After killing and drinking Viper's blood I use my claws to open its belly and pull out the item box which has a golden ring shape with a symbol resembling a white Sun.

I already know what's in the ring, so I leave the room and head towards the cabin, on the way I start thinking about how easy it was to kill him, I didn't even hesitate, I was never a person who believes in giving human rights to murderers, but I have never killed in my old world, is the reason for this to have turned into a monster or is it just my mind trying to adapt to this strange and dangerous world.

Whatever the truth behind my quick adaptation to someone who kills without hesitation I know it will be of help in this world, this is not the first time I have killed and it won't be the last, but I have to keep a line on who I can and not killing so as not to become a complete monster.

Because I believe in the difference between being born a monster and being a true monster, on one side there is someone whose race is considered a monster and on the other side there is someone who regardless of their race is already a monster inside.


After I gave Érica the ring in the cave, I left the cabin and went to sit by a tree inside the camp walls, I sit in the shade of the tree with my legs crossed.

Then I start thinking about what I should train during this week, in the end, I remembered a skill that will be very useful to me, but I don't know if it exists in this world, if it does I should be able to acquire it with training.


The way to train it is very simple, I start by drawing a circle with my right index finger on the ground while trying to draw a triangle with my left index finger, I keep drawing both repeatedly at the same time.

In the first hour, I made mistakes many times, this training requires a lot of minds, but I keep doing it, in the next three hours I don't leave the same place doing the same training and I must say that I feel mentally exhausted.

"Master what are you doing?" (Érica)

"You look very tired, but I haven't seen you leave here or do anything other than drawing on the floor." (Érica)

After a total of four hours of training, Érica realized that I'm sitting without moving other than drawing on the floor and came to talk to me, so I take a break from training to rest my head.

"Hello Érica, I'm training a little, I don't know if the training will have any effect but it's worth testing." (me)


'"If the master is saying, I hope your training of master fruits." (Érica)

"thank you" (me)

"Want some food master? Or water?" (Érica)

"I'd like both, thank you." (me)

"I'll go get it for you." (Érica)

With Érica going to get food for me I continue my training, this training is tiring and tedious, but it's worth it if I get the skill I imagined.



It was already dusk when I finally managed to do the drawings at the same time without making mistakes for thirty minutes straight.

When I stop I notice that Ibuki is sleeping beside me and Érica is sitting behind me leaning against the tree with an old, worn iron plate with a small mound of meat on it.

"(Now I remember I asked Érica to bring me food earlier, I forgot.)" (me)

"(Has she been waiting until now?)" (me)

"You finally stopped master." (Érica)

"I was starting to wonder if I should interrupt your training, but you were so focused I hesitated." (Érica)

"Okay Érica, sorry for worrying you, I got so involved with the training that I even forgot about the time." (me)

"You've been waiting a long time." (me)"I appreciate your concern, but I have to be at your disposal if you needed anything master." (Érica)

"Looks like I overreacted in training, next time you get worried about me overdoing it let me know, and don't waste all your time with me, okay?" (me)

"Alright master." (Érica)

After talking to Érica I ate the meat she brought that had cooled down and drank some water.

When I tried to get up I found that my legs were numb and I couldn't even stand up, after waking up Ibuki who was still asleep, Érica came to help me to my feet, holding my arm to the cabin.

At the hut, I asked about her day and she said that Ibuki had gone up one more level in the common language skill, she also said that she already organized half of the things we brought from the bandit's cave.

In the cabin, I talked a little with the girls and went to bed to sleep.


The next day I woke up alone in bed for the first time in a long time, when I left the hut I realized it was already halfway through the day, after leaving the hut I saw Érica near the cave entrance sitting on the dog facing Ibuki talking, she must be teaching Ibuki again.

I go towards the two and length them.

"Good morning girls." (me)

"Good morning Master." (Érica)

"Good... day m-master." (Ibuki)

It seems Érica's classes are going well, as Ibuki answers me in common language, I rub her head with my hand and congratulate her on her effort.

