Chapter 2941: Determination  

Great Elder Ni Huang had never gathered the members of the White Dragon Clan together after they migrated to the Lower Realm. It was clear to everyone that something big must have happened.

Most people struggled to move about in the Lower Realm, due to the presence of the various powerful beasts. However, the members of the White Dragon Clan had brought out all of the clan’s reserves of dirt touched with Ancestor Python’s saliva, which meant they could completely ignore the beasts of the Lower Realm.

It took half a month for all of the clan’s elites to gather beneath Python Ancestor's head. Although there were many people, there was no commotion. This was a sacred place for the White Dragon Clan.

Long Xi lifted her head to look at Python Ancestor. She was back in this place once again. She and Brother Xiaoxuan had visited this place when he had been posing as Long Qi—no, he was Lu Yin.

Long Xi would never forget that day beneath Python Ancestor.

How wonderful it would be to go back to that day with her current memories.


Great Elder Ni Huang sat quietly before everyone. When he spoke, his voice was soft. "Is everyone here?"

Long Laogui stepped forward and respectfully answered, "Great Elder, all of our clan’s elites are here. What are your orders, Great Elder?"

Ni Huang turned to look at everyone who had gathered. There were tens of thousands of people. These clansmen represented the future of the White Dragon Clan. At this moment, he needed to make a decision, and it was one that would determine the fate of the White Dragon Clan that had been tasked with protecting the Lower Realm. This was not a place where their clan should remain forever, and Ni Huang still had some ambitions.

"How long has it been since we arrived in the Lower Realm?" Ni Huang asked.

"Great Elder, it has been ten years," Long Laogui answered again.

Long Xi looked conflicted. Had it already been ten years? Time passed by so quickly.


Ni Huang looked at all the clan members. "Has it been ten years? Have you all adapted to being here in the Lower Realm?"

Many of the clan members glanced at each other, wondering what the great elder meant with this question.

Long Xi frowned. Something was off about Great Elder Ni Huang’s tone. Why had he suddenly asked this question?

Ni Huang glanced at Long Laogui, Long Tian, and Long Xi before glancing at the clan’s various young geniuses. "There are those among you who relied on the status that our White Dragon Clan once had as one of the four ruling powers to become famous in the Perennial World.

"Some of you became Junior Progenitors, who were looked up to by the entire Perennial World.

"All of you were both envied and respected by countless people.


"Do you still remember those days?"

Long Xi's eyes flickered, and she took a step forward. "Great Elder, what are you saying?"

Great Elder Ni Huang gave Long Xi a cold stare. "Has our White Dragon Clan ever truly committed any sin? When we were faced with the pressure of the Lu family, we did indeed admit that we were wrong, but is that actually true? All we wanted was a better place to live and some more advantages. Everyone possesses a bit of selfishness. Is it wrong to pursue a better future for our clan?”

"Great Elder, just what exactly do you want to do?" Long Xi shouted sharply.

Long Tian’s eyes narrowed.

Long Laogui's face grew pale, and he quickly tried to dissuade Ni Huang. "Great Elder, the Heavens Sect is the master of this place. Even the Sixverse Association must obey Lu Yin now. Great Elder, please reconsider your next words."

"Great Elder, please reconsider."

"Great Elder…"

Great Elder Ni Huang shook his head. "Everyone wishes to reach the peak. Who among you has never dreamed of becoming a Progenitor? Is that possible as long as we remain in the Lower Realm? We must leave this place and join the rest of the Perennial World, or else our White Dragon Clan will have no future at all.”

Long Xi angrily shouted, "Great Elder, we have already been blessed by the fact that the Lu family did not pursue our crimes against them. Dao Monarch Lu even went so far as to return Progenitor Long’s eye to our White Dragon Clan. Without that, our White Dragon Clan would have been destroyed by Aeternus. Why do you still want to lash out at the kindness that has been shown to us? This is not merely selfish, but rather utter shamelessness!"

Long Tian frowned. "Great Elder, while I do hate Lu Xiaoxuan, this is not how things should be done."

Long Laogui was terribly worried. "Great Elder, what do you want?"

