Chapter 861 - Dark  

"If I would have been in his place, this man would have been dead for quite some time now," Henry added.

"What makes you think that everyone is like you? Ashton is a sensible man, he would never resort to things like this and—" Elsa stopped midway when a mocking laughter interrupted her.

"Sensible man? Not like me." Shrugging his shoulders, he added, "Well, I will give that to you. I can never be Ashton Wu or like his partner Xie Yinhai. I mean, how can you even compare me with them? They are legends and I am just weakling in front of them."

When she frowned at him, he slapped his own forehead. "Ahhh Stupid Henry, of course he never told you what he actually does and you know what sweetheart? He will never tell you the real truth because it is so dark, it will scare you."

"You are lying, Ashton will never do something that is wrong and don't even try to compare yourself with him. He is one hundred times better than you," Elsa stated.

Throwing his head back, he chuckled, "Well fair enough, you chose him so there must be something different about him." Cupping his cheeks, he inquired, "What is it? Is he more handsome? What made you fall in love with him?"


Without waiting for his reply, he added, "You know what, forget it. We will find out after he comes here."

"He is not coming here and don't you dare call him over."

"Oh no dear, I don't have to call him or anything. He is Ashton Wu for God's sake, he will find out about this place anyway." Glancing at the watch, he exclaimed, "Judging by his abilities, I am sure he is already on his way along with his squad."

When Elsa did not say anything, he chuckled, "Wait, are you actually worried that I will hurt him? Don't worry about that, I won't even touch him. I just brought you here because I wanted to spend some alone time with you and also because I wanted to know if you are aware what kind of person you are actually dating."


Qiang's room.


"What do you mean by Elsa is missing? Who told you that?" Guang inquired.

"Huiling had called Ash and he told her that she had left home in the morning to come here but she never arrived so—"

Placing his hand on her shoulder, he tried to calm her down. "Alright, there is no need to panic. Maybe she got stuck somewhere, I am sure Ashton already knows where she is." Making her sit on the bed, he added, "Why don't you take some rest here and I'll try to find out what is happening."

Taking a deep breath, Qiang nodded her head. "I am just worried about her."

"I'll be right back." When she nodded her head, Guang grabbed his phone from the table before walking out of the room. If Elsa was really missing, why didn't anyone tell him about it?




After making sure no one was around, Guang called Ashton to find out what was exactly happening but when the latter did not receive the call, he became more suspicious. He could say that something was going on which he had no idea about.

"Dude, what is going on? Why is Ashton not receiving my call? What happened to Elsa? Qiang just told me she is missing and—"

Cutting him off, Yinhai explained, "Hmm Ash is a bit busy right now so maybe he missed your call."

"That is fine but what about Elsa? Where is she?"

"Elsa is—I—"

When Yinhai hesitated a lot, Guang frowned, "What are you trying to hide?"

"Listen bro, we have everything under control so don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself and Qiang, I'll update you about this after sometime," Yinhai answered.


Cutting him off, he added, "I'll hang up now, I'll talk to you later." without waiting for his reply, Yinhai quickly hung up the call, leaving Guang bewildered and anxious. People around him had started behaving very strange and that had started bugging him.

Thinking that maybe it was nothing and he was just overreacting, he started walking towards his room to accompany his anxious wife.

As soon as he entered the room, Qiang quickly got up. "What happened? Did they find Elsa?"

Quickly rushing towards her, Guang grabbed her hand. "How many times do I have to tell you not to get up so abruptly? It's not good for you as well as the babies, honey."

"Sorry, I am just too worried about Elsa and everything."

Gently running his fingers through his hair, he explained, "I just had a talk with Ashton, he told me everything is okay and there is nothing to worry about."

Breathing a sigh of relief, she wrapped her arms around his waist before burying her face on his c.h.e.s.t. "That is a relief, I feel so tired now."

Kissing the top of her head, he smiled. "Come let's take a nap together."

"Hmm, I was supposed to go shopping today. I really need to buy some maternity clothes," she remarked.

"I'll take you shopping tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"More than okay, dad will be more than happy if you come with me." Pulling away, she chuckled, "He was insisting to accompany me today when he found out neither you nor brother Zian and Yushen were coming with me."

"Well, I was worried too but since you wanted to go with your friends, there was nothing I could say."

"Becca and Huiling wanted to pick clothes for me, I couldn't turn them down," she answered.

"Hmmm, I'll take you tomorrow."

"What about your work?" she inquired.

"Of course my wife's shopping is more important than work. I'll just ask someone to manage things in the office." Guiding her towards the bed for a nap, he added, "Tomorrow we are gonna spend the whole day together."


Author's note:

Happy Mother's Day to all fabulous mothers :) ?