Chapter 915 Warning!

"Show yourself dirty bastard,there is no point of hiding in the shadows"

The moment Evelyn said those words while pointing the sword in the direction of the sky,Kana who was standing right behind Evelyn also moved her gaze and looked towards the sky to find out the source of that malachonic laugh,but kana's surprise there was nothing,she could only see the dark red sky!

"Master..."Kana was about to confront Evelyn regarding this but before she could complete her sentence,a familiar frightening feeling coursed through her body that she felt earlier,her entire body went numb and her heart started beating faster and louder.

"Master what is going on,this feeling?"Kana whispered in a low voice,her facial expressions were dark and beads of cold sweat could be seen on her beautiful face.

'Don't drop your guard,things are about to get ugly inside this place,'A voice echoed in kana's head which belongs to Evelyn, hearing her master's voice kana gulped nervously and tightly Clenched the sword that she is helding in her hand,she kept her gaze towards the blood red sky.

"Kekeke Mortals's been ages since any human dared to came this far,i wonder whether it's my good luck or your bad luck"A creepy voice echoed inside the surrounding and the next moment a giant creature manifested into the blood red sky taking both Evelyn and kana by surprise.


This giant creature were having pitch black dark skin which was fully covered with golden engraving all around his body along with two giant twisted horns which were pointing backwards,a pair of long wings were continuously flapping and those wings were over three meters tall by each side helping him to stay into air,the most frightening thing about this figure were his crimson red eyes which were burning with desire,a desire of kill!

"This monster...he can talk?"Kana exclaimed as she couldn't believe on her ears and eyes,this is the first time she has seen such bizzare thing,all of those monster that she had killed in past few days were having no consciousness of their own,they were moving without any consequences as if they are some kind of puppets,she also encounter some high level monster alongside Evelyn but they were also having the similar traits,they were lacking in terms of both understanding and consciousness but this monster was different, entirely different then others in every manner.

'Kana beware of that bow which he was holding in his hand,it is some kind of high grade weapon that could shoot Arrow which can move according to his wish,'Evelyn's voice echoed in kana's head,this is the second time she used telepathy in order to communicate.

'I understand master,I'll do as you say'kana response in same manner as she aware why Evelyn is using telepathy after all they don't know about this mysterious creature who appeared out of nowhere and could speak, knowing her master Kana understand that her master don't want to take any chance at this very moment.

Kana immediately took a defensive position right behind Evelyn in order to avoid any type of surprise attack,the other monsters whom they were fighting earlier were all standing like statues not moving a bit as if they are waiting for something,kana new that they are in big trouble as two of them are not in good shape especially Evelyn ,she was still recovering from her past injuries along with the fatigueness that she went through fighting relentlessly to all those monsters without taking any break in past few days,her entire body was covering with many wounds and scar and the worst thing that they are out of healing potions.

" two are different then other mortals which Crawl over the surface?"the monster exclaimed and with those words he disappeared from the sky and the next moment he appeared few meters away where Evelyn and kana were standing,kana's facial expressions changed after seeing such speed while Evelyn's facial expression remain same as she was not affected with his movement,she instantly moved her sword and pointed in the direction of this mysterious entity who were twice in size, much taller then Evelyn.


Seeing Evelyn's cold facial expressions and the sword in her hand which was pointed in his direction the monster smiled in a creepy manner.

"Mortals are indeed arrogant yet weak creatures,you dared to trespass in my master's dungeon,I am going to skin you alive and gift yours heads to him"the creature snarls while showing his teeth.

Kana's facial expressions changed when she heard this creature,she was thinking that this creature might be the boss of this dungeon but he is calling someone else his master,this is something she was not expecting,same goes for Evelyn,a small change appeared on her face,she took a long breath and then the next moment she thrust the sword in the ground taking both kana and that monster by surprise,she then moved her body and directly looked into kana's eyes whilst showing her back to that creature,she then snapped her fingers instantly putting multiple barrier around them.

"Master what are you doing?"Kana was surprised to see such a move by her master, afterall putting so many barriers one after another require lots of Energy and stamina,which will be essential while fighting their way out from that creature.

"Kana,there is something you need to know...Earlier i thought somehow we are going to leave this place together but after hearing him i lost my hopes,I could have beat that thing if I were at my prime and somehow we could manage to beat the boss of this damn dalmus dungeon but I am at my limit"Evelyn exclaimed taking kana by surprise.

"Master what is wrong with you,why are you saying such depressing stuff,we are definitely going to make it out from this hell hole... together!"Kana responded with teary eyes but to her surprise Evelyn placed her hand over her head while having a gentle smile on her face.


"You are going to make it out from this place,if we both fight here then we definitely going to lose our lives,that thing is entirely different from the monster that we fought earlier and he knows our weakness,i can clearly see in his eyes,that thing is pure evil and moreover i can't fight with him while protecting you,he will definitely going to target you!"Evelyn said while gently caressing Kana's head and she continued.

"No matter what I am going to kill that creature...I will not let that thing come after you, it's my promise,just do me a favor and leave this space through that portal. I don't know where that portal leads you but it might give you a chance to live! "Evelyn added,tears started streaming through kana's eyes as she heard Evelyn's words.

"No matter what you say,i am not going to leave you alone,you promised me that we will leave this place together,how could I live with the shame of leaving my guardian alone,how could I face Aana....Yohan!"Kana gasped as she looked into Evelyn's eyes,a surprise look appeared on Athena's face but she shook her head.

"Two of them will understand the reason why I did this, moreover I am doing this to give you a fair chance to live your life fullest with your sister and your partner,you are still young and I am someone who has lived enough life,i have lived so many centuries and seen enough things in my life,i don't have any regrets!just leave this damn place and live your life!"




[The individual Evelyn's life is in danger,if the individual Evelyn die the host will lose a big amount of his soul]


[The life of host's soul bond is in jeopardy]


[ The system is going on automation mode,the host's body has been teleporting in sixty...fifty nine...fifty eight...]

"What the fuck..."Yohan who was indulge kissing Athena was taken aback and backend after hearing those multiple notification inside his head,Athena also taken aback seeing Yohan who broken their kiss,two of them were in compromising position and about to do deed but alas the sudden changes in yohan's behaviour took her by surprise.

"What happened,is everything alright with you?"seeing the cold sweat and those worried expressions on Yohan's face Athena asked worriedly while moving close to him.

"Evelyn...your elder sister,she is in danger!"
