Chapter 1307 Cap 1305: Let the game begin!  Pov Hero (Demonic Fairy Goddess):

I was kneeling in front of the Goddess, in the last few days I have faced more monsters than any other day in my life.

I knew that most monsters are created by the Goddess to train those brave enough to hunt and also to feed the population, I myself was trained that way until I reached the heights I reached today.

"My Hero, it seems the cause of these monsters has finally revealed itself, a creature born of blood and malice resulting from the wars before my arrival."(Goddess)

"My Goddess, is this creature so strong to affect the entire continent?"(I)

"Yes, their power could be comparable to yours or even greater and it's not just this continent being affected, the whole world is facing these monsters, the number of missing people grows every day, and even an entire city has already disappeared."(Goddess)

"If the creature dies, will the monsters stop appearing?"(I)


"No, it will take months to purify your taint in this beautiful world and there may be other equally strong monsters that have been lying dormant until now, for now that is my Saint's belief."(Goddess)

"As for me, I feel there may be more to this, but I can't wait any longer to act."(Goddess)

"Don't worry my Goddess, I will hunt this monster and then I will guard the place until it is purified."(I)

"No, after defeating the creature, return here as quickly as possible."(Goddess)

Suddenly I feel knowledge flowing into my mind, it has been many years since I last felt this, at that time I had received the honor of being a Hero and the Goddess granted me the lost knowledge about this world before your arrival, the existence of wars, hunger, diseases, monsters and the existence of Gods who did nothing in the face of this despair.

Just like in the past, now I received the information of the monster and its surroundings, it seems like it is a creature with no weak points, but there must be a power core at least, there also seem to be a lot of monsters around it, it will be better to take the Hunters stronger ones to take care of these monsters while I take care of the strongest, I will also need Priests since there seems to be a lot of contamination in the surroundings, I can resist because of the Goddess' power, but the other Hunters may not resist or see their power diminished due to that environment.action


"My Goddess, I can take 100 High Grade Hunters and 30 High Priests or at least the Saint..." (I)

"The Saint stays here, just as you have your tasks, he also has things to do, but you can take the Priests and Hunters you requested."(Goddess)

"Thank you, my Goddess, I will leave today."(I)


As only High Grade hunters are with me, our speed allowed us to travel very quickly, the High Priests luckily were able to accompany us with the help of items and magic, and thanks to this a trip that could have taken 1 week, only took 1 day.

Even before arriving at the Valley where the creature was, the environment already showed the degree of advanced contamination by the miasma, even where we were it was still the worst thing I had seen in my entire life to the point of wondering how I was at the center of this contamination.


"Sir, perhaps it would be best to rest here before going in."(High Priest A)

"You're right... 30 minutes rest!"(I)We are running non-stop with 1 hour breaks a day, I know this is not enough to make everyone tired, but I can't deny that it still exhausts them mentally and physically.

During this rest I tried to explore the area, this is not my specialty, but I know the basics after so many years of experience as a Hunter.

When I returned I explained what I discovered to the others, the monsters seem to avoid getting too close to the center and the black mist that covers this entire place is especially thick there, I also feel a very aggressive Aura there making it almost certain that the creature is in that place.

My fight with the creature wouldn't be easy, my hand was shaking when I felt its Aura, so I had to take into account the action of the monsters around, they seemed to be afraid to get closer, and even so, they didn't move very far from the area.

I put together a standard attack plan, I would take care of the creature while the Hunters will take care of the monsters with the High Priests supporting from behind, this was the best and most obvious strategy in this situation, I don't want the monsters to spread out attacking some city or come attack me as soon as my fight against the Creature begins.

The fog in the surroundings was miasma, but a powerful Aura was present, there might be more than 1 monster, but I must win this battle.


The fight started head on, with a large group like ours it would be impossible to approach without being noticed, so we attacked head on and I took the opportunity to open a path of blood leaving the others behind with an initial advantage.

The rain of magical attacks and the distance created a clear area where they could fight while I created a path for them to get there.

My Gauntlets were Sacred Weapons granted to me by the Goddess, using them I never lost a single combat, their silver color with green reliefs with leaf designs always pleased me.

