Pov Haku (Clone):

I don't know what Mother wants to do here, we've been looking for months and haven't found anything, my only reason for waking up every day is the fruits of my experiences giving results.

"How are you kids?"(I)

"My arm hurts."(experiment A)

"I feel pain all the time, it's so strange... hahahahaha..." (experiment B)

"My body moves on its own, look at my arm."(Experiment C)

"..." (Experiment D)


"What happened to that one? Where's experiment E?"(I)

"He hasn't moved since yesterday, the youngest was devoured by him before he fell like that."(experiment A)

"I see, it seems that the magic circle combination is still not right."(I)

My claws grow and I crush the boy's mind into the ground, I used children because they were more easily adaptable genetically, but most died or experienced strange effects, I already tried to inspect their bodies to no avail when they spoke like that, but I found nothing other than a loss of time, better get rid of faults more efficiently.

"You can eat this one after I leave, but for now, let's make some adjustments, I need to remove your arm to take a look, and then I'll remove your heart since I got a better one yesterday, we also need to test your bodies' regeneration, so we're going to have a very busy day today."(I)

"Can I be the first, please, please, please..." (Experiment B)


lightsΝοvel "Alright, but no knives this time, I want to test the regeneration on the bones this time."(I)

"But I like knives."(Experiment B)

"You're going to do what I say, are we clear?"(I)

"Yes, Mrs. Haku."(Experiment B)

"(That's why I hate messing with children's memories, they always develop strange personalities and habits, it becomes so tiring...)" (I)

The city where I am has already been cleaned up, I got several low and medium quality materials, but at least the children are useful after some adjustments in their minds to make them more loyal and easy to deal with, unfortunately, it takes up a lot of time.


"Lady Haku, we found it, it was in the mountains in a hidden temple."(Assistant)

"Finally, I thought this mission would never end, Mother will be happy."(I)

----------------Pov Zenos:

The next day after I woke up I had a surprise, a big surprise when my body was directly pulled into a crack in space.

When I realized I was on top of a cliff overlooking a lush forest, the sky was blue and the sun high above looked like the eye of a beast.

"I was wondering how much you would look for me."(I)

"But I didn't imagine I would be physically dragged here."(I)

"You need to accept this power with your body, you understand it better than anyone."(God Cratos)

"A pleasure to meet you, God of Beasts."(I)

"You did very well during training, your power is already compared to that of a Minor God."(God Cratos)magic

"I appreciate the compliment, but that's only true if I consider if I'm using my Divine Weapon."(I)

"A god's weapon is part of his power, do not consider it as an external power when it was forged through his own effort."(God Cratos)

"I'll try to remember that, but if I may ask... you're not the only God here, are you?"(I)

"Don't worry about him, you'll be busy for the next few days."(God Cratos)

The God of Beasts was different from what I saw before, he looks like a man with dark skin, long disheveled golden hair, golden eyes, horns on his shoulders, gray scales on his arms, and white fur over most of his body, his face was a mixture of A beast like a Human, his appearance and presence exude an intense savage air.

He waves his hand and two Beasts appear, each of them very injured and with murderous eyes, clearly they are monsters with a thirst for blood.lights

One of the monsters was a fox with 3 eyes, the other was a half-rat, half-Bull monster, and the third was clearly a werewolf with tears coming out of its eyes.

"What's all this?"(I)

"These are gift wraps since you need a container of meat to receive your reward."(God Cratos)

"Don't worry about these 3, those two are murderous monsters who have no mind, they were totally dominated by their killer instincts."(God Cratos)

"The third is someone who was a sacrifice not long ago for me, he was in the process of becoming a Demon and hurt many of his tribe killing friends as well as his own family, he desires death and at the same time deserves punishment for who has."(God Cratos)

"What we do today will be your way of atoning for your crimes and freeing your Soul to reincarnate one day."(God Cratos)

"I thought I would only receive 1 Divinity Fragment, but here there are 3 individuals."(I)

"Don't think too much child, you have more than deserved what you are going to get, but I will not deliver food to your mouth, I believe in hunting your own food, I will give you the opportunity to earn your rewards."(I)

Suddenly 3 fox-like people appeared, they looked fast, walking on two legs and wearing loose clothes like a Priest, two of them were each carrying a crystal star that floated in their hands.

The third carried a sphere inside a barrier, she seemed tired just from carrying it.

The Beast God waved his hand making the two crystal stars float above the two monsters while the sphere floated above the Werewolf.

"..." (I)

"That sphere, is it... a complete Deity?"(I)

"Yes, this is your reward for completing my mission, to be honest, I never thought you would win, especially since there were Minor Gods participating in the tournament."(God Cratos)

"I used the quest just to force you to participate in the tournament and set a very high mark to push you to the limit, I was still surprised and increased the reward."(God Cratos)

"The other two Divinity Fragments are for your help sharing your chaos power during training and for performing such a splendid performance against so many Abyss Lords."(God Cratos)

"By your logic, others must have received rewards for all those fights, right?"(I)

"You got it right, but the evaluation measure for each one is different, if you expect much more from a Minor God than you expect from a Demigod, among the Demigods you stood out extravagantly."(God Cratos)

He doesn't even try to hide that both the tournament and the battle in that Divine Kingdom were training, in fact by now everyone must have realized and this whole event has already ended, there is no reason to hide it anymore when everything is in the past.

I was really interested in everything the God of Beasts was saying, but I couldn't shake the strange feeling of being watched, I didn't know which God was watching me or where he was, all I knew was that his gaze was intense enough that he didn't even try to hide.

"Is the one watching me a friend or an enemy? It wouldn't be the God of Light, right?"(I)

"Leave him aside, but you don't need to worry, he's an ally, you're not ready to meet him yet, you also need to know that he hates that idiot Baldr."(God Cratos)

"..." (I)

It seemed like the Beast God didn't want me to know about this other God for now, but it shouldn't be an enemy, if I'm correctly interpreting what I've gathered so far, the Beast God must want me to get these Essences before talking to this mysterious God.

Maybe one of these Essences is even necessary for this, if that's the case this mysterious God must need me for something, this smells like another divine mission for my bad luck.

"Let's get started, which of the 3 do you want to start?"(Goddess Cratos)

"Either of the 2 Divinity Fragments, I'll leave the sphere for last."(I)

"I'll start with the fox, this Fragment has traces of a Spiritual Essence, I chose this and the other Divinity Fragment because they are compatible with the Essences that are not yet complete within you."(God Cratos)


"(If it's a spiritual type Essence, maybe I could try using it on the essence I already have, maybe even remove that word "partial" from the name.)" (me)

I had a thought in mind and I'm sure that if God thought the same I still don't know if it's really possible, but it should be something relatively easy, maybe it's even something easy if you correctly use the power of chaos to adapt this energy in the right way that I want.

The Beast God snaps his fingers and the star-shaped crystal descends onto the 3-eyed Fox, the Fox's screams were becoming louder by the second as his body changed.

The God of Beasts opened the teleportation portal that took the transforming Fox to the foot of the cliff, its body was still changing with its flesh moving as it restructured the body, the body growing as a strange energy emanated from it.

"I'll start with that one."(I)