Chapter 1296 Cap 1294: The end of an Evil God  

I was tired, not to the point of exhaustion like in many other battles, but I was still tired and more than anything, I was so injured that if I hadn't been a Demigod I might have been on the verge of death right now.

That last attack from this Evil Goddess was devastating, just looking at that large sphere of energy made it obvious that it was not capable of defending that thing, I tried using my Dragon breath attack to test the level of hitting, which also proved useless, So I resorted to the same plan as always, deceiving my opponent.

I am different from my sisters, I don't have Natasha's combat techniques, I don't have Elizabeth's strategies and I don't have Caitlyn's power, my sisters surpass me in specializations, even my Familiars and some of my companions surpass me in certain aspects.

My greatest strength has always been my versatility and creativity, I have always had a wide variety of powers that gave me immeasurable flexibility to do almost anything, I have always used this advantage to the fullest knowing that I would never be able to go head to head against someone specializing in their own right field.

In combat I deceive, manipulate, and deceive my enemies, I make it impossible to predict what I can do and sometimes I myself don't know what I'm doing, he wasn't an idiot at that point since I almost killed myself in one of those plans.

So when I saw the size of that attack, how it was coming towards me, how it was demanding my body making it almost impossible to move my body, and how it was disrupting my senses due to the high concentration of power, a plan just formed in my mind.


I was swallowed into an intervening space before exiting through another passage in the form of gaping teeth appearing at the Evil Goddess's side faster than she could react.

The energy sphere was very close to me, blocking our line of sight of each other and I decided to take a risk, when I appeared next to it I was at maximum forward speed and with my jaws very open.

I didn't give her time to react when my jaws closed ripping off her entire shoulder and part of her chest, her arm just fell off as it was separated from her shoulders by my teeth.

As soon as I feel his body break under the force of my teeth, I feel something hit me from the side, breaking my arm and what was left of my ribs as I was thrown away by the force, colliding against something gelatinous that I soon discovered was a colossal eye.

But I didn't waste my time with my strength I chewed the large piece of marble that was part of the Evil Goddess's body while keeping my eyes on her who flies towards me with columns of metal, earth, and ice even bigger than my body, it was a rain of these things covering the entire sky.

"(It burns...)" (I) I chewed and swallowed, but I could feel the pieces of the Goddess struggle inside my mouth causing injuries, but what bothered me more than anything else was the Divinity Fragment that until now had made my tongue melt in the literal sense.


What I ripped off the Evil Goddess was the shoulder and the part just on the chest where the Fragment of Divinity was located, this was my target since the beginning of the fight, but I was never able to even touch it until now, she always dodged any attack that was in the direction of the Divinity Fragment and often used it as bait, which sometimes lured me into traps I wouldn't normally fall into.

But this time I used her attack against her and even so I was filled with dread, not from the murderous fury falling upon me from the heavens, but due to the pure concentrated power that this Divinity Fragment seemed to possess.

"..." (I)

Even while chewing I didn't open my mouth, I could feel the Divinity Fragment being drawn back towards the Evil God, but I wouldn't allow it.

"(Nix, now!)" (I)

"(...)" (Nix)


I could feel the purely Spiritual Authority in the Fragment, in fact, it was far beyond mere Authority, but it was marked somehow, it was rejecting me while still maintaining the presence of the Evil Goddess.

That's why I swallowed the pieces of the Evil Goddess's body and the Divinity Fragment so much, as soon as I did that I could feel my Authority being sucked forming a straight path from my crown with the 6 stars to the Fragment going down my throat.

The Fragment simply rejected all Authorities and Auras, only Nix's Authority and mine as well as our Auras were able to connect to the Divinity Fragment.

At that moment there seemed to be a black hole inside my furnace sucking all my Authority along with Nix's as well as our Spiritual Power, it seemed like a bottomless pit as I felt the presence of the Evil Goddess diminishing inside the Divinity Fragment.