"Looks like you've been working hard Ibuki, congratulations, keep it up." (me)

I turn to Erica after congratulating Ibuki.

"I'm going to train again, remind me to stop mid-afternoon to eat this time please." (me)

"I'll warn yes master, don't worry, I hope your training bears fruit." (Érica)

"Thanks." (me)

After talking to them I do the morning workout that I've been neglecting of a hundred sit-ups, a hundred squats, and a hundred push-ups.

I was no longer getting points for training, but the important thing is to improve my fitness a little, because of my poor health in my old world I had a very thin body with no muscle in my body, in this world, I'm not even Human anymore and my body is still thin and without muscles.

Damn, hopefully in my next evolution I get some muscle in my body, I've always admired people in good physical shape or should I say I was jealous of them, so in this world, I want to have a strong body like the actors in action movies in my old world.

But before that I have to get that skill, it will help me in a lot of things in the future if it exists in this world, I'll try more today to see if I can, if not tomorrow I'll change my training to another skill I need.

Underneath the same tree as yesterday, I sit and start drawing on the ground a circle with my right hand and a triangle with my left hand, I keep doing this for hours, and little by little I make fewer and fewer mistakes.


"Master, it's time for the Lord to take a break, it's already mid-afternoon." (Érica)

"There is?" (me)After hours of training, I finally managed to do both drawings for almost fifty minutes before Érica spoke to me.

"Thank you, Érica, I seem to have lost track of time again." (me)

I get up and follow Érica close to the cave, while she and Ibuki go eat I enter the cave and go after Viper's body, when I reach the cave room that was his prison and see his body I started to roast his entire body to eat.


<[ Her skill leveled up [ Low Fire Breath: 4 > 5 ] ]>



<[ Her skill leveled up [ Leech Belly: 9 > 10 ] ]>

I'm happy to level up my skills, after eating all the corpses leaving only the head and skeleton I leave the cave greeting the girls on the way, and sit under the tree again, resuming my training.


Again when it was about to get dark I had already managed to draw the two different geometric shapes at the same time for two hours and finally, all my training started to pay off.


<[ You have acquired the skill [ Parallel thinking: 1 ] ]>

I've been wanting this skill for a long time, let's see what it can do in this world, I use my skill [Identify: 1 ​​].

<[ Skill identification result:

• [ Parallel thinking: 1 ]--> This skill allows the owner to be able to maintain two different thought processes at the same time. ]>

"Hahahahaha" (me)

I started laughing a lot due to my happiness, the skill does exactly what I expected, with this skill it will be easier to both fights and think of plans faster.

In a fight while my enemy will be thinking about each step separately, I can fight thinking about defense and attack modes at the same time, this skill gives me a big advantage.

Happy and at the same time mentally tired I go back to the cabin to sleep, I see Érica reading a book with a ball of light floating on top of it illuminating the room.

"What is this ball of light Érica?" (me)

"His master, this ball of light is a daily type of non-elemental attribute magic, its only function is lighting, iluminação since we don't have magic items or candles to light the room I'm using this basic spell to be able to read my books." (Érica)

"(I have to make time to learn magic, but I think I'll wait for my books to arrive before then.)" (me)

"What book is this?" (me)

"A book on intermediate fire magic." (Érica)

"Hope you have a good read." (me)

"Thank you, master." (Érica)

I decided to leave Érica with her book and I go to see Ibuki who is practicing his sword moves like she used to do at our old base.

After training some martial arts moves I go to sleep early due to my mental fatigue from training.

"Goodnight girls, I'm going to bed early." (me)

"Good night master." (Érica)

As I lay down on my bed Ibuki for her training and grabs a piece of cloth to wipe off her sweat before lying down on the bed beside me with a smile on her face.

It's still hard for me to have to sleep with a pretty girl hugging me, but my head is so heavy I quickly fall into dreamland.