Chapter 868 There is no Xian clan!  

Somewhere inside the northern region, two old men was standing in the sky above hundreds of meters of the ground looking into a particular direction,at the same time there were thousands of foot soldiers standing still and awaiting for their orders, all of these soldiers were wearing steal Armors and holding swords, spear, shield in their hands.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"old man bin Xeng tilted his head and looked at the elder Lin who was standing right next to him.

"He is my grandson and it's my duty to protect him, he is fighting those monsters on his own, there is no way I will leave him alone!"old man Lin snorted while stroking his long white beard, hearing him patriarch bin Xeng frowned.

"Are you joking right?" Bin Xeng gave him a look and he continued. action

"He single-handedly defeated lord Xian and his thousands of soldiers including those high-level cultivators that belong to various prominent clans, I saw it with my own eyes, that kid not need any protection from anyone, and apart from that he wanted to do this alone"Old man bin xeng added, hearing his words old man Lin took a deep sigh. "So what if he wanted to fight alone? He is my beloved grandson, i still want to help him in some way or another way,even if he doesn't need my help, I am still going to do everything I can in order to aid him against that Nichole clan, "Old man Lin responded to patriarch xeng, hearing elder Lin and seeing the seriousness on his old face bin xeng merly smile in defeated manner.

"You sure sound like protecting Grandpa..." patriarch xeng said.


"Why are you helping me despite knowing this is not your fight, he is my grandson and someone whom I care, but I don't understand why did you going through all that trouble to aid Yohan, The Xian clan is still recovering from the earlier battle, "Old man Lin asked to bin xeng having serious look on his face as he couldn't understand why bin xeng helping him out and more importantly why he is so polite in front of him despite he is far superior to him in term of cultivation.

He even welcomed him and his men with open arms despite the fact that he was serving under lord Xian along with others who got killed on the battlefield, there were so many things and doubts were running in old man Lin's head regarding this situation.

"There is no Xian clan anymore..." old man bin Xeng said catching old man Lin by surprise, seeing that surprised look on old man Lin's face bin Xeng bitterly smiled and then took a deep breath.

"I didn't have a chance to explain anything as I was too busy cleaning the mess that lord Xian left, there were some loyal people of his who wanted to revolt, so i had to take care of them, there is no Xian clan anymore, my xeng clan is going to rule these lands from now on"bin xeng added, old man Lin was taken aback hearing that and finally understand the meaning behind his statement that he passed earlier but that doesn't explain the reason why he is helping him to that extent and willing to go against the Nichole clan one of the powerhouse.

Seeing the old man lin in deep thought, patriarch bin xeng cleared his throat. "You might be wondering why I am helping you out to this extent right?" patriarch xeng asked with a smile.

old man Lin raised his brows hearing bin xeng but he kept his nerves calm and sometimes later he cleared his throat.


"Because you took a liking to my grandson or maybe you made a deal with him?"old man Lin said while stroking his long white beard, seeing that kind of response patriarch Xeng frowned.

"Well that might be one of the reasons...but the thing is my beloved and beautiful daughter Milan gave her heart to your handsome grandson, she openly submitted to him in front of the thousands of soldiers that she will serve him with everything that she got, my xeng clan accepted the allegiance to the Lin clan, we are now under the wings of your clan!"

"You are kidding me right?'' Old man Lin's facial expressions changed and cold sweat appeared on his face hearing Patriarch bin xeng, On the other hand patriarch bin xeng smiled and shook his head.

"No i am not kidding,we are partners in crimes, Yohan wants to unify these lands under the Lin clan banner...and my clan decided to support him with everything we got," bin Xeng said while petting old man Lin's shoulder, hearing him old man Lin turned silent, up until now he was thinking that things might get normal but with this revelation, things become more complicated.

"The civil war is inevitable!!" the old man whispered having a complicated look on his face, seeing that kind of look on his face patriarch bin Xeng exhaled deeply and was about to say something when he noticed something, old man Lin also snapped out of his daze as he also noticed the presence of two cultivators who were coming at their direction with frightening speed but soon his facial expressions changed when he noticed a familiar presence, on the other hand, a bright smile appeared on patriarch bin xeng's face.

"My daughter Milan..." he muttered in a low voice, old man Lin raised his eyebrows as he realized the person who was accompanying Arjun was none other than Milan, the daughter of patriarch bin Xeng and the woman who gave her heart to Yohan, thinking about that old man lin exhale deeply.


"But wait a minute... something is wrong with her?" suddenly Patriarch bin Xeng muttered having a complex look on his face, old man Lin became confused after hearing him, he closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense to see whether she was hurt or not but after carefully examining Milan he opened his eyes.

"What are you talking about? She seems fine to me, I don't see anything odd with her!"old man Lin said while confronting patriarch bin Xeng as he couldn't find anything odd with Milan.

"Milan's Cultivation base..."