After talking to my subordinate, I will check my active skills with [ Identify: 1 ​​].

<[Result of skill identification:

[ Leech Bite: 5 ]--> racial ability that takes a bite capable of tearing a small piece of skin and flesh off the target.


[ Weak Paralyzing Poison Secretion: 5 ]--> causes some weak Paralyzing Poison to secrete which initially causes numbness and accumulating more instances of weak Paralyzing Poison causes the target to paralyze for a short time.


[ Poor blood detection: 2 ]--> detects blood in a small area.



[ Swim: 1 ]--> speed up during swimming.


[Weak venom secretion: 4 ]--> secretes a small amount of weak venom from saliva, teeth, and claws.


[Weak Blood Control: 1 ]--> Allows and increases control of the blood element.



[ Aura of judgment: 1 ]--> judge whether the target is an ally or an enemy.

Enemy: All stats decreased by 2% per skill level.

Ally: All stats increased by 2% per skill level.

Submission: forces the target to choose to be an ally or an enemy, by choosing to be an ally the target becomes the owner's subordinate. Choosing to be the owner's enemy increases the effect of control and slavery abilities.

The moment the target submits, all wounds, illnesses, curses, and disabilities are healed with the owner's energy.



[ Poor recovery: 3 ]--> poor recovery from physical damage such as cuts, bruises, puncture wounds, and stagnant blood.


[ Thread production: 5 ]--> produces a strong silk thread that comes out of the mouth or fingers.


[ Sticky thread production: 6 ]--> produces a strong sticky thread that comes out of the mouth or fingers.


[ Line control: 6 ]--> uses mana to control lines, lower cost for owner-produced lines.


[Weak Body Charge: 1 ]--> boosts and channels all running power to the target the owner collides with.


[ Jump: 3 ]--> Increase jump height.


[ Low Fire Puff: 3 ]--> releases a flame from the owner's mouth for a short distance.


[ Poison spit: 3 ]--> spit poison for a short distance.

COST: 2 STM[ Snake scale production: ]--> produces snake scales by the owner's body.


[ Body Manipulation: 1 ]--> Allows owners to manipulate and control their own body using mana.


[ Corrosion: 2 ]--> allows the owner to corrode everything it touches using mana.

COST: 1 MP every 2 seconds

[ Detect Weak Presence: 2 ]--> Allows owner to sense all creatures' normal auras for a short distance.


[ Wolf Claw: 1 ]--> infuses the Mana owner's claws/nails which increases the hardness, cut, and length of the claw/nail.


[ Blood Servant: 1 ]--> uses the owner's HP to force a target into bondage to the owner.

The bond with the owner becomes stronger along with the skill level.

The ability only takes effect if the owner submits the target with a stronger will.

The slave cannot harm or harm the owner.

The slave becomes more and more loyal to the owner.

Slavery can only be taken away by the owner.

The slave has to obey the owner.

COST: 20 HP every five seconds.



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Identify: 1 ​​> 2 ] ]>

Again all this information popping into my head at once is making my head hurt, I need a few seconds to process all this information.

There were some abilities that he couldn't use or that he used to a limited extent before, but now he would be able to show his full power.

An example of this is [ Wolf's Claw: 1 ], an ability that I was unable to use before because I didn't have claws or arms, but now I who have arms and claws can use this ability to its fullest.

The line type skills have also become easier to use as I can use it with my fingers now this gives me the chance to maybe use it on all fingers at the same time this will make it quicker and easier to grip an enemy even if it costs five times as much, it will count.

Some skills do exactly what I thought they would like with [ Corrosion: 2 ], [ Fire Breath: 3 ], the two detection skills, etc.

Now the skill [ Blood Servant: 1 ] surprised me a lot, it's a slavery-type skill, I can force others to obey me. I can use this ability with the two Goblin prisoners, if I use it together with the ability [ Aura of judgment: 1 ] I can maybe increase the chances of making them submit to me and at the same time heal their wounds as I did with my subordinate current.

