Chapter 842 I am leaving this clan?

"indeed you are not wrong and I understand your reasoning but Alena you are my little sister and Yohan is my nephew, just say the words and I will bring those two clans to their knees," Aella exclaimed while taking Alena's face between her palms and she looked her with bright smile.

"I don't want to involve you in this big sister...don't forget you are a warlord and you are bound to certain rules, I don't want to put you in dilemma just because I am related to you, either way, I trust father lin...he will bring Yohan back with safety," Alena said having a calmness on her beautiful face,while responding to aella she maintain her demeanour.

Hearing her aella turned silent for a few moments and sometimes later she nodded her head with a smile."if that's what you want then I have nothing to say, but if you need my help then feel free to ask me anytime, I am staying inside your clan for the time being... until my business inside this region is finished!"

"I understand big sister, you are not a guest here,this is your home and you can stay here as long as you want, I am sorry for the inconvenience, the timing is indeed very bad...but I am positive that everything is going to be alright in a few days and then I'll definitely going to show you around!" Alena said as she looked aella.

"It's okay aira and I feel like we're at home, We two are enjoying ourselves inside this clan...isn't it aira?"aella turned to aira who was standing behind her.

"Yes my lady...we are having fun here," Upon hearing aella,aira slightly bowed her head in response after hearing aella and then she looked at Alena who was looking at her. "Thank you for everything lady Alena, you are so kind!"Aira said while looking at Alena, hearing her Alena nodded her head in response and then she shifted her gaze to aella.


"Then see you at the dinner...."Alena whispered, aella nodded her head with a smile after hearing Alena and the next moment she left the place with aira, Once two of them left the gentle smile that Alena was carrying all along in front of those two was replaced by seriousness.

"I wonder whether it's a good thing or bad thing that two of you are here inside my clan, the timing couldn't be worse than this, somewhat I am not getting a bad feeling about this," Alena muttered in a low voice and then she shifted her gaze in the direction of xiao feng's room.


"my lady why did you offer her help, you already know the consequences of involving ourselves in their personal dispute, we are on a secret mission, if we got involved in their matters then we might end up revealing our identities, if that happened then it will be bad for our mission, you are already aware the importance of this mission, we cant failed this mission,"aira tilted her head as she looked aella who was walking beside her in the corridor, after leaving Alena two of them were heading to their rooms, hearing aira and seeing that concerning look in her direction aella took a deep breath.

"You don't have to worry about this mission, I know what I am doing, at that moment I just wanted to help her just because she is my sister and we are taking her son away from her, at least we can do this small favor for her, it's not that I am worried about her but I feel like doing this for the sake of uncle Leon!"aella responded with frown, hearing that kind of response by aella's side aira clenched her fist.

"I don't think it's a good idea to involve yourself too much, sooner or later she is going to end up hating us afterall Yohan is her only child and we are here to take him away from her, what do you think she gonna do once she realized that it was all act?"Aira said and then she added.


"She is going to hate us for tricking her, so please lady aella don't make things difficult for yourself, I am aware that you care for her..." action "You are thinking too much, it's better to not think about the future...either way she refused my offer and it was kind of unexpected for me, she doesn't even think twice before rejecting my help!"aella whispered.

"Do you think she doubts us?"Aira asked while raising one of her brows, a different look can be seen on her face. She knows if somehow Alena ended up knowing the reason for their visit then things might get complicated for them, and two of them don't want to let that happen before they get their hands on Yohan.

"Maybe... after all, she is my sister and the Azazel clan's blood flowing inside her veins, she can't be that dumb!"Aella whispered.


Meanwhile, back inside Xiao Feng's room, Diya and Xiao Feng were standing at the window and two of them were looking outside of the window. It's been a few minutes since they were standing there without saying a word to each other.

"lady diya did you get any news related to yohan?''Xiao Feng finally decided to break her long-lasting silence and asked Diya who was standing beside her.


"Grandpa Lin went after him...hopefully he will bring him back" Diya replied to Xiao Feng as her gaze stayed outside of the window.

"I see..." Xiao Feng responded in a low voice and then she added "lady diya I am leaving this clan..."

Diya's facial expression changed drastically when those words reached her ear, She tilted her head and for the first time, her gaze met xiao feng's gaze after entering this room.

"What are you saying?"diya exclaimed as she looked at Xiao Feng in an unbelievable manner, Seeing that kind of look on diya's face Xiao feng shook her head with a smile.

"You are a kind person lady Diya, I feel relieved knowing that you don't hate me anymore, I am truly grateful for that but I have to leave this place in order to find my mother..."