Yu Yanhua watched till the spirit boat had left her sight before finally turning away.

“I hope this is satisfactory, Daoist Yu.”

“It is.”

“Then I hope that the Jade Healing Sect will find it agreeable to reverse their decision.”

“Make no mistake,” Yu Yanhua glared, “This is solely under my purview. The gall your grandson had to insult me in such a manner. He was courting death, but I spared him simply for the name that he carried.”

She paid no mind to the impotent look he was giving her. A pathetic cultivator such as the Prince beside her deserved no respect. She could throw a pebble into a crowd of mortals and hit someone with more talent than the so-called Nascent Soul realm Prince that ruled Xuanjing City.

If a talented Core Formation cultivator could climb realms to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator, then the latter didn’t deserve such prestige in the first place.


“Is Mei Lingxi in service to you or that gnat, Prince Yuan?”

“… I am unaware of who that is, Daoist Yu.”

“Good, then she isn’t in service to you. Send her to me without any harm. I may have use for her.”

“… Very well.”

Yu Yanhua nodded slightly, making the man let out an audibly relieved sigh. It was his good luck that she was forced to stay her hand. More than speaking to the sorry excuse of a Nascent Soul cultivator, Yu Yanhua hated that she was forced to close the Clinic right when it was most necessary.

However, the public nature of Prince Yuan’s boldness forced her hand. There could be no missteps where Wei Liang was involved at this point. If it was necessary to threaten the closure of the Clinic, whether it truly happened or not, then so be it.


On the other hand, if Yu Yanhua did nothing after the insult to her person, it could be possible for some bored Imperial with nothing better to do to get curious and sniff around for conspiracy.

Thankfully, the perpetually fearful Prince that ruled Xuanjing City was quick to beg for forgiveness. And she had been quick to suggest that Wei Liang and Ren Bo gain a royal companion on this mission, which would conveniently come with the added protection of some Core Formation cultivators.

Yu Yanhua knew she might be pushing it by inviting such a close observation of Wei Liang by the Imperial Family, even if this was an offshoot branch instead of the main line. However, this would be the best time to do it.

They already showed interest after Yu Yanhua had personally arrived to ensure Wei Liang wouldn’t get near the third floor. Sure, she had tried to pass it off as anger at that servant of Prince Yuan’s, Mei Lingxi, but the suspicion hadn’t been entirely erased.

Since that was the case, she would rather have the observation happen on her terms. And most importantly, have it done when Wei Liang would show the least amount of his potential.

Yu Yanhua considered contacting Wei Liang personally to warn him to hide his talent. However, after considering his personality, that thought was quickly thrown out. He was far too naive to the intentions of the people around him. She feared that warning him of the Imperial Family’s intentions after the Treasure Pavilion incident was already too much for the innocent boy.


“May I ask why Daoist Zhiqing wanted my family’s junior to go on this mission?”

Yu Yanhua found it admirable that this question was asked, especially since she could feel the fear emanating from the Prince. At the very least, it meant that Princess Jin was someone this pathetic cultivator truly cherished. She could even see why. Reaching the third level of Qi Gathering at such a young age was no small feat.

If no accidents befell the girl, she would quickly make a name for herself in the Empire. Perhaps even get moved into the main line of the Imperial Family.

“You know our Sect rules forbid protection of disciples on missions. Elder Zhiqing has an eye on Ren Bo, so this is a loophole to keep him safe.”

“I see,” He nodded, “That relieves me. And it seemed that young Ren Bo was taken with my granddaughter. Perhaps this could have unforeseen benefits.”

Yu Yanhua hummed in agreement, satisfied that the Prince’s attention was on Ren Bo. “What about the other matter we discussed?”

“My grandson has his own will, Daoist Yu. There is not much I can do to keep him from your disciple. Besides, why should we meddle in the affairs of our juniors? It will be a learning experience for them.”

“Is that so?” Yu Yanhua raised her brow, not expecting pushback at something she considered a minor topic, “And what if I can’t promise that I will stay my hand the next time Prince Yuan court’s death?”

“That matter will soon be out of my hands,” He replied helplessly, “My grandson has been called to the capital to meet with the Crown Prince. It will be them you’ll have to answer to.”

Yu Yanhua paused in surprise for a moment before chuckling. “Very well, it seems that he has escaped consequence again. Do remember that such fools are not long for the world, Fellow Daoist.”

She looked away after the Prince nodded slightly in acceptance, though it was filled with hidden displeasure.

“It’s time for me to leave. Farewell,” Yu Yanhua said casually before leaving without waiting for an answer. It wasn’t like her to be as abrasive as she acted with Xuanjing City’s Prince. Perhaps the insolence Prince Yuan showed her weighed on her mind more than she realized.

She appeared in front of the Clinic, entering without revealing herself to the mortals clamoring for someone inside to help with their maladies. A standard show made by a city’s rulers to demonstrate to the populace how cruel the Jade Healing Sect was to abandon a clinic. Not that it ever worked.

After a quick use of the teleportation array, Yu Yanhua stepped out of the receiving hall at the Inner Court and nodded to the guards. The surroundings blurred before she found herself before the door to the Sect Master’s chambers. A few seconds later, she was let in to see a grim-faced Sect Master Guan Feng.

He held a finger up as he activated the privacy arrays and said, “Elder Zhiqing was here complaining about Ren Bo being sent on that mission.”

“So nothing surprising?”

“Yes, I suppose so,” Guan Feng rolled his eyes, “Of all the people to choose, it had to be that boy.”

“It’s better to hide Wei Liang next to a star. I don’t see anything wrong with this plan, Sect Master.”

“Hmm, yes,” Guan Feng cleared his throat, “So, you dealt with Xuanjing City?”

“The Clinic should be reopened within a month. However, it seems Prince Yuan has caught the attention of the Crown Prince.”

“This is known,” Guan Feng waved his hand, “It is unfortunate for him to go to the capital with his habits. He possesses talent but not the intellect to unleash it fully. I suspect he will be dead within the year.”

“What if he is able to succeed?”

“That is to be worried about if it ever happens. Besides, as long as the main line isn’t touched, the Imperial Family will not pay much attention to a small cultivator disappearing.”

“Thank you, Sect Master,” Yu Yanhua nodded gratefully before staring at him silently.

“… And I’ll turn a blind eye if you need to step in. I don’t have to tell you to dispose of all witnesses if necessary, do I?”

“No, Sect Master,” Yu Yanhua chuckled.

“I’m not sure you understand what I’m saying, Yu Yanhua. Do whatever you must to hide Wei Liang's capabilities if you suspect too much was revealed. Even if everyone but Wei Liang has to be disposed of.”

“… I understand.”