Wedding IV

Caressing the top of her head, he added, "But no matter how much I adored you, I knew that I wasn't the right person who could ever raise and love you the way Singtan and Ming did." Pausing for a while, he added, "You deserve a father like Singtan and a loving mother like Ming."

"I was really very worried when Yurin came back and started demanding things from you. I had no idea how you would react and what you would do but the way you handled everything was really very brave and worth praising. You are brave and sorted like Singtan and sweet, loving and caring like Ming." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "I don't know if I should say this or not but you really make me feel extremely proud Yumi and I am very happy that you found the correct man for yourself."

Helplessly shaking his head, Siquan chuckled, "Look at me talking about useless things when it's such an important day for you."

"No, it's alright." Pausing for a while, she added, "I never really blamed anyone for whatever happened in the past because if not for that fiasco, I wouldn't have been where I am right now. Things would have been much more different and maybe I would've never met Zixin." Shrugging her shoulders, she smiled, "Dad always says that everything happens for a reason and because it is meant to be so maybe what happened in the past was just meant to be."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she continued, "The reason why whatever happened after aunt Yurin dropped by did not affect me because though I know she is my biological mother, I feel nothing for her, not even one percent of how I feel for mother. Maybe this is why whatever she said made me feel nothing."

Tightening her grip around Siquan's hand, she explained, "Despite knowing the truth about my birth, I never felt sad or disheartened because mom and dad never gave me a chance to feel that way. The amount of love they have showered me is truly unconditional and not only mom and dad but my brothers and sisters have also made me feel loved always. There is not a single day when I had felt lonely or neglected and it?just feels incredible and amazing to get this wonderful opportunity to be called their daughter."


"Uncle Siquan, I know what you are worried about but trust me, I have no hard feelings for you or aunt Yurin. I am just happy and more than satisfied with what I have, I cannot wish for anything more than this." Yumi wasn't just trying to be humble but she meant each and every word she had said. She wasn't someone who would keep hard feelings and hate on anyone. Though she was well aware that she was abandoned by both the people who brought her into this world but she was also given a new life by two other people who made her the wonderful person she was now.

"Thank you, your blessing really means a lot for us," she smiled.

Just then Singtan entered the room and frowned, "Siquan, are you making my daughter cry?"

Raising both his hands in the air, Siquan chuckled, "I wouldn't dare to do that."

"Good, I will punch everyone who will make her cry," he threatened.

Taking a deep breath, Siquan stated, "I should do now, I'll see you both downstairs."


After he left, Singtang scoffed, "I never liked this bastard."

"Wait, what? I thought you are friends with uncle Siquan," Yumi chuckled.

"Friends? Huh he wishes, I just tolerate him because I am grateful for him for bringing you into my life. But you know what, this actually sucks," he frowned.

"Why?" she curiously inquired.

"The two of important women in my life are actually somewhat related to him." Without waiting for his reply, he explained, "He brought you into this world and you already know that your mother used to date that idiot." Breathing a sigh of relief, he added, "Thank God at least Qiang is not related to him in any way, that at least makes me feel a bit superior to him."

Bursting into a laughter, Yumi beamed, "You seriously crack me up at times dad, I love you so much."


As the daughter and father pair were enjoying some happy private times together before walking down the aisle, a particular someone was crying buckets.


Mian's room.

Passing another tissue to her father, she sighed, "That I will see you almost everyday at the hospital and it's not like the Li mansion is very far from our place so you can visit me or I can visit you anytime we both want."

Sobbing harder, Mike shook his head, "No, it's not gonna be the same, you are moving out and shifting to a different house with that man who is taking you away from me."

"That is not true, everything is going to be the same, I promise."

"Really?" When she nodded her head, he finally wiped his tears away. "You will still drop by all the time right?"

Tightening her grip around his hand, she vigorously nodded her head, 'Yes I will, all you have to do is give me a call and I'll be right there."

Tossing the tissue which was now soaked wet, he grabbed her hand. "I always knew that you would leave me one day and I keep convincing myself saying that everything is going to be okay, it won't be tough but I was so wrong, it is a hundred times harder than I had thought it would be."

Placing his hand on her cheek, Mike continued, "You are our first born child honey and we weren't even ready when you suddenly decided to arrive. Your mom was just helping your aunt Ming deliver that would be husband of yours and as soon as he was born, you suddenly decided to give us a surprise. Honestly, you freaked me out a lot that day and I couldn't even calm myself down even though I knew your mother needed me the most."

"When your mother was giving me birth to you, that was the only time I hated you because you were giving your mother a really hard time but after that day, there isn't a single second when I stopped loving you." Keeping quiet for quite some time, he sighed, "Your mother and I have raised you with so much love and care that it's hard to let you go now."

Smiling at him, she answered, "I know, it's hard for me too but look at the brighter sides, I will always be near you and mom. Since uncle Singtan like family, you will never have the in-law problems—"

Cutting her off, he gritted his teeth, "Don't even get me started with that bastard, his son is taking my daughter away and I know he is having fun seeing me in such a miserable condition."

"It's not like dad, even uncle Singtan is sad, Yumi is also getting married, remember?"

"Huh, what do you know honey?" he scoffed. "I know him since we were small kids and he is a very sly and cunning man. He played all kinds of tricks and made sure Yumi doesn't go anywhere far from him. I bet he's all happy right now and laughing his ass off."

Helplessly shaking her head, Mian chuckled, 'You both are unbelievable."

Tightening his grip around her hand, Mike assured her, "Maybe you are getting married and going to a different house, you are going to have your own family starting today and I am sure that they will love you as much as we do but don't forget your dad and mom at any cost, okay? Singtan is going to love you and Ming will surely shower you with all her sweetness and care because they are great people but always remember that your mom and I worked really very hard to bring you into this world and you must always love us the most no matter what happens."

Pursing her lips, Mian tried to stop herself from laughing. Awkwardly clearing her throat, she stated, "Usually the brides parents are worried that the in-laws will give their daughter a hard time and she will feel out of the place in the new environment but here you are worried that they will love me so much that I will forget about you and mom?"

Scrunching his brows, Mike inquired, "Why should I worry about you feeling out of place there when you literally grew up there and are also living with them since you got engaged with Zian? And why would Singtan and Ming give you a hard time?" Touching her forehead, he frowned deeper, "Mian, are you okay?
