During my sleep I had a dream of standing in front of a tall woman with long red hair, silky white skin, extremely attractive curves with breasts that were neither big nor small, and a slim waist with hips that steal the look, she had beautiful red eyes. blood that seemed to be able to seep through all things in existence, eyes as beautiful as they were dangerous.

Her face was blurry to me and I couldn't see anything but her eyes and mouth, she was dressed in a long red dress with a black overcoat full of unrecognizable patterns and runes in gray and purple colors, she wore a black crown with red stones glowing, and he held a sword that he rested on the ground as he rested both hands relaxed on the hilt.

Her eyes looked at me and I felt she could see everything, there was nothing I could hide from her, she was studying me with that look and soon I was able to see her red lips smiling slightly, just enough to see the tips of two fangs.

"You did well child of my blood." (mysterious woman)

"(His voice is charming, but thick and conveys all his confidence and strong will.)" (me)

"You made the right decisions and were able to see the situation you were in even in your confusion and despair." (mysterious woman)

"You kept a calm mind and thought wisely about what you needed at the time, and all that on your first day." (mysterious woman)


"(Huh? Did she see me how much I was born in this world?)" (me)

"Keeping a calm mind in an unknown situation in a body you don't know and having nothing and no one to help you shows a wise mind and your strong will not fall into despair." (mysterious woman)

"Her decisions in the days that followed her choice of an intelligent follower instead of a strong one, and her choice to help her evolve to train her combat techniques instead of focusing solely on skills, all show wisdom and mental clarity that others do not have it upon arriving in this world." (mysterious woman)

"(How long has she been watching me?)" (me)

"(And she also mentioned others coming into this world.)" (me)

Her smile gets bigger and her mood also seems to be that of someone happy with what she is seeing.


"Even without legs and hands, you were still able to use the objects around you in conjunction with the skills you acquired to create a perfect trap for your current situation." (mysterious woman)

"Many pay attention only to the power of their abilities and forget to combine them or to look for new ways to use them" (mysterious woman)

"You took your new life seriously and used every moment to improve yourself and grow stronger, without being discouraged by a weak start or letting the power you discovered go to your head, this is something few have been able to accomplish." (mysterious woman)

"Everything I notice about you just makes me happier, you have everything you need for what's to come and you're overflowing with talent, I can't wait to see how far you'll get." (mysterious woman)

Without warning or any indication an overwhelming pressure locks me in place, this pressure is not hurting me but it is restricting me so that I am not even able to open my mouth.

"(This woman is strong, I don't know where I am or how I ended up here, but I know that everything she has done and said is to provoke me in some way.)" (me)


"(I tried my best not to show any reaction or expression, I didn't even try to move.)" (me)"(All she does is to try to elicit any kind of reaction from me, she tried to insinuate at first that she watches me all the time to scare me, tried to show her fangs to surprise me, tried to insinuate about other people coming into this world to instigate my curiosity, tried to praise me with my little achievements to inflate my ego and now uses that pressure to try to make me despair before someone stronger.)" (me)

"(I don't know what she expects from all this but she will be disappointed, I don't intend to live this life feeling fear, much less give in to despair.)" (me)

Seeing that this pressure is just to demonstrate its power and it's not hurting me I use all my strength to fight those restrictions.

"AAHHHHH...!" (me)

The moment I force myself to move, this pressure starts to cause me a lot of pain, so much pain that for the first time my voice was heard in this place even though it was a scream, but I needed to ask that question.

"WHO ARE YOU?" (me)

For the first time, I can see the surprise in her eyes she didn't think I would try to resist this pressure, much less try to ask her identity in a situation like this.

"Hahahahahaha..." (mysterious woman)

She took her hand to her face and started to laugh a lot and the pressure disappeared causing me to fall to the ground, I was stunned for a few seconds by her sudden laugh and this change of events.

"Very well child, you saw through my little show and were able to analyze the important points of everything I said." (mysterious woman)

"You once again exceeded my expectations, resisting the pressure of my Aura to try and discover my identity" (mysterious woman)

"You passed my little test, feel happy my child." (mysterious woman)

"You are worthy of the reward I will give you, and by exceeding my expectations once again I will give you the power you have been craving all this time." (mysterious woman)

In an instant, the vanished Aura returned, but this time there was no pressure, all I felt both from that Aura and the once relaxed but now worthy posture of the mysterious woman was unlimited authority and dignity.

For some reason, I felt her Aura and her presence comforting and warm, I don't know who she is but it's as if I've always known her.

"By my name and by my authority, I name you Zenos, the name that once belonged to the warrior who resisted even his death with only his will to defend what was important to him." (mysterious woman)

"May you be worthy of your name, now go and follow your journey child of my blood" (mysterious woman)

"Remember never to be blinded by power, authority and abilities." (mysterious woman)

"Always remember that authority is only as strong as the number of people at your back, that skills are as powerful as your creativity in how to use them, and that power and strength are not always the same thing." (mysterious woman)"I called you here just to see if you were worthy enough to name you and you proved to be much more than I imagined." (mysterious woman)

Her eyes changed, they looked at me now with a mixture of emotions I was barely able to intensify, but I could still see the reluctance and longing in her eyes.

I couldn't speak, for some reason I didn't want to interrupt her, I just wanted to keep listening to her sweet, determined voice.

For some reason knowing this date was about to end saddens me, I want to know who she is, I have to know who she is.

"I won't tell you who I am, if you want to know to find out for yourself, if you can do that I will appear again for you." (mysterious woman)

Her appearance began to fade in the darkness and her body slowly faded away.

"Grow up strong child, and don't worry about what others thought of you, those truly important will gather around you whether you like it or not." (mysterious woman)

At the last moment, all I could see was a lovely smile on her lips, and for some reason, that lovely smile made my heart ache more than anything I've ever felt in my old life or now.

"I don't know if you can still hear me, but I promise I will find you again." (me)

"I will find out who you are, that's my promise." (me)

"I'll be waiting" (mysterious woman)

In the end, I could hear her weak voice like a whisper in my ears.

After that I fell into darkness, I was confused once again. More and more things appear that I must discover, more unanswered questions.

I have to become stronger, I have to be strong enough not to feel as helpless as I felt now.

The little thing a single person can do alone, I have to make my subordinate stronger too, for a Goblin woman she shows a lot of potentials, but it's a shame she doesn't see it herself.


I have to find more people or monsters too to join our group, if we have a strong group there will be more things I can do than if I was alone.

If there are humans in this world I'll have to play my subordinate, after all, it's going to be difficult for a monster like me or my subordinate to enter cities without being attacked.


This world looks a lot like the games and romances of my ancient world, and if that resemblance continues there must be Elves, Beastmen, and Humans in this world, I will have to find at least one person of those races to be my subordinate, to enter the cities and get information for me.


My mind is getting heavier, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to pass out at any moment.