Great Elder Ni Huang's eyes lit up with excitement. "No matter what you all may think, I wish to lead the White Dragon Clan back to greatness! I want my people to be qualified to become Progenitors and make it so that my people can proudly raise their heads in front of others. No one can stop me, no one! Any who attempts to do so will be betraying our entire clan!"

This was madness! All of the members of the White Dragon Clan members felt that Great Elder Ni Huang must have lost his mind.

Long Xi was beyond furious. "Great Elder, return Progenitor Long’s eye to me!"

The great elder sneered at the woman and then took a single step forward to appear in front of her. The pressure that the man gave off made it difficult for Long Xi to even breathe. Long Tian's expression changed, and he quickly moved to stand in front of Long Xi, despite their distant relationship. At this moment, everyone in the clan wanted to stop Ni Huang, as he was really acting insane.

Long Xi had a very high status in the White Dragon Clan, but her status was even higher in the scope of the entire Origin Universe. It was her relationship with Lu Yin that made it so that no one dared to make trouble for the White Dragon Clan. If Ni Huang did anything to Long Xi, the White Dragon Clan would lose all hope.

At this moment, even Long Laogui took action, and he moved to block Great Elder Ni Huang.

Killing intent blazed in Great Elder Ni Huang’s eyes as he grabbed Long Xi's head with a hand. Every member of the White Dragon Clan stared in horror as the man captured Long Xi. Her vision blurred, and she felt the threat of death approaching. She had made a terrible mistake. She should never have given Progenitor Long’s eye to the great elder. Long Xi had thought that her clan had clearly seen the direction that things were heading, and she had believed that they could change their ways. She had never expected this to happen.

The White Dragon Clan was about to come to an end.

"Great Elder, stop!"


Great Elder Ni Huang held Long Xi in front of his body, and moved her so that her body blocked the sight of his own face from a particular direction. At that moment, gentleness filled his eyes, as well as hope and reluctance. "I leave the future of the White Dragon Clan to you. Live well.”

Long Xi stared at Ni Huang in utter confusion.

The man smiled at her, and then a ferocious look covered his face. His left hand swept out, tearing open the void and shoving Long Xi, Long Tian, and several of the other nearby clan members in. "Stay alive–!"

Far away, the black-robed figure’s expression changed.

The black-robed figure instantly attacked, trying to disrupt Great Elder Ni Huang's actions. The strange eye appeared on the great elder's forehead, and it stared at the black-robed figure. At that moment, the tear in the void disappeared.

A clash of Progenitor-level power instantly shattered many of the nearby people.

Long Xi, Long Tian, and the others who had been pushed into the void by Great Elder Ni Huang watched as many of their fellow clan members died. Before they lost sight of the Lower Realm, they saw Great Elder Ni Huang cough up blood. At that moment, they understood that everything that the man had said had been a trick.

The moment that the void returned to normal, and the black-robed figure snapped, furious. "You idiot! You bastards are not worthy of belonging to the same race as me! I will destroy you all!"

The Lower Realm trembled, and the various members of the White Dragon Clan vomited blood as they died. Not one member of the clan in the entire Lower Realm was spared. This was the power of bloodline suppression. Great Elder Ni Huang took on the massive form of a dragon, and he slammed his body into Python Ancestor, hoping the beast would wake up and drive their enemy away.

In the Lu Sanctum in the Higher Realm, Lu Tianyi suddenly looked down. His expression shifted. What was going on?

The arms of the black-robed figure stretched out from beneath the black robe. What appeared were not human arms, but rather fish fins. The black-robed figure was one of the Aeternals’ True God Guard Captains, Yu Huo.

His fins appeared soft, but they sliced right through the enormous draconic body of the transformed Ni Huang.

The great elder glanced at Yu Huo with Progenitor Long’s eye, but it was useless against Yu Huo.

Even if Progenitor Long were still alive, he would be no match for a True God Guard Captain, so Great Elder Ni Huang had absolutely no chance, seeing how he was only barely able to exert the combat strength of a Progenitor with the help of Progenitor Long’s strange eye.

As the jiao was broken apart, Long Laogui pulled out a blade and attacked Yu Huo.

The man was sliced to pieces by the fish’s fins.

Long Kui rode Gui to slam into Yu Huo. "We will live or die with our great elder!"

There was a bang, and blood and flesh scattered across the sky. There was not one bone left of Long Kui or Gui’s bodies.

