How good to bathe in a bigger hoard!

Vainqueur had done far more than what he had set out to do. He hadn’t doubled his treasure’s size, but more than quadrupled it. While he once struggled to fully shower himself with coins, the dragon could now roll happily in gold and jewels.

All of this in less than a moon. At this rate, his cave wouldn’t be enough to contain his full hoard.

“Guys, go away!” Minion Victor called outside, Vainqueur paying it no mind. “Haven’t you seen the signposts? You will get killed if you get closer!”

“Is that the dragon’s lair?” a shrilling voice answered, Vainqueur trying to block out the sounds.

“Yes, but you really, really don’t stand a chance—” A zapping sound like that of lightning echoed in the distance. “Alright, that’s it! Shoot them, minions!”

The sound of an explosion and tremors interrupted Vainqueur’s joyful bath. The dragon turned to the cave’s entrance, where his minions had barricaded themselves. “Manling Victor, what is happening?”


“Dragonslayers, again!” his chief of staff shouted back, another tremor causing an icicle to fall at the cave’s entrance, nearly impaling one of the kobolds. “Blue, snipe the wizard!”

“I am trying, chief!” The undead minion fired an arrow with his bow of cattle bone. “I got him!”

Vainqueur was very proud of Victor’s choice of learning necromancy. Not only did undead minions add to Vainqueur’s prestige, but he could also now eat minions, spit out the bones, and still make use of them.

“Nailed him right between the legs!” Red gloated after firing his own arrow, before snarling. “They have a healer!”

Vainqueur grumbled, rising from his hoard to join the siege.

Since they achieved a level in [Outlaw]—which amused Vainqueur, who considered laws a manling absurdity—Victor had given each of the Kobold Rangers bows and taught them how to use them. A good idea, since this was the seventh adventurer party they sniped this week.


At first, it had been amusing and profitable, but Vainqueur had grown tired of the constant interruptions.

The dragon’s head exited the cave’s entrance, casting his minions in his shadow and glancing down at their targets. A foolish band of manlings, dwarves, and elves, mostly armed with these sticks Manling Victor called arquebuses or wands. Vainqueur counted fifteen of them.

Aw, they came back with greater numbers this time, as if it would help. Adorable.

Unfortunately, they didn’t bring any pegasus riders, unlike the previous group, so no horse food tonight. Vainqueur would have loved nothing more than poke them, but his finger had grown sore from overuse.

“They are very persistent.” As a magical projectile bounced off his head, the dragon considered learning magic himself. The way some sorcerers often threw lightning at him always fascinated Vainqueur. Not that it ever worked, but it amused him. “I thought they would give up after the first three pokings.”

“The bounty on Your Majesty’s head is very high,” Victor replied. “And your lair’s location is well-known now.”


Yes, yes, such were the downsides of fame and celebrity.

The dragon let out a powerful roar, causing an avalanche; the snow rolled down the mountain, flooding the screaming manlings while leaving the cave unscathed. He knew choosing this location would prove helpful.

Congratulations! For defending your territory and minions with the power of your noble roar alone, you have gained a level in the [Noble] class!

+30 HP, +1 INT, +1 CHA, +1 LCK!