September 23rd, 1821.

General Theodoros Kolokotronis was overlooking the city of Tripolitsa with his binoculars. He was impressed by its capabilities which allowed him to zoom in and zoom out by adjusting a knob.

"French military technology is surely fascinating," Theodoros mumbled under his breath.

His aide-de-camp, named Andreas, approached him, carrying a stack of reports. "General, the latest intelligence on the Ottoman forces in the area," Andreas said, handing over the documents.

Theodoros took the reports, his eyes quickly scanning the pages. "It seems we have a significant task ahead. The Ottomans have fortified their positions in the city."

Andreas nodded, "Yes, General. But our troops are prepared and motivated. We have been training rigorously for this."


Theodoros looked back at the city through his binoculars, contemplating their strategy. "Our advantage lies in the superiority of the French artillery. Is it ready for bombardment?" Theodoros asked, still observing the city.

"Yes, General. The artillery units are in position and waiting for your command," Andreas replied. "We've strategically placed them to maximize their effectiveness against the Ottoman fortifications."

Theodoros nodded, his mind focused on the task at hand. "Good. Inform the artillery commanders to be on standby. I want them ready to fire as soon as we begin the assault."

Andreas acknowledged the order with a sharp salute. "I'll relay your instructions immediately, General."

Theodoros turned his attention away from the city and toward his assembled officers, who were approaching for the briefing. "Gentlemen," he began, "our objective is clear. We need to take Tripolitsa and break the Ottoman hold on the region. Our plan must be precise and coordinated."He laid out a map, pointing to key locations around the city. "We will launch a multi-pronged attack. The artillery will provide cover and break their defenses, while our infantry moves in for the assault. Speed and surprise are crucial."

This idea of his assault was inspired by the great general ruling the strongest empire in the world, Napoleon Bonaparte. His excellence in utilizing modern technology and seamlessly integrating it into military strategy made a profound impression on Theodoros.


"But General," one of the officers raised a hand. "The Ottomans have machine guns set up at strategic points. If they're not neutralized by the artillery bombardment, they could pose a significant threat to our infantry during the assault."

Theodoros nodded, acknowledging the concern. "You're correct. We must ensure that our artillery targets these machine gun nests effectively. Precision in our bombardment will be key to minimizing the risk to our ground forces."

He continued. "But we all know that no plan is always perfect. It will not work in accordance with our expectations without adaptability on the field," Theodoros added pragmatically. "Infantry commanders must be ready to adjust tactics on the fly if the machine gun positions are not fully neutralized."

One of the infantry commanders spoke up, "We'll have our squads spread out to minimize casualties and use any available cover. Quick maneuvers will be essential."

Theodoros nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We need to be fluid in our approach."

He then turned his attention to the entire group. "Remember, this is not just about military victory. This is about our struggle for independence, for our homeland. The Ottomans have ruled over us for the last four centuries. It's a fight for our freedom, our culture, and our right to self-determination." Theodoros emphasized.


The officers listened intently, their resolve solidifying with every word.

"We are born Greek, and we will die Greek!"lightsnovel

When Theodoros spoke those words, the commanders around him agreed through a roar.

"Let's repel the Ottomans once and for all!"


One hour later, the Greek revolutionaries commenced their attack on Tripolitsa. The artillery pieces, strategically positioned as per Theodoros's orders, roared to life, marking the beginning of the assault. The sound of cannon fire echoed across the battlefield, shaking the ground and sending plumes of smoke into the air.

Theodoros, stationed at a vantage point, watched intently as the artillery shells arced through the sky, landing amidst the Ottoman fortifications. He could see through his binoculars the impact they were having on the Ottoman defenses, creating chaos and disarray.

Meanwhile, Andreas coordinated the communication between the artillery units and the infantry commanders, ensuring that the bombardment was synchronized with the movements of the ground troops. The Greek soldiers, motivated by their general's words and their own desire for independence, waited eagerly for the signal to advance.

As the artillery continued its relentless barrage, Theodoros gave the order for the infantry to move in. The ground troops surged forward, using the cover of the artillery fire to close the distance to the city. They moved swiftly and efficiently, as they had been trained, spreading out to minimize casualties and taking advantage of any cover they could find.

The Ottoman forces, caught off guard by the intensity and coordination of the Greek attack, scrambled to respond.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Not all machine guns were neutralized in the bombardment, so when the Greeks approached closer to the city, they opened fire.

Tracer bullets lit up the battlefield as the remaining Ottoman machine guns opened fire on the advancing Greek troops. It mowed down the charging Greeks who tried responding by firing the weapons the French gave to them, the bolt-action rifles.

But it was ineffective against the machine gunners who had fortified positions.

A radio operator attached to the charging unit knelt down and tossed the transmitter to the officer. The officer crouched behind cover, quickly grabbed the device and spoke into it with urgency.

"Artillery command, this is Alpha Unit. Requesting immediate bombardment on enemy machine gun positions. Coordinates are 39.375, 22.427. Repeat, coordinates 39.375, 22.427. High priority, over!"

The way the officer communicated to the artillery officer was adopted when French military generals and officers taught them know-how on how modern warfare works.

The radio crackled with a response. "Alpha Unit, this is Artillery Command. Confirming coordinates 39.375, 22.427. Preparing for bombardment. Stand by, over."

The officer nodded to his men, signaling them to prepare for the artillery's response. Moments later, the sound of the Greek artillery firing echoed through the air. The shells whistled as they flew overhead, accurately hitting the designated coordinates.

The effect was immediate. The fortified machine gun positions were engulfed in explosions, creating a window of opportunity for the Greek infantry. With the main source of enemy fire suppressed, the Greeks advanced.

"Move up! Now's our chance!" shouted the officer, leading his men forward. The Greek troops, bolstered by the success of the artillery strike, surged ahead, taking advantage of the chaos among the Ottoman ranks.

As the Greek infantry pushed forward, the air was thick with smoke and the sound of gunfire. Theodoros Kolokotronis, watching from his vantage point, saw his troops advancing into the city of Tripolitsa.

"This is it…the first step towards securing independence," Theodoros said.