Gavin's end V

"I am very scared Dr.Mian, are you sure they will rescue us?" Josh inquired.

Shrugging her shoulder, Mian answered, "I know they will come here but I am not sure at what time."

"Is there nothing we can do?"

"Uh huh, we can pray that they arrive before that psychopath slits our throat." Without wasting any more time, they entered the house.




The entire house was dark and one could barely see anything expert for the one room in the corner which was brightly lit.

"This way," Josh guided Mian towards the room.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she nodded her head and followed him. She knew that all of this was very risky but she had no other choice, how could she escape and leave Adrianna and Josh's wife to die behind? Though she was very scared and wanted to run away to save her life, the Hippocratic oath was stopping her from doing that.

As soon they entered the room, Mian gasped when she saw Adrianna. Quickly approaching her, she panicked, "She isn't supposed to stand for long, don't you know that there are so many complications in her pregnancy?"

Helplessly shaking his head, Gavin sighed, "We are meeting after so many days and all you think about is Adriana and her baby. Both of them are fine, don't worry about them at all."

"Take her down now Gavin, you can't risk everything like this. Nathan's family gave you a new life, you can't do this to them," Mian snapped.


"Doctor Mian, my wife—" Josh yelled from the extreme corner of the room.

Rushing towards them, Mian squatted down and patted Josh's wife's cheeks who was lying unconscious on the cold floor.

"What did you do to her? You promised not to touch her. I did exactly what you wanted, I bought Dr.Mian here for you," Josh yelled.

"Relax Josh, she is just taking her afternoon. All pregnant women fall asleep very easily." Shrugging his shoulders, Gavin added, "Well, that is a different thing that your wife hasn't eaten anything since yesterday."

Raising his hands in the air, he tried to defend himself. "Don't look at me like that, I did offer her nutritious food which is perfect for a pregnant woman but she refused to eat anything. Now that is not my fault, I can't force the food inside her mouth."

"Let Josh and his wife leave, we need to get her to the hospital," Mian remarked.


Helplessly shaking his head, Gavin chuckled, "Let him go so that he can inform your lover about everything? I don't think I am that dumb." Without waiting for anyone's reply, he added, "She is gonna be alright, I did run a few tests on her yesterday. The baby is very healthy and the mother too, there is nothing to worry about."

Walking towards Mian, Gavin smiled, "I know and I also know that my so-called brother and your husband are helping the officers to look for me. I know everything Dr.Mian and the whole search operation is so exciting. A whole bunch of capable people are looking for me for so many months but they couldn't track me down and trust me, it's very exciting."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she remarked, "Let Josh and his wife go and free Adriana, you wanted me to come here and I did—"

Cutting her off, he chuckled, "Oh no, no one is going anywhere. Well, Josh can take his wife to the other room and make sure that she is okay but no one is leaving this house." Looking at Josh, he added, "There is food in the next room, you can take her there and make sure she eats something."

"I am not leaving you here alone Dr. Mian, I—"

"Do what I am saying Josh, think about your wife and baby. I am going to be fine, don't worry about me," Mian assured him.

Without wasting any time, Josh scooped his wife into his arms and started walking out of the room.

Stopping him midway, Gavin places his hands on Josh's shoulder. "Your baby is very lucky, he will never be abandoned, bullied or not loved." Without saying anything, Josh walked out of the room.

"Now let Adriana down," Mian stated.

"Tsk tsk you are so bossy Mian, I wonder how Mr Li copes up with your bossiness." Walking towards Adriana, he took out a key from his pocket and started unlocking the cuffs which were attached to a chain.

Quickly rushing towards her, Mian held Adriana's hands and tried to steady her. "It's alright, be careful."

Slowly opening her eyes, Adriana muttered, "Mian, what are you doing here?"

Helping her sit on a chair, Mian was about to say something when Gavin chuckled, "Look at the two of you concerned about each other and the funny part is, though you both barely know each other but look how concerned you both are."

Without waiting for their reply, he continued, "Mian came running here as soon as I sent her a video with a cute warning, she didn't even think about the bad consequences that could happen. I mean, I can kill her and you as well but it seems like she doesn't care about your life. You don't even care about your husband, didn't you just get married a few months ago? Tired of him already?"

Ignoring him, Mian poured a glass of water for Adriana and helped her take a few sips.

"Isn't this amazing? The two women whom I had admired all my life are here right in front of me, God surely is very fair," Gavin sighed.

"Why are you doing this Gavin? I know that you had a really awful childhood but—"

Cutting her off, he chuckled, "So it seems like Nathan already sold my childhood off."
