Chapter 8: Teaching the Entitled Little Madam a Lesson (5)  

“Ye Youran, for this competition to be fair and square, don’t you think you should ask the teacher what my score was on the English test before jumping to conclusions?!”

Hearing what Ye Tianxin said, the other female classmates erupted into angry protests.

Ye Youran’s test results had already been announced, and it was an all-time high of 125 points. Wasn’t it obvious who the winner would be?

What did Ye Tianxin mean by what she said?

Was she trying to squirm her way out of the bet?

Or was she still trying to fight her way out of a losing battle?


“Ye Tianxin, are you trying to squirm your way out of the bet? Are you afraid of being the loser?”

“Ye Tianxin, are you trying to avoid having to clean the female toilets?”

By then, the English teacher had already decided not to get embroiled in his students’ petty business, but the classmate who shared a desk with Ye Tianxin ran over to him and asked him for Ye Tianxin’s test results. He then silently picked up Ye Tianxin’s test paper, returned to the classroom, and placed it in front of Ye Youran with Ye Tianxin’s test score in full view.

Ye Youran looked at the name on the paper: “Ye Tianxin.”

And in the score box, written in red, was “149.” Ye Youran was shocked beyond words!!

“Impossible. Ye Tianxin, you cheated!”


“You must’ve cheated. You couldn’t have possibly gotten such a high score!”

She was a bad student, someone who either played truant or slept in class all year round. How could she have gotten such a high score?

Posturing like an empress, Ye Tianxin looked around at the many pairs of eyes around her, which were brimming with curiosity. Her clear, lilting voice, like the gentle trickling of a spring, sounded across the classroom.

“I requested to sit in the corridor because I was worried that you guys would accuse me of cheating. This was just a simple English test. I didn’t need to cheat.”

Her eyes dancing with laughter, Ye Tianxin deliberately took one step forward to squarely face Ye Youran’s frown of disbelief and disgust at having lost.

“Ye Youran, be a good girl and call me elder sister!”


Ye Youran tightly clenched her fists.

No way, no. You are not my elder sister!!

I will not!!

I refuse to!!

I don’t have an illegitimate older sister whose father is unknown!!

Teeth tightly clenched, Ye Youran couldn’t bring herself to say elder sister. The embarrassment of losing the bet had caused Ye Youran’s face to immediately turn a burning red....

Dozens of pairs of eyes were all focused on her.

With her fists tightly clenched, Ye Youran murmured in a very low voice, more like a mosquito’s buzzing, “Elder Sister.”

“Ye Youran, you’re talking too softly. You said it yourself that one has to honor one’s bet. Be mindful that you don’t give the entire class a reason to lose their respect for you....”

In a very loud voice, Ye Youran exclaimed, “Elder Sister.”

“Now that sounds much better. Remember, from now on don’t forget to address me as Elder Sis. I don’t want others claiming that the Ye family doesn’t know how to discipline and raise their kids properly, neglecting even basic manners, like respect for elders....”

Crystal tear droplets spilled from Ye Youran’s eyes. All tears of humiliation.

She wouldn’t forget this day for as long as she lived....

She vowed that she would repay Ye Tianxin ten times over for the humiliation that she had subjected her to today!

No, make it a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

A female classmate said to Ye Tianxin, “Ye Tianxin, you’ve gone too far! You’ve made Ye Youran cry from all your bullying....”

Ye Tianxin eyed her classmate, looking serious. “Hey, you. Before we made the bet, you all assumed that I would lose.... When Ye Youran wanted me to clean the female toilets, all of you agreed that that was what I would have to do if I lost. However, now that I’ve won, and all I want is for Ye Youran to address me as elder sister, you call it bullying? Didn’t you pay attention during language class, or are your comprehension skills lacking?”