Bachelorette party

Gritting his teeth, Yushen snapped, "I cannot believe that I am saying this but I also wish I was a daughter at times." Stomping his foot on the ground, he continued, "Qiang always acts cute in front of dad and gets whatever she wants."

"Why don't you try acting all cute? Maybe it will work for you as well." Ashton suggested.

"What makes you think that I haven't tried that yet? It doesn't work because my cuteness is cringey while Qiang's is real and heart melting," Yushen scoffed.

"That is true though, Qiang is way too cute and her smile can melt anyone's heart. No wonder uncle Singtan is so fond of her." Guang exclaimed before grinning like a lovestruck fool.

"You should seriously stay shut, you chose your girlfriend before bro's today which is really very bad and not acceptable," Yushen snapped.

Shrugging his shoulder, Guang defended himself, "What? I supported your sister so you should be grateful and thank me."


"Alright boys, let's just forget about that for sometime and look for the place where we are supposed to party," Yinhai suggested.

Left with no other choice, Yushen sighed and nodded his head, "Yeah okay, let's go find that place."


Looking at the under construction building, Zian frowned, "This? Seriously?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yushen nodded his head. "Yes, dad gave me the keys."

Adjusting his crown, Zixin placed his hand on his hip. "Well, at least the ground floor is complete and furnished so we can easily part there."


Clapping his hands enthusiastically, Yinhai exclaimed, "Alright, let's stop whining."

"Yes, we should be grateful that we don't have to party outside and it's not like we have to stay here forever," Ashton added.

"Exactly, it's not like we have to stay here forever. We just get in there, set up a bachelorette party vibe, get drunk and chill," Guang exclaimed.

Taking out the key from his pocket, Yushen opened the door and started looking for the light switch.

"Woah, this is huge," Andrew chuckled.

"Seriously, are we partying here?" Michael curiously inquired.


Keeping the bag on the couch, Ashton sighed, "Well at least there are a few furnitures in here."

"I know right, we don't have to sit on the floor."

Rubbing his chin, Zian said, "I think we will need a table and a few extra chairs."

"Hmmm, I'll arrange that and then we can start partying," Guang stated.


Girl's bachelorette party side.

"I thought that the boys were partying here, how did you convince them to give this space up?" Mian inquired.

"Ah talking about Guang, I heard about the two of you and how you both told everyone about your relationship," Main smiled.

"Yes and…..ouch…" Qiang flinched in pain when Yumi started pulling her ears.

"You deserve this, how could you not tell your elder sister about your relationship? I felt so bad and not loved," Yumi complained.

Wincing in pain, Qiang begged, "Sister Yumi, my ears will fall off if you pull them that hard."

"Serves you right, you have let your elder sister down and this is your punishment."

"I am sorry, I will not let you down in the future and in my defence, we had to keep our relationship a secret because of the circumstances that things happened. We didn't want to tell everything and make things complicated between us," Qiang explained.

"Will you tell me everything in the future like a good girl?" When Qiang nodded her head, Yumi let go off her ears and gave her a hug. "I am so happy for you my little sister."

"Yes, I am happy for me too and also for you both. I cannot believe that you both are getting married tomorrow," Qiang beamed.

Holding two different types of vodka in her hand, Kathy inquired, "Girl, which one should we use?"

"Both, just mix them together and maybe a few other drinks too," Jennifer suggested.

Sticking her tongue out, Becca beamed, "We are gonna get so drunk."

"Did you get wine for us?" Yumi inquired.

Scrunching her brows, Linyang asked, "Wine? Why wine?"

"Oh come on, it's our wedding tomorrow and we don't want to show up at the altar with red eyes," Mian explained.

"And look at the drinks that you people are preparing, it sounds so scary. I hope you all will show up on time tomorrow for our wedding," Yumi added.

Grinning from ear to ear, Qiang exclaimed, "Don't worry about that, we are going to be okay."

Raising both her hands up in the air, Elsa squealed, "Let the party begin."

Jumping on her toes, Qiang howled, "Let's get drunk until our underwear drops."


hours later.

:00 pm

The clean and sparkling white floor was now covered with dozens of empty vodka and tequila bottles while the food that they had arranged had already turned cold.

Sticking her tongue out, Qiang savoured the last drop of alcohol from the bottle before tossing it away.

Each and everyone except for the two bride-to-be were lifelessly lying either on the floor on the couch giggling and laughing at themselves.

Snapping her fingers, Linyang chuckled, "And you know what is really impressive?"


Slightly scrunching her brows, she answered, "Andrew's ass is so perfect."

Bursting into laughter, Qiang grabbed a couple of beer cans and answered, "Guang's is so cute, I can pinch his tussy all day." Passing the other can to Elsa, she added, "Everything about him is so cute."

Pouting her lips, Elsa complained, "Ashton is so—" Stopping midway, she tilted her head to the other side and tapped her finger on her cheek, "How do I describe this?"

"Ashton is bad in bed?" Becca chuckled.

Vigorously shaking her head, Elsa answered, "Of course not, he is fucking awesome but he is too overbearing at times and it's hard to keep up but he is very gentle too."

Looking at the drunk women who were bluntly talking about sex and their sexual lives, Mian and Yumi gave each other weird looks.

"Yumi, did you—"

Cutting Mian off, she shook her head, "No, not yet but I guess we are the only virgins here."

"Why do I feel like we have committed a crime or something like that?" Mian frowned.

Gulping down the leftover wine from her glass, Yumi sighed, "I feel the same."

"I think you and my brother look very cute together," Huiling chuckled.

"Oh come on, we all look cute together but I will also not deny that my baby and I look extra cute." Without waiting for anyone's reply, Qiang crawled her way towards Huiling and chuckled, "Your brother is so fucking great."

"Pfftt you mean great at fucking?" Becca helplessly shook her head and chuckled.

Lying down flat on the floor, Qiang groaned in satisfaction, "Don't even get me started on that. Though he looks very innocent from the outside but damn that man has got many hidden moves which can make anyone go crazy."

Placing her hand on her waist, Jeniffer pouted her lips, "Can we not talk about sex? I am missing my boyfriend now."

"Ah me too." When Qiang suddenly got up and stumbled, Yumi rushed towards her.

"Easy Qiang." Taking the already half empty beer can from her hand, Yumi sighed, "You girls really drank a lot."

"It's okay sister Yumi, I am all fine. I am just stepping out for a while to look for Guang," Qiang chuckled.

Pulling herself up, Linyang grunted, "Me too, I'll look for Andrew."

"And I'll look for Ashton."

"Ah me too, me too."

"Girls you shouldn't go—" stopping midway, Yumi sighed and crashed on the couch.

"Wow, I hope they will be okay," Mian chuckled.

Helplessly shaking her head, Yumi smiled, "It's our bachelorette party and they are having fun."

Shrugging her shoulders, Mian picked up a fresh bottle of wine. "Well, we can still enjoy it."


Outside the boy's side bachelorette party.

"This is the place." Qiang yelled.

Placing her finger on her lips, Becca whispered, "Ssshh, keep your voice down."

Sealing her lips, Qiang raised her thumb and whispered, "This is the place."

"Oh but how do we get in?" Elsa asked.

Looking around, Linyang squealed, "Pipes, let's climb up the pipes."

Jumping on her toes, Qiang said, "Yes, I'll climb up first but your girls need to give my butt a push."

"You want me to touch your butt?" Jeniffer chuckled.

Tossing the beer can aside, Qiang answered, "Only the cheeks, nothing else."
