in front of his eyes would be anathema.

“I don’t want this.”

“Are you sure?” Mei Lingxi asked with surprise, “It’s one of the best choices available to you.”

“Sister Lingxi, there’s no need to try and convince me,” William tried to keep his voice calm and repeated, “I don’t want it.”

“As you wish,” She nodded slightly while giving him a strange look, “It seems to have disturbed you… How about we take a break and go to the third floor? You can see some of the greatest treasures available in the city. It could be something to aspire to in the future.”

William saw Mei Lingxi's encouraging smile and returned it while sighing internally. She had gone from treating him like a silly kid to one that had been traumatized.

It wasn’t too far off, to be honest. At least he would be able to see a spatial ring in return.