"< Sacred Strengthening of Nature >" (I)

"< Fists of the Holy Wind >" (I)

I feel the elements of the world invading my body with each punch of mine making dozens to hundreds of monsters fly into pieces, each punch of mine causes an explosion of cutting wind, I needed to create a quick path to the creature before this battle drew it here where the other Hunters would be at risk.

When I passed the monsters I came across the thick fog of miasma and I continued running, at some point I felt the eyes of the creature on me realizing that my own senses were very weakened while the creature seems to be less affected by being in its environment.

"(Her element is blood, death, and darkness from what the Goddess can sense, so I have to use the elements of Light, Life and Holy Power.)" (I)

When I finally find the creature I see something different from what I imagined, the lower part was that of a giant wolf while the upper part was a humanoid silhouette, the entire body was covered in armor made of black crystal fair scales and you could still see the red glow of blood through the armor.

"(It looks like a distorted version of Centaurs from ancient legends.)" (I)


"< Fists of Holy Light >" (I)

I didn't waste time, the monster had noticed my presence first, but it didn't make an attack, just looking at me, luckily it gave me the chance to make the first attack which I took advantage of.

I felt that the environment was different, but I couldn't understand what it was like with the presence of this creature occupying everything, so I remained alert while moving in for a head-on attack.

I enveloped my hands with my Aura creating larger Aura versions glowing brightly.Without hesitation, I started attacking, but instead of defending the creature attacked, its upper body opens revealing a gigantic vertical mouth full of teeth, so I open my hands grabbing the sides of this beast's mouth from the outside while using my strength to close it, my other arm coming in an attack only to hit with this creature's smaller fist.

I realized that my attack didn't cause any kind of damage to him while a red and black energy enveloped her body.

In what felt like hours of combat the damage was piling up for me and the creature, but my body was continually being nitrite by the power of Life by the Goddess's Blessings, but that didn't heal all the wounds, there was something about this monster interfering with my wounds preventing it from healing completely.

Even so, I continued the fight, after all this time I felt a bit of urgency, I felt that I had to return to the Goddess's side, it was an increasingly dominant feeling within me, I was also worried about those who followed me here, Where I am I can't even hear their battle and I can't see if the fight is over.


"< Sacred Collision of Light and Life >" (I)

This attack was something that had the most effect, combining all of his weaknesses together in a super concentrated explosion, but it also used up a lot of energy.

I had already used this attack 4 times, the first and second time I managed to destroy the creature's armor revealing its blood body as some type of corrupted water elemental, unfortunately, the armor regenerated and the monster managed to dodge the third attack.

The fourth attack once again destroyed the armor while my next more normal attacks were to stop the armor from regenerating again while preparing this even stronger attack.

I create two large Aura hands, one with the Light element and the other with the Life element, my Aura was infused with Holy Power while my body was already strengthened to the maximum.

I hit both hands with the monster in the middle, creating a zone of destruction between the two hands, tearing the monster's body as well as the art of my hands into pieces as it could not withstand the recoil of this attack.

"I... I... I won..." (I)


"May this... victory be... by my Goddess..." (I)

"I told you he would gain, so much power..." (Female Voice A)

"..." (I)

I suddenly heard voices, but I was soon surprised by an energy surrounding my body healing a part of my injuries as well as regenerating the flesh on my arms that were just bones as well as a burst of energy being pulled into my body replacing more than half of my reserves, I felt much better even though I was far from completely recovered.

"In the end, it doesn't matter if he wins or not."(Female Voice B)

"Should we capture him like the others or kill him? After all, he is a Target Hero."(Female Voice C)

"..." (I)

At first, I thought I was part of the Hunters who decided to approach the creature's end, I thought that because of the recovery I felt coming from them, but their words shocked me with their meaning.

"Who are you!?"(I)

"Just kill him, Orion said he's too fanatical, better finish him off."(Female Voice B)

"You guys talk too much, let's start this battle of Heroes."(Female Voice A)

"Let the game begin!!!"(Female Voice A)

"A game where the reward is Life itself."(Female Voice A)