With a plan already in place, I go to the other side of the room and practice my martial arts for two hours, I'm more and more familiar with the strikes and how to move, all I need to do now is remove the useless moves I've been doing as I move. I was only able to notice these useless moves because of the animations I was doing to test the martial art in my old world, my moves are a little different from the model I used in the animation.

Once I remove all these useless moves I should be able to move faster and my punches will be more accurate.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

<[ Stamina stat increased by 1 point ]>



<[ Strength stat increased by 1 point ]>



<[ Agility stat increased by 1 point ]>

"There is?" (me)"(What is this?)" (me)


After thinking a little bit I was able to understand what was happening, it should be obvious, like in any other world if you train continuously you become stronger, faster and your stamina increases along with training, it means that in this world the training results are more apparent and translate as points in the stats that were trained.

Knowing this is a big advantage, after all, I could have let basic information like that go unnoticed by me and just trained my skills like in games, it seems that even knowing that this world is not a game I have more compared its similarities with one, I have let obvious things go unnoticed, I have to correct that kind of thinking.

Knowing this I stop my training and pick up another sword and spend a few hours training the same training as my subordinate with horizontal and vertical cuts to get used to holding and moving with a sword.

Now when I rest I decide to go towards my subordinate who is lying on the floor resting too, it's time to name her, I spent all morning thinking about what to name her, and finally, I chose a suitable name.

"I want to… name you." (me)

"..." (Subordinate Goblin)

When I told her that I wanted to give her a name, she started crying nonstop, and then she started smiling as she cried.

"Thank you gii master, thank you, thank you, giig thank you..." (Subordinate Goblin)

She started to thank me a lot, probably a name must be something very important to her after all so far she doesn't have any.

"Your Ibuki" (me)

When I said her name, all my MP and MTS emptied and left my body and entered my subordinate's body, as soon as the last drop of energy entered her body she started to glow and a message appeared in my mind.


<[ You named Goblin(Variant) Ibuki ]>


<[ The ties between you and Ibuki have strengthened ]>


<[ By giving a name to your subordinate you have the authority to give her a gift ]>



<[ Choose the type of power you want to give:

• [ Ability ]

• [Lineage]


"(What's going on?)" (me)

"(Is this what happens when you name a monster?)" (me)

I'll leave that thought for later, apparently, I can give a gift along with the name to my Subordinate, I'll choose a skill for the gift.


<[ Choose the skill to be gifted ]>

A list of all my skills popped into my mind, I was a little confused by all this information, but I could see a strange thing, there were more skills than I had.

After checking everything I realized they were minor abilities like for example my ability [ Weak elemental affinity: 1 ], this skill had several minor abilities inside of it like [ Weak elemental affinity: 1 ], [ Weak death elemental affinity: 1 ], [ Weak Dark Elemental Magic Affinity: 1 ], [ □●▪︎□○▪︎ ], etc.

It also seems that there is more than one energy since I saw [Weak shadows elemental magic Affinity: 1], [Weak shadows elemental spiritual Affinity: 1], and [Weak elemental shadows Ki Affinity: 1]. Probably if you don't specify the energy in the skill it becomes a rarer skill that fits any energy.


I thought for a while and since I want to train her to be an assassin I will choose to gift her with [ Weak shadow elemental affinity: 1 ].


<[ You chose to gift Ibuki with the ability:

• [ Weak shadows elemental affinity: 1 ] ]>

As soon as I chose what to present to her the light surrounding her shone brighter and then went out, after the light went out and revealed Ibuki I could see that her appearance hadn't changed much, but a tattoo appeared on her right shoulder that looked like with a dragon of different eyes one dark purple and one golden wrapped in a black crown with inlaid blood red stones.

When she opened her eyes I could see a deep shadow at the back of her eyes, she turned to me and knelt.

"Thank you gii master for granting gii name and power to Ibuki." (Ibuki)

"Ibuki swears to be the gii master's shadow gigii forever." (Ibuki)