The sudden violence spurred the members of the White Dragon Clan to action, and many of them charged forward. Their bloodlust had been fully roused.

Yu Huo glared at Ni Huang as the fish prepared to leave. He was in the Origin Universe, and any sort of delay would very likely draw out an expert from the Lu family.

Even so, Yu Huo was already too late. Lu Tianyi was on the move, and he pointed a finger as he stared down at the Lower Realm. "You are seeking death!"

Yu Huo's scalp went numb. He knew that he was absolutely no match for someone as powerful as Lu Tianyi. "We’ll see who is seeking death! Let’s see if your Lu family can handle Python Ancestor rolling over again!"

The fish then pulled out some unknown item and smashed it against Python Ancestor's head.

The enormous snake’s eyes snapped open, and it went berserk. The massive coils untangled from the Mother Tree’s trunk, and Python Ancestor slammed against the Middle Realm.

Lu Tianyi's expression changed drastically. "Python Ancestor, stop!"

The Middle Realm shook, and countless mountains and rivers cracked and broke. Tsunamis swept across the Middle Ocean, drowning countless coastal cities.

Lu Tianyi had never considered that anyone other than the White Dragon Clan could cause Python Ancestor to roll over. At this moment, Python Ancestor did not even seem conscious, despite its thrashing. The commotion and violence were utterly terrifying.

Yu Huo wanted to use this opportunity to escape.

The shattered body of Ni Huang’s dragon form fluttered as he bit Yu Huo. Almost all of the members of the White Dragon Clan who had been in the Lower Realm had already died. Their great elder had already done all that he could.

Yu Huo sneered. "Trash! This is what you get for betraying our clan! Let's see who can save you now."

The fish shot through the void, and starting at the jiao’s forehead, he tore Ni Huang apart, splitting him in two. Flesh and blood spilled and painted the Lower Realm’s third region red.

Everything had happened too fast. No one in the White Dragon Clan had the ability to resist a True God Guard Captain. Yu Huo tore through the void and was just about to leave, but he suddenly whirled around. He saw a finger approaching him. That should have been impossible. Lu Tianyi was clearly occupied by Python Ancestor’s rolling over. How had the human Progenitor found a chance to attack him?

No matter how unbelievable it was, Yu Huo still needed to deal with Lu Tianyi's attack.

His black robe shattered, and the form of the fish underwent two changes in an instant. First, the scales faded away, and the fish transformed into a snake-like creature. After that, the beast took on seven colors. It looked like a seven-colored python, and it greatly resembled Python Ancestor.

Lu Tianyi pointed another finger at the giant python. The beast’s body was pierced through, and it was flung back. There was no way to know where it might have landed.

Beneath the Middle Realm, as soon as Lu Tianyi looked away from the figure he had just struck, he turned to face Python Ancestor, who was about to slam into the Progenitor. The beast was the Origin Progenitor’s pet, and it had been around since the days of the ancient Heavens Sect. Lu Tianyi could not kill Python Ancestor even if he tried his best. Still, Python Ancestor was still thrashing about, and its body was about to slam into the Middle Realm. At that moment, Lu Tianyi raised his head. "Eagle–!"

An eagle’s cry rang throughout the Perennial World as a shadow dropped down from the top of the Mother Tree. It was massive, and it whipped up powerful winds and caused the void throughout the Perennial World to warp.

The Divine Eagle grabbed Python Ancestor from the side, and the two monstrous beasts clashed. Their impact tore the Middle Realm in two. Lu Tianyi quickly worked to stabilize the Middle Realm as Python Ancestor was struck by the Divine Eagle. Once the python landed in the Lower Realm, it still took a while for it to settle down.

It only took a short amount of time, but it had been incredibly dangerous. If there had been the slightest mistake, the entire Perennial World would have been destroyed.

Lu Tianyi feared that the biggest threat to upsetting the Perennial World might be Python Ancestor itself. The enormous snake’s strength was comparable to the Seven Skygods, and it could be a powerful threat against the Aeternals, but if Aeternus could take advantage of Python Ancestor, the beast could cause incredible damage to humanity.

Aside from the Origin Progenitor himself, only the Divine Eagle was capable of temporarily restraining Python Ancestor.