After eating our usual roast beef lunch with the girls, we headed back inside the cave.

We go to the place where we left the corpses, I get a knife and make sure it's sharp before I start cutting.

"See, I'll show you how you guys are going to cut and dismantle the wolves first." (I)

The truth is that the dismantling process is not that difficult, the cooks in my old world did it all the time, there was a lot of cooking and barbecue shows on television, I always watched the few moments of free time I had, it made me remember the days of the orphanage when I researched cooking to make kids eat tastier food.

Of course, what they used to dismantle were small game animals and fish, but the theory applies to any animal or in this case any monster I think.

I, in my head already knew how to dismantle, but this information is from television programs and photos, I have no practice in this, at least this is better than nothing.

"Érica hand me a leather bag, please." (I)


"Yes Master." (Érica)

I ordered a leather bag to use as garbage, I'll take the organs out of the corpses and throw them away later, maybe even use it as bait to lure monsters into a trap.

"The first thing you have to do is cut from the base of the barrel to the top of your chest like this, then you take your organ and throw it in this leather bag." (I)

I take each step slowly, not just for them to see how it's done, but for myself to understand how it's done, this is the first time I've done it, this is disgusting but not as disgusting as eating that spider goo.

"(The organs are stuck together, maybe if I use the knife to release it will be easier.)" (I)

After each of them does the same with their wolves I move on to the next part.


"Now let's get the fur off, it'll be useful to us later so be careful." (I)

"For that, you're going to make straight cuts from the barrel cut to the four legs and the wolf's neck, then you're going to circle the neck and end of the legs like that." (I)

I try to demonstrate how it's done, but I'm improvising myself, this part I haven't seen on any TV show, I'm just trying my best.

"Now I'm going to show you how to remove the fur, choose a point that you just cut, then lift it a little bit, you go where the skin and flesh come together, all you have to do now is cut as close as possible to the skin without damaging it like that." (I)

I start to cut from the neck, lift the skin and see the meat underneath, take my knife and carefully start making small cuts in the fiber of the meat that sticks to the skin, I have to do this slowly because it's my first time, even knowing what I have to do in general is still very difficult.

Little by little I manage to separate the fur from around the neck, I realize that because they are bloodless it makes the job a lot easier.


"..." (I)

When I turn around I see the two of them doing the same thing as me, the problem is they're doing it faster than me.

"(How are they doing faster than me?)" (I)

"(I know, it must be because they have a higher Dexterity status than mine, damn this was my first class and I was already surpassed by my students.)" (I)

"You are doing well, congratulations." (I)"This is thanks to the master, you are doing so slowly to show us the right way to do it, thank you." (Érica)

" helpful." (Ibuki)

"(I can't look bad in front of girls, if they knew I was doing my best and still being slower than them, I have to go faster.)" (I)



<[ You have acquired the ability [ Dismantle: 1 ] ]>

By the end of the afternoon, each one had already dismantled two Gray Wolves, I closed the leather bag with my line to not smell the stench, the fur I and the girls took outside.

I take twelve large pieces of wood and drive them into the ground in pairs, put one in and its pair put it three feet apart, do the same thing with the others.

Then I take the fur that we removed and use my thread to tie the fur, stretching it openly, tying my thread to the four ends of the leather and the other to the pieces of wood that I have carved into the ground in a place that will get the sun.

I leave them all like this and enter the cabin to rest, the day was full of surprises today.

Inside the hut Ibuki goes to bed early, it seems she was very tired, Érica and I go to a separate room so as not to wake her up with our conversation.

