Chapter 920 It's freaking dragon

"Yohan are you okay?"A concerning yet familiar voice reached to Yohan's ear, hearing that voice Yohan moved his gaze from the headless lesser demon that he killed earlier and turned back,Evelyn and kana were standing right infront of him, Evelyn was looking calm and composed whilst Kana were having different looks on her beautiful face.

"I am alright-"Before he could respond her kana rushed to him and examined his neck where he got slashed earlier,As she examined his neck yohan's deep eyes were linger on kana's innocent face,she was worried about him despite knowing the sharp object that hit him earlier were shattered in pieces right at the moment when it touched Yohan's neck.

On the other hand Evelyn was simply standing a few meters away and watching Kana who was acting like a considerate wife,seeing her like that a faint smile appeared on her face.

Sometimes later Kana took a long sigh of relief when she realized that there was no sign of injury on Yohan's neck let alone a single mark.

"Everything is fine,you are overreacting -"Yohan tried to speak again but as usual Kana cut him off in the middle.

"How can you be so could lose your life with the hand of that creature,you were wide open when that creature slashed your neck with that sharp dagger,for a moment I thought I lost you..."Kana exclaimed as her eyes become teary,Yohan turned silent seeing that look in her eyes and a moment later he pulled her close to him and hugged her tightly while having a gentle smile on his handsome face.


"I am sorry,i will not make that mistake again,i promise!"Yohan whispered while caressing Kana's back as he realized that he indeed made her worried about him but alas deep down he knew that he was not having any trouble while dealing with that lesser demon,he never felt any threat from that demon from the very beginning, killing that thing was piece of cake for him but he don't wanted to make them felt especially Evelyn that he suppressed her and become completely different person after getting supreme celestial bloodline.

"Kana Quit whining we are not done yet more importantly he is perfectly fine!"Evelyn who was standing a few meters away finally spoke, hearing her master's voice kana came to her senses and she instantly distanced herself from Yohan while having an embarrassing look on her face.

At the same time Yohan gave a different look to Evelyn afterall he was enjoying the warmth of kana's delicate body along with that cute and considerate side of her.

"Don't tell me i disturbed you?"Seeing that different look coming from Yohan Evelyn frowned and gave him a similar look.

"No you didn't disturb us...lady Evelyn!"Yohan said in a sarcastic manner,Kana instantly nudged him with her elbow and she moved by her master's side.Upd?ted chapters ?n n?velbin(.)com

"Master, how are you feeling right now,do you need another bottle of those healing potions?"Kana asked, Evelyn shook her head hearing Kana and then she looked towards the headless body which was lying on the ground.


"I am fine,but most importantly we are still stuck inside this god forsaken place that means that creature were telling the truth,he was indeed having a someone whom he serves and in order to leave this place we have to fight that thing,that might be the only way to leave this place!"Evelyn exclaimed, hearing her master a solemn look appear on kana's face as she also understood her master is right, before dying that creature was saying he will present their heads to his master.

"That thing is not some kind of creature,the one laying on the ground is called lesser demon..."Yohan whispered, hearing Yohan both Evelyn and kana looked him in surprise manner as two of them were not aware about that things identity yet Yohan could precisely tell that thing is laying in front of them is lesser demon whom they never heard before.

"How can you be so sure that thing is some kind of lesser demon?"Evelyn gave him a serious look, seeing Evelyn's serious gaze in his direction Yohan simply smiled afterall it was the notification that he got from the system that informed him about that lesser demon.

"Well It's an secret--"as he was about to ignore Evelyn by making such Excuse something unexpected happened that changed his facial expressions, Evelyn's facial expressions also changed as she also felt something and the next moment she tilted her head into the particular direction along with Yohan.

"Something is coming in this direction at a very fast pace-"Evelyn muttered while having a serious look on her face but soon her facial expressions changed when she heard something unusual from Yohan's mouth that made her and kana to raise their brows in unison.

"Snowy...what is that little devil doing here?"He whispered and the next moment entire surrounding echoed with the sound of loud roar and the next moment a distant flying figure can be seen moving in their direction where Yohan,Evelyn and kana were standing side by side, Evelyn and kana's eyes widened when they saw that distant flying figure who were approaching them,the color of their faces turned pale when they realized that creature is resembling to a small dragon,two of them couldn't believe on their eyes after all this is the first time they are witnessing such sight, afterall it was Aana,Vanya,Elsa and Maria who were aware about the existence of snow dragon that is hatched by the egg that Yohan found long ago inside the soul subspace.


"Yohan...don't tell me this is...."Kana muttered in a low voice as she remembered about the egg's that she was looking after all that time with Aana inside the soul subspace when Yohan was busy looking after her master,a smile appeared on Yohan's face hearing kana.

"She is member of our family!"Yohan whispered as he took few steps before opening his arms for snowy,a surprise look appeared on kana's face as she realized her gutt feeling were right,a bright smile appeared on her face knowing the egg finally hatched and they got

"It's a freaking dragon..."Evelyn muttered while having a dumbfounded look on her beautiful face.

"And it's about to crash on us..."She added and the next moment she moved to kana and disappeared from the ground,and a moment later two of them appeared into the sky making a safe distance from the ground where Yohan was standing with open arms.


A moment later with a loud roar and frightening speed snowy finally moved into yohan's embrace and the moment their body met a loud explosion took place instantly obliterating few miles area where Yohan were standing,the entire area instantly got covered with dirt which reached thousands of meters above of the ground upon Yohan and snowy's collision.

"I can't see anything!"kana exclaimed as she tried to look through the dirt that covered the entire area where they were standing earlier.

"Don't worry he is fine...more importantly I am witnessing something extraordinary!"Evelyn whispered as her blue eyes beamed and her vision pierce through the dirt and rubble,she could see Yohan who was holding a small white dragon who was licking his face as he was standing inside the giant hole in the ground left behind by the collision of some asteroid.