The champions wasted no time moving from the cave, and they had brought along with them the three Skullys. Two of them on one side of Calva's shoulder and another on the other side.

Below the mountain they were in, there was the forest that led out and displayed the beautiful scenery that stretched far and wide, but they didn't head that way. Instead they were running in the opposite direction.

The planet itself was also gigantic, much like all the objects and plant life that lived on it, but with such a large planet there would also be pockets of area that had nothing but bare land on it as well. Only these pockets would be equivalent to an entire continent back on earth.

"I can hear the sound of fighting, and energies colliding behind us. Is something going on here?" Quinn asked.

"It's the norm of our world." Pultra replied. "The inhabitants fight every day over the smallest of things, and there are times when they even have had enough of the demons that are in an attempt to control them. We have to ignore what is going on for the bigger goal."

The group were so far away, yet Quinn could feel the vibrations through the ground. He could only imagine the scale of the fight that was happening right now. He knew Pultra was right though, they had more important things to worry about.


The group had reached their destination. It had grey coloured ground, an area that looked like a giant wasteland, only with grey paved rocks that spread all over the place. As far as Quinn could see, there was no sign of life, be that insects or plants.

"This will be our training ground, this land spans like this for miles on end. We can fight to our heart's content without anything getting in the way." Pultra explained. "Out here as well, there is nothing that the demons want so there is nothing close by."

Although Pultra said this, the vibrations could still be felt, they were subtle but even though they had travelled so far, he could still feel something happening on the planet.

Seeing that Quinn was reacting to something, Pultra cleared her throat, and the Skullys were placed on the ground as Shinto, Calva and Pultra lined up next to each other.

"The three of us were named the Champions because we were considered the strongest in this entire universe." Pultra explained. "Immortui knew that, he knew the titles we had which was why he wanted to break the hope of the people down immediately by taking us out first. "He had overwhelming strength, but we didn't just give up, each one of us fought against him to the best of our abilities. I have perhaps experienced the same thing you went through, did you go into the misty fog?"

The mention of the fog, Quinn knew exactly what Pultra was referring to, so he knew that her words weren't baseless lies now.


"At the time, each of us fought him one on one, and through speaking to each other we realised something. Each of our experiences when fighting Immortui were completely different, and it might be the same for you as well. Do you remember what happened?"

Quinn went on to explain to the other's his fight with Immortui. Calva had seen some of it, but he had also been stored in the Shadow space for the later half. Calva also made it an important point that he had just defeated one of the Demon kings and had gone straight to facing Immortui. action

Stating that Quinn was unable to use everything he had against his opponent.

"I see, he seemed to have used his colourless power close to from the get go. That is not the same as our experience. We have found that Immortui has multiple different strengths and powers that he can use to fight.

"Which is why we think, if you were to face all three of us at the same time, it would be similar to going up against him."

Quinn didn't know if the Champions were really that strong or they were simply overestimating themselves. He had yet to truly see any of them fighting properly, not while he was conscious anyway.


He just had Anon's words about how much power they wielded. Either way, there was something that might push Quinn out to allow him to grow from this, the fact that he didn't have his god slayer armour set. Battling without it would improve him for when he battled with it. So while he was waiting for its repair, this was at least something he could do.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time." Quinn's eyes started glowing red. "From now on, I will treat it like I'm going up against Immortui!"I think you should take a look at


On the same planet, a large distance away. Bisha, the Yak demon king, had lifted one of the giant ships right above his head. In his sights he had both Edvard and Chris in front of him.

Immediately he started to swing it down through the air. The object was so heavy and large that it was causing the red mist to be pushed upwards.

"I don't think we can run away from this, it's too large!" Edvard said.

The giant object was coming down too fast for them to either run to the left or right and avoid getting hit, but Chris was already one step ahead of him. His body was fully transformed, his legs were bent slightly.

As the giant ship came crashing down on him, he pushed up with both of his arms. Both of his feet sunk into the ground, and Edvard was doing his best to push it up as well.

"Huh, you're fighting back!" Bisha shouted, surprised to feel the amount of force being pushed by them.

"This is useless, we can't push it back, he's too strong!" Edvard said. "We have to do something or we're going to get smothered. Do you think you can hold on by yourself for a while!"

Chris was trying extremely hard to push the thing off, veins were exploding from his forearms running up to his hands.

Edvard decided to take that as a yes, as he bent down even further and left all of the weight and power to Chris. The giant ship descended a few inches for a moment, and then the entirety of Edvard's armour started to pulsate.

The armour glowed, going from the top of his head down to the bottom of his feet, as he sprung up with power, Edvard unleashed a punch right on the bottom of the ship. It exploded with such strength and tore a hole right through the giant thing from one side to the other.

'Crap!' Chris thought. 'I couldn't even put a scratch on this ship when my claws scratched against it, but Edvard was able to punch a hole through it… just how strong is that armour.'

"Come on, let's go!" Edvard said, as the two slipped and went through the hole that was made.

"Let's take down this Yak king, and maybe he'll be a nice meal for you." Edvard smiled.



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