"I would like to know a little more about adventurers." (I)

"Of course master, what would the master like to know first?" (Érica)

"Let's get started on what the Adventurers' Guild does?" (I)

"The Adventurers Guild accepts missions from governments, merchants, artisans and the people in general." (Érica)

"The missions are usually divided into collect missions, subjugation missions, investigation missions, escort missions, and special missions." (Érica)

"Category names are self-explanatory, those who issue quests in the Guild must place an appropriate reward in the quest if the Guild suspects that the quest is below the reward value it is worth it is refused." (Érica)

"The Adventurers' Guild acts as an intermediary and ensures that the adventurers receive the rewards of their work fairly, but it also guarantees that there will be no deceit or cheating on the adventurer's part to deceive those who ask for the quest." (Érica)

"The guild gets a reward rate of twenty percent, this value decreases as the adventurer rises in rank." (Érica)

"Did you just mention the classification of adventurers, how are they classified?" (I)

"Adventurers are ranked equal to Grade -H > H > +H > -G monsters... and so on up to +A, above that is not important now." (Érica)

"How are missions classified?" (I)

"The Guild checks the mission rating considering various factors such as rarity, monster level, environmental danger, etc..." (Érica)"Quests are ranked equal to cores, Grade H > G > F... and so on." (Érica)

"How does an adventurer choose a mission?" (I)

"Adventurers can only choose quests of their rank or below, eg Rank C quests can only be done by Rank -C or higher adventurers, Rank +D adventurers would not be able to accept this kind of quest." (Érica)

"How do you prove that a mission has been completed?" (I)

"If the quest objective is a monster, there are certain things you collect from the monster to prove it, it could be a core, a tooth, a claw, etc..." (Érica)

"The item that proves monster subjugation varies depending on the monster, the Guild will notify you when you take the quest." (Érica)

"If any material is the objective of the mission then just take it to the guild, after being confirmed to know if it is the same material as the mission, the adventurer receives the reward." (Érica)

"I saw that Diana and you have cards, how do they work?" (I)

"The card is a master magic item, its functions are to record the quest that the adventurer accepts and when the quest is completed it is also recorded on the card, this makes the cards have all the adventurers' quest history, the cards are linking items they are linked by blood, Aura and the owner's magic signature, it locks itself when the adventurer dies, the card has the adventurer's information on one side like the adventurer's name, the branch he registered and his rank on the other side from the card the adventurer has control to show if he wants his status or his mission." (Érica)

"Many adventurers use aliases instead of names, the Adventurers' Guild doesn't care about that, they don't care about your background as long as you're not a criminal." (Érica)

"And the card also acts as proof of identification for any country." (Érica)

"Due to my race change, my Aura and my magical signature, I lost my link to my card, it locked itself in the same way as if I had died." (Érica)

"In what kind of currency do adventurers receive quest rewards?" (I)

"They always get paid in global currency, but if you want they can exchange it in the Trade Guild for another type of currency." (Érica)

"I have a question, where do people keep their money?" (I)

"The Trade Guild has a bank where you can keep your money, this is very secure because you use Guild cards to register accounts so it's impossible to cheat the bank and only the account owner has to access." (Érica)

"The problem is that only those who have a guild card can use the bank, nobles usually keep their money and treasures in their houses heavily guarded, they can also choose to register with a guild to keep if they want, but most like to have quick and easy access to your money, so it's a pretty common practice to keep it in your mansions as no one would be silly to steal from a noble's property, it would make the whole kingdom look for the thief." (Érica)

"People in general who are not affiliated with any Guild usually keep their money in their homes, as that's all they can do." (Érica)

"I think that's it for today, thanks for the information Erica." (I)

"I'm happy to help the master." (Érica)

"This information was very helpful, but it's a lot to process." (I)

"I think I'll do like Ibuki and go to bed early, after everything that happened today I need a break." (I)

"So goodnight master, I think I'll stay awake a little longer to read my book, I'm trying to learn some mid-level spells, but this is proving harder than I expected." (Érica)

"I'm sure you can, good night." (I)

"Good night master." (Érica)

I go back to the room Ibuki is sleeping in and go to sleep beside her, the way I am tired from the fight, training, and dismantling that happened today, it doesn't take me long to fall asleep, even though I have pain all over my body.


