Chapter 68  : Chapter 68   Save Him She set Little Bean down, grabbed her purse, and got ready to go grocery shopping at the market. She would cook dinner that night; the two women had been surviving on the production’s meagre boxed meals the last several days, and now that they could finally relax at home it was a good opportunity to have something much more nutritious and filling for dinner. Yan Huan reminded herself to cook something with meat in it: Yi Ling loved to eat meat, and was always in a sulky mood whenever she had to forgo it.

Yan Huan had just arrived at the entrance to the market when she heard the wailing of an ambulance siren. She idly wondered what had happened.

The ambulance reminded her yet again that life was fraught with difficulties such as poverty, disease, and sudden injuries.

Now that she had been given a second chance at life, her top priority was to avoid repeating her past mistakes. She did not want to lose her life yet again to the vile, despicable man known as Lu Qin.

She wanted to live and be happy this time.

She was in the middle of choosing her vegetables in the market when she overheard several of the other customers discuss the ambulance.

“Have you heard?”


“What about?” The second voice sounded absent-minded: it was obvious that this person had not been paying attention.

“Didn’t you hear the ambulance just now?”

“The ambulance? What about it? Babies are born and old people die. This happens every single day, there’s nothing surprising about it.”

“But this is different,” the first voice insisted. They were beginning to sound a little hysterical. “This isn’t something you hear about every day. Apparently a prosecutor tried to save someone, and ended up getting stabbed with a knife in the process. He lost a lot of blood...”

Yan Huan dropped the vegetable in her hand.

“I’m sorry...” she whispered. She turned and walked out of the market.


Prosecutor, massive blood loss, knife attack...

She got out her phone to check the time. Her hands were trembling, and she was mentally kicking herself for having forgotten this. The prosecutor had to be Lu Yi. It had to be him. There were only a few prosecutors in Sea City, after all. In her past life, after marrying Lu Qin and moving into the Lu residence, she had heard from someone in the family that Lu Yi had lost a lot of blood several years ago; he had been stabbed while working on a case, and had almost lost his life because of his rare blood type. He had remained in the hospital for a very long time because of that, and had to spend several months recuperating at home after he was discharged.

“Yan Huan, I’m begging you. Save Lu Yi, save my son, please...”

Yan Huan remembered Ye Shuyun kneeling on the floor as she begged Yan Huan to give her blood to Lu Yi to save his life. That had been the second time Lu Yi had been admitted to the hospital, the second time he had needed a blood transfusion.

In her past life, she had not given him her blood the first time he needed it because she had not known about the stabbing. But she had not given him her blood the second time he needed it either, not even when Ye Shuyun begged her to save her son as he teetered on the brink of death. She did not have an excuse for that.

She would save him. She would save him. She was going to save him.


More than once, she had woken from her nightmares with three words echoing in her head: “I’ll save you.”

But who was she saving, really? Was she saving Lu Yi, or herself?

She would repay her debt to him from her past life. She would atone for her past sins in this life.

But as she ran out of the market, she realized that she did not know which hospital he was in. She hailed a taxi and decided to try her luck with the nearest hospital, which also happened to be the largest in the city; she had been close enough to hear the ambulance, after all, so there was a good chance Lu Yi had been admitted nearby.

When she arrived, she paid the driver and hurried into the hospital. As soon as she stepped inside, she overheard a nurse say they had a patient who needed a lot of Rh negative, type AB blood.

She was relieved; she had come to the right place. The cold sweat on her forehead began to dry.

She could see a SWAT team standing in the distance, their hands clasped around their guns.