All of this was happening very fast, but it wasn't fast enough as I was hit by dozens of massive columns of ice, earth, or metal while dodging hundreds of others.

"GIVE IT BACK TO ME!!!" (Evil Goddess)

"(Nix!!!)" (I)

"(I'm trying!)" (Nix) The Evil Goddess was crazy, she was hit twice by her own attack as she flew straight towards me.

From her body emerged a translucent claw completely made of Holy Power, she uses this claw to pierce through my stomach, searching my insides as if looking for the Divinity Fragment that I stole from her.

While I was trying to endure the Soul-Shattering pain this Fragment was causing me and still trying to resist against the berserk Evil Goddess, Nix was using our Connection to bind this Divine Fragment now without the Evil Goddess's mark.

I could feel my connection with Nix changing once again, I could feel that we were both reaching out to meet something in the middle and it was then that a burst of Holy Power surged within me and I took advantage of this to grasp both sides of the Evil Goddess still screaming hysterically.

I then acted following my Dragon instincts by starting to tear off pieces of red crystal and pieces of what looked like white marble while devouring the Evil Goddess's body, this made me lower my guard thinking that I had won after eating half of her body.

Soon a completely translucent Goddess appeared made completely of Sacred Power and Spiritual Energy, this time her two claws tried to reach me, one of them entered my chest trying to squeeze my heart while the second tried to enter the Blood Core that is in my chest, but that only made that claw shatter with energy coming from the Sun and Moon which are my Divine Weapon protecting the Blood Core.

At that moment the wild temporary explosion of power that I felt was diminishing, but still taking advantage of this moment I transmitted my will to an object that I threw in the middle of the spiritual figure of the Evil Goddess.

What had been thrown was a seemingly ordinary doll, but as soon as the spiritual figure of the Evil Goddess was touched, a crack of murderous intent so thick that it was palpable appeared, another spiritual figure appeared, this was the Fallen Saint that I removed from Hell, but his figure had almost no features.

She had long black hair and skin that was pale to the point of being light grey, there was nothing on her face, literally nothing, and her body was almost a simple silhouette with almost no features.

She seemed to be crawling out of the doll, countless chains binding her spiritual body and yet she crawled out, a smiling mouth with curved teeth appearing out of nowhere on her face as her claws tore through the Evil God's spiritual body and her teeth were managing to grind the spiritual body while fervently devouring the Evil Goddess.

Before it could finish, in fact at the very beginning of this Servant of Hell's "meal", the chains pulled stronger and stronger until dragging her back to the doll with the addition of dragging the Evil Goddess along leaving just me alone in this bizarre space and half destroyed looking at a seemingly normal doll.

I was simply trying to understand, I knew that this Soul of the Fallen Saint was more than grateful to me for taking her out of Hell, she knows that anyone would be better than Hell and I took advantage of that by transmitting my will to the doll for her interfere with the Evil Goddess.

I just wanted to buy some time, I never thought that the Evil God would have his Spiritual body destroyed and in the end dragged by the doll before returning to normal.

"What a horrible end for a Goddess or at least for someone who was once a Goddess." (I)

I stretched out my hand to retrieve the doll that was dragged into my hand as if it was magnetized.

I was happy thinking that everything was over and when I deactivated my abilities making the crown explode in the forms of my 6 Familiars, myself leaving my Dragon form and the power of Incarnation of Divinity as well as Hinata deactivating her Territory.

But it was then that I started to feel it, my body felt horrible but still bearable, but what I was feeling was something difficult to explain and seemed to get worse every second, I thought it could be because of the fight or in the worst case because of the Fragment of Divinity, so I ran to where my sisters were knowing they would know what to do.

"Search and gather the others!" (I)

With the death of the Evil Goddess, everything was over, so I made all my Familiars to gather together, I had also seen Alice in the arena looking weak, but I needed to get help for myself now and so I left everything in the hands of my Familiars.