Tofu: Myself. Fusion of bio-mechanical core unit with organic cell structures. Micro units provide variability of form. Human.exe provides advanced combat/social problem solving abilities. Human.exe integration going well.

Hellion’s Henchmen:

Hellion: Mask is red horned helm with transparent golden faceplate. Boss of Hellion’s Henchmen. Flame powers (assumed pyrokinetic). Explosions. Do not anger. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 0.012%

Imp: Mask is red powered minion helmet with two small horns. Teleporter, short range. Can teleport self and small objects. Uses handguns. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 37.3%

Socket: Mask is tinker goggles with various attachments. Tinker. Makes elevators, masks. Focus on fabrication? Strange accent. Combat potential unclear (tinker designation). Estimate chance of confrontation survival using known factors: 89.5%

Sandra: Hellion’s Henchmen HR department head, handles legal issues. Strangely perceptive. Seems protective of younger employees (note: maintain young age persona). Estimate chance of confrontation survival: 100%

Adder: Mask is standard minion black domino mask. Hellion’s Henchmen melee combat trainer. No power detected, does not hench. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 99%. Estimated chance of winning spar: 1.45%


Rattleback: Mask is standard minion black domino mask. Hellion’s Henchmen Quartermaster. Manages equipment for minions. Values efficiency and lack of waste. No power use detected. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 62%, accounting for potential explosive weaponry.

Viper: Mask is standard minion black domino mask. Real name Lily. Mutant. Scaled hands with sharp claws, scales extend up forearms, shoulders, neck, to sides of head. Has embedded metal ‘piercings’ (combat weakness). Works with Sandra in HR department. Likes rectangular ‘cellphone’ (combat weakness?). Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 96%

Smoke: Mask is grey powered minion mask with tinted faceplate, impression of human skull. Powers unknown. Combat potential unknown. Appears to be “faded” and “shadowed” (note: ask Tim about “shadow powers”). Always seen with Hellion. Threat Estimate: High.

HH new hires:

Ifrit: Mask is standard minion bone-white helmet mask. Real name Cindy. Mutant. Wears red metal gauntlets. Shoots explosive fireballs from hands, mutant ability or aspect of gauntlets unclear. Peripheral modifications: second set of transparent eyelids, fireproof chemical in sweat, raspy voice (aspect of mutation?). Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 52% (WARNING: Ifrit is offspring of Hellion. DO NOT ENGAGE)

Olson: Mask is standard minion bone-white helmet mask. Previously worked for Hellion. Wears red shirts. Power returns him to life uninjured upon death (Jealousy)! Assume offensive capabilities equal to normal human. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%


Gregor: Mask is standard minion bone-white helmet mask. Mutant. Eight feet tall, with green scales encasing entire body, above average human strength, claimed to be knife proof (note: acquire sample when possible). Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 98%

HH Team 3:

Pebbles: Mask is standard minion bone-white helmet mask. Mutant. Has metallic platelets embedded in skin/flesh at key points, providing reinforcement. Resistant to blunt force trauma. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 98%

Buzzer: Mask is standard minion bone-white helmet mask. Sound based power, creates sonic vibrations, can listen to sounds from a distance, can detect quiet sounds. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 96%

Fred: Mask is standard minion black domino mask. Standard male human. Bad at drinking. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%

Brilla: Mask is standard minion black domino mask. Standard female human. Bad at drinking. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%


People I like Social Resources:

Jasper P. Barnigan: entrepreneur of odd jobs and information broker extraordinaire. Mutant. Has four eyes (low-light vision). Humanoid, but covered in green carapace. Seems to know everyone, and a little about everything. Taught me about lunch. Valuable source of information; prioritize his survival. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 110%

Nicole: Mutant, non-humanoid. Freely teaches information, has no faction. Design matches organism designated: “scorpion,” albeit heavily modified by mutavus. Acid spit, fast reflexes, claws are strong, practiced combat maneuvers. Valuable designs, but is source of free information and is possible ally; consume only if necessary (observe for chances to “sample”). Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 37%

Mikey: Human. Met at “school.” Shares food unprompted; prioritize his survival. Valuable social resource. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%

Tim: Human. Met at “school.” Mikey’s friend. Has extensive knowledge of super heroes and power gain. Valuable social resource; prioritize his survival. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%

Maggie: Owner of Maggie’s Sunrise Diner. Makes the best tofu burgers in E13 sector. Shares food unprompted; prioritize her survival. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%


Brick: Mask is blue half-face mask. Leader of E13 hero faction, tall, has super strength in addition to activatable combat mode (size increase, appears to gain rock-like armor). Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 15%

Magenta: Mask is magenta half-face mask. Durable forcefield power. Capable of flight. Forcefield defends whole body, and can shift size and shape, but seems to be concentrated on hands. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 12%

Turbo: Mask is grey head cover, leaves mouth uncovered. Velocity/Acceleration power, can travel at speeds exceeding bullet velocities. Weakness: while strong for a normal human, power does not grant strength. Hits for substantially less than “mass times acceleration equation” would suggest. Countermeasures successfully implemented. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 27%

The Guardian: Mask is small blue ‘domino mask’, does not conceal identity. According to Tim power is “Vector Control.” Capable of flight, and withstanding explosions. I owe him lunch. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 93% (documented evidence that The Guardian does not kill). Estimated chance of confrontation victory: 12%


The Merc: Mask is black, covered-face helmet. Powers unclear, uses devices. Capable of flight, and shooting explosive fireballs from hands. Kill when feasible. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 6%

Sanguine: Former high-ranking member of the Espada faction. Had the ability to control free-flowing blood, both his and others. Weakness: required specific mix of blood cells and plasma. Deceased.

Frankie: Former low-ranking member of the Espada faction. Had the ability to create glowing green blades floating above his forearms. Blades vaporized solid matter, cutting through most materials. Weakness: blades could not change shape or position, high-density objects slowed vaporization, and therefore cutting ability. Deceased.

Acid-Woman: Name unknown. Former low-ranking member of the Espada faction. Power activated during confrontation. Had the ability to produce a high-quality acid which she was immune to. “Dissolved” upon death. Produced acid did not immediately disperse. (Note to self: research “bad trigger”). Deceased.

New Dawn Inc: Name of faction that created me. Strong faction, highly competent and well-armed soldiers/henchmen. Estimated reaction to my escape from facility unknown: Avoid.

Dr. Mason: Member of New Dawn Inc. Scientist, leader of team that likely created me. Intelligent, gives food unprompted, gives good advice. May have knowledge of weaknesses: Kill when feasible. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%

Brett Savvy: Member of New Dawn Inc. Scientist who worked with Dr. Mason. Intelligent, appeared to be highly involved in project. May have knowledge of weaknesses: Kill when feasible. Estimated chance of confrontation survival: 100%

Darksiders: Biker gang situated south of Ashwood St. Friendly and helpful. Notable members: Teddy.

Tinker Tots: “Street Urchin” gang. Situated north of Ashwood St. Concentrates activities on devices/gizmos/gadgets/money. Architectural modifications in area are a result of their activities. Members comprised predominantly of ‘orphan’ children with mutant modifications or tinker abilities. Maggie’s Sunrise Diner within their area of activity: maintain cordial relations.