Chapter 1291 Cap 1289: You are not a Goddess part 2  

Pov Xagar:

"XAGAR!!!" (Rael)

His actions were blatant, but at least he didn't attack indiscriminately as I expected, but from the veins bulging from his neck and forehead, I can assume he's trying very hard to maintain control.

"(Targo, be careful, he must have learned something over the years.)" (I)

"(Leave it to me.)" (Targo)

Targo's senses as a Spirit are better than mine, he will notice any unexpected action before I do, so I gave him freedom to act by controlling my body if necessary, like a Blood Spirit can take control of my body if I not resist.




"< Demonic Armor >" (I)

"< Heavy Step >" (I)

I would like to talk more with Rael, listening to his nonsense makes me feel like reaffirming my decision, his decriminalization against Demons and acts of cruelty are an example of the mistakes that were also mine one day, putting an end to this today is an opportunity that cannot I'll lose.

I knew that no matter how many years had passed, Rael wouldn't waste words on a Demon for so long, he was planning something and preparing for it, so I had to strike first.


I already wear armor of pure Demonic power reinforcing my general Defense as well as slightly increasing my physical statistics.

I started my movement with my foot colliding with the ground in an explosion of power causing the earth to shake strongly at the same time I used that same foot to push forward.

When I did this, I came face to face with spheres of light that just appeared in front of me and that was when my wings moved on their own, pushing from one side to the other, dodging each of the spheres until I was close to Rael.

"< Light Purification Field >" (Rael)

"< Blood Spirit Stigma >" (Targo)

As soon as I was facing him, the two within reach of each other, I saw his Aura pulse in its fury towards the surroundings, the spheres of light explode into thin columns of light connecting the heavens and the earth with energy from the light element, as well I feel a sense of Holy energy and trace it back to the golden bracelet on Rael's arm.


This magic was something I know, a magic used by many when fighting creatures with dark powers, mainly Demons who have Demonic Energy in their bodies.

Targo acted quickly with milliseconds of difference, as soon as I started to feel my skin burning all over my body, a blood red energy flowed around me almost completely mixing with my Demonic energy. Marks of red veins stand out all over my body, which is where this red energy comes directly from my blood, so the Spiritual Power was protecting me from this area of purification.

"< Demonic Sword >" (I)

"< Solar Refractory Sword >" (Rael)

Rael was never someone to hesitate in attacking even those stronger than him, even though I showed my strength I knew he was still hiding something, he was always someone who liked to surprise by leaving a last resort hidden.

That's why I was surprised that responding to me pulling out my sword coated with my Demonic Aura, he decided to use his sacred item, the same item I noticed before.

The bracelet seemed to be made of golden metal fragments stuck together, each part of the fragments were so polished that you could see the reflection like a mirror.

When he activated the bracelet the fragments separated, sucking all his Aura at once before taking the shape of an expected one with threads of light connecting the fragments, the light that hit the sword was reflected in the form of an Aura of solid light to his around doubling the size of the sword.

Our two swords collided, but neither of us took a step back, I planted both feet on the ground in front of him like our duels of our youth, I'm sure he remembers this and the honor we felt trying to imitate the legendary duels of the strong Templars of Light.

Rael may be an Adventurer, but he has always been arrogant, his honor and pride have always been his biggest character flaw, he will understand the way I positioned him in front of him, he will understand it as a Demon, already an inferior and filthy creature challenging his honor.

Even though he knows that this is my trap, he will jump in head first for the simple fact that he doesn't accept running away from a Demon, especially when that Demon is me.

At a sword's length from each other, our swords collide dozens of times per second creating impact waves that spread around us.

With each collision, his sword seems to shine brighter and it doesn't take long for me to understand its effect, it is accumulating power with each impact and there must be a way to release all this power, it seems that I was the one who fell in the artillery.

"Goodbye, Rael..." (I)

"< Demonic Curse: Incarnation of Pride >" (I)

I rip the ring off my finger and destroy the magical crystal it contains, Demonic power envelops both of us as I feel every part of my body creak under the pressure, a powerful energy flowing through my body and influencing my emotions.

In Rael's next strike, I use the hilt of the sword to throw his sword aside, making room for me to grab his wrist, then I pull him using my teeth to bite his neck.

"< Solar Body >" (Rael)

Suddenly I feel the energy inside him emerge and I move away in time to see his body surrounded by white flames of condensed light.

These flames seem to spread throughout this arena taken by the power of light purification, I also notice that his body was burning slowly, he doesn't control his own power.

"Stop and leave Xagar's name clean from its filthy existence!" (Rael)

"Try if you can." (I)

"(Targo, now!)" (I)

"< Blood Thorn >" (Targo) Once again our swords collided, but this time a white explosion hit me due to the collision of our swords, but not in time to see the blood on the ground become a spear piercing through his defenses to pierce his stomach from the bottom up and probably your lung.

"< Demonic Blood Claws >" (me/Targo)

I let go of my sword that floats at my side as I open my arms before closing them towards Rael with all my strength, but at that moment suddenly a strong wave of spiritual energy appeared that tried to envelop both of us.

I felt Targo try to protect me, but this spiritual energy was invading our bodies until I felt the power of the blood jewel on my forehead spread throughout my body, Targo who remains inside me is also safe when this energy is explained from within my body.

Rael did not have the same kind of power to protect himself, his body began to dry out more and more as his sword fragments seemed to come to life moving away from him while covering himself with Holy power.

When I look at Rael I see the fury in his eyes until the end, I'm sure he never thought about there being such a big interference in his fight.

"At least I'm the one who ends you, goodbye old friend." (I)

With my sword I move my hands again, separating Rael's head from the rest of his body with just a swing of the sword, weak as he was it was so easy that I felt regret for not being able to have the fight I expected.

"(We don't have time for this, they've made their moves.)" (Targo)

"So now it's my turn to carry out the mission, I hope Fiona is ready." (I)


Pov Zenos:

I was watching the fight way, an idiotic way to train.

It was no surprise that Xagar suppressed him almost completely and didn't even need to use the Power I granted him to deal with his friend, the fight was won and it was only a matter of time before Xagar was considered the winner.

My only doubt was the end of this fight, would it be his friend admitting defeat, would it be Xagar killing his childhood friend or would he be dragged out being declared defeated, would it be the path of resolution, compassion, or uncertainty?

But at that moment something happens, a wave of Holy power mixed with spiritual power surrounds and spreads throughout the Coliseum.

"They made their move, Orion..." (I)

"Starting, I wait for Fiona and Xagar's movement?" (Orion)

"Yes, we need the items you both carry." (I)

"Fiona is ready, but Xagar just chopped off his opponent's head." (Elizabeth)

"(So he chose the path of resolution...)" (I)

"Nix, begin the process." (I)

"Yes." (Nix)

I look outside, some people's Souls are being drained of their power and I can see fights happening in the stands, but what I'm seeing is the flow of power gathering overhead, it was Spiritual power refined from the stolen power of Souls.

I can also feel this strange Spiritual power devouring and corrupting Spiritual powers.

It was at this moment that several spheres of light elemental and spiritual power appeared coming out of a crack that had formed in the place where the flow of spiritual power was concentrated.

"Infant Spirits? No... they look different... they have undergone Spiritual Rebirth?" (I)