Chapter 869 - The end?  


Cutting Ashton off, he demanded. "No, I wanna know why I am being treated this way and why did you all take such a big decision without my consent? I need a proper explanation."

After getting the address to the place Lawrence had been hiding and sheepily executing his plans for months now, Zixin decided to ambush the place to wipe out the entire base once and for all without making a mistake of letting Lawrence slip out like last time.

Supporting Zixin's decision, everyone decided to help him in the ambush by accompanying him for the task, except for Guang who was exempted from taking part in such activities.

When Guang was told to back out, he felt cornered and started opposing, forcing everyone to give him a valid reason for doing so. For years everyone had been working together as a team where Guang played one of the major roles. But now when he was being pushed out, it hurt his sentiments a lot.

"You are going to become a father soon, Qiang needs you—"


Cutting Yinhai off, Guang mockingly scoffed, "So it's about that? Are you guys seriously planning to shove me out for this reason?"

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he explained, "I love my wife, I love my kids and my family but this doesn't mean I'll step out of something I have been doing for years and have been trained for. And, am I the only one with a family here?"

Looking at Zian, Zixin and Andrew, Guang remarked, "Don't you guys have a family?"

"And you—" Pointing towards Ashton and Yinhai, he added, "You two also have a girlfriend and—" Pointing towards Huang, he frowned, "You are dating my sister."

"You see, everyone has a family and people we love but everyone wants to take a risk because we are a team. We all know we are the strongest when we are together. I don't know what is going to happen during the ambush but I am not going to stay back thinking what might happen to me and what will my family do if something happens to me," Guang stated.

Groaning in frustration, Ashton cursed, "Damn Guang, you shouldn't have said those words."


Thinking for a while, Andrew remarked, "I think Guang is right, we should stop him from coming."

"Yeah, he is also a part of the team and we need him too," Huang added.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Zian frowned, "Fine."

"Great, I'll get started with the plan and the team," Guang stated.


Four days later.


Qiang's room.

"Are you not coming back tonight?"

"Of course I will but I might be late so you have to be a good girl and sleep on time, okay?" When she did not say anything, Guang sighed. Sitting right beside her, he added, "I promise this is the last night I am not by your side, this will never happen in the future."

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she placed her chin on his shoulder. "Can't you not go? Can't you just stay with me?"

Scrunching his brows, he gently c.a.r.e.s.sed her back. "Babe, what happened? Are you okay?"

Slowly pulling away, she hesitantly said, "Today I—I heard dad and brother Zian talking in the study room—"

"Come here," he sighed before taking her in his arms. Kissing the top of her head, he muttered, "Don't worry about it, everything is going to be okay."

"You are going to be safe right?" When Guang nodded his head, she added, "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Nothing will happen to me, don't worry about it." Cupping her face, he assured her. "And I am not alone, brother Zian, Zixin, Huang and Andrew, they will be there too. Ash and Yinhai are coming too."

Kissing her forehead, he added, "Don't stress about it." Pulling up the sheets, he smiled, "Come, let's cuddle until you fall asleep."

"Aren't you getting late?"

"Of course not, I will leave only after I make sure my lovely wife is comfortable."


:00 am

A mini-van pulled over not too far away from the mansion.

"Alright guys, we will move as planned but make sure to take care of yourselves and try to avoid getting injured as much as you want. If things get too tight, we will immediately evacuate," Zixin instructed.

"The entrance shouldn't be a problem because the front door guards are with us," Guang stated.

"Okay, let's move. People who are entering from the back move out first."

The silent dark night suddenly echoed with multiple footsteps, making its way towards their ultimate target.


"According to what Pulos had told us, Lawrence should be on the third floor," Andrew informed.

"Then I will go straight to the third floor with some guards, you people handle the rest of them."


Back door.

As soon as the squad entered the building from the back door, Guang gestured the men to take a step back before hiding behind a pillar.

Pressing on the earpiece which helped them stay in contact with the other squad, he informed, "I think something is wrong."

"What happened?" Zian, who was a part of the other squad inquired.

"The room on the ground floor is heavily guarded with men, I have a feeling Lawrence is inside."

"Okay, instruct the team to spread and take charge of everything, we are coming in."

Following Zian's instruction, Guang gestured the guards to start the mission which they immediately did by slowly invading the space and taking down each guard simultaneously, making sure not to alarm Lawrence before they invaded at least 80% of the entire area.

Suddenly a gunshot alarmed all the guards present in the present. This created chaos in the entire place, making things run not according to the plan. Luckily, they had already invaded almost 65% of the place, leaving a few guards who were still standing around the door of the room and a few who were blindly firing at them from their hiding spot.

"Everyone, take cover."
