Rudra looked at the sky behind Lucifer tear apart as a lot of darkness energy poured from the sky towards Lucifer's body , just like how Hades had gathered the same before summoning that giant to destroy the wall.

After Lucifer was done collecting the energy he transferred it all to his sword which began to tremble with immense power and an overwhelming aura of darkness, which were enhanced and expressed in one beautiful sword slash that seemed to Transcend space and time itself to come towards Rudra to reap his life.

From the second that Rudra looked at that attack he knew that there was no escaping the move. Even at his peak speed he could not outrun the sheer massive distance that this attack covered and it would be stupidity to face it's power with his back turned towards it.

Rudra's mind started to work at full speed however no matter how desperately his mind wished to find a solution to this fatal problem, it could not find one.

Rudra was at his wits end and with only 6% of his HP bar left, all he could do was await his doom.

Closing his eyes Rudra smiled brightly as he accepted his fate, he had no regrets in how this war had turned out to be. He had tried his very best but it seemed as if fate favoured the devil and it would be his loss here today.


' Forgive me earthlings, in the end i failed '. Rudra thought as he hugged the iced sculpture of furball tightly and awaited his impending doom.

One breaths time passed and it felt like an eternity to Rudra, according to his initial calculations the attack would hit him now.

Two breaths time passed and Rudra raised his eyebrows albeit keeping his eyes shut close as he wondered why it was taking so long.

Three breaths time passed and Rudra could hear war cries, one of the distinct war cries that he heard was of Neatwit. He could never mistake his low pitched war-cry as it sounded like a woman trying to do a karate chop for the first time.

Four breaths time passed and Rudra finally felt an exploding warmth come out from the ice sculpture he was hugging as he opened his eyes finally to look at what was going on.

When he finally opened his eyes , his pupils constricted to a small dot as to what he was seeing as he was deeply surprised by the scene infront of him.



( The elites pov )

By the time Lucifer unleashed his grand move, Karna and the others had already reached Rudra's vicinity and were ready to engage in combat alongside him.

When the incredible power of the attack made Karna's skin crawl he was deterred for a split second before his thumping heart gave him the courage to go through with his mad plan as he unleashed his sword and threw himself in the path of the attack before Rudra.He was not alone, because Neatwit , Beelzebub,Tank , Rhino , Skyla , Bo and Sir Jhonny himself all threw themselves in the attacks cross-fire alongside him.

Neatwit lead the charge as instead of taking the attack head on he decided to counter it with the only tier 5 attack in his arsenal called the [ Void Slash ]

The attack was too strong to be handled by his weak tier 4 body which is why upon trying to unleash it a shrill war-cry left Neatwits mouth as he Tried his hardest to counter the attack.


The two attacks met mid-air and it was clear from the get-go that Neatwits attack was significantly weaker than Lucifer's and it was unable to weaken the incoming attack or change its trajectory by the slightest, but what it did achieve was to hold the descent of Lucifer's sword slash for 3 breaths time before the void slash's energy depleted completely snapping Neatwit's legendary grade sword in half as he powerlessly plopped to the ground in an extremely weakened state.

Beelzebub picked up right where Neatwit left off however as he too unleashed his strongest attack called the [ Gluttony kings hunger ] against the sword slash, which was in essence a mana absorption move that depleted the enemy's attack power in exchange for a rapidly depleting HP for Beelzebub.

This time the attack visibly shrunk in size by 30% as Beelzebub happily sacrificed his life for the cause of saving Rudra and have a chance to save his master Hades.

With his death all the demon commanders and the demon portion of Hades's death army was wiped out clean as the war tolled away at the lives of each and every demon.

Beelzebub knew that he was the weakest and the most incompetent of the five commanders, however he played his part in this war very dilligently and in the end died a Hero's death!

His last words before being completely obliterated being " Long Live King Hades".

Right as he died, Medivh took up the burden of stopping Lucifer's attack as instead of throwing himself infront of Rudra , him and a tier 4 Archer from the guild started to prepare their best long range attacks as Medivh waited for his power to accumulate before resisting Lucifer.

Medivh unleashed the peak tier 4 attack called [ Zeus's thunderbolt] which when coupled with the tier 4 archers thunder attack called [ Triple thunder shot ]

Created a strong bolt of lightning that rivalled tier 5 strength!

The two attacks met against Lucifer's weakened sword attack once more and successfully managed to hold it off for two breaths time and weaken it by 5% more.


( Meanwhile Furball )

Furball had divinity in its veins.

Unlike Rudra who was born a mortal and would need to someday build divinity to become an immortal, furball only needed to refine its own blood to one day become an immortal beast queen.

Born as a divine nine tailed beast, Furball was unlike any pets in Omega and certainly not one meant to be kept as a house cat.

Rudra seldom used Furball in dangerous situations in battle and was always careful to recall her into his soulspace when she was even slightest bit injured.

He was the most caring protector Furball had ever seen and it was exactly the reason why even after she grew to the strength of eight tails she was still an obedient baby when it came to following his orders.

Except for Rudra's pet which was the divine nine tails, there was not a single battle pet in the entirety of Omega that could solo a tier 4 player with ease, however for Furball that was not enough.

Her pride was too large and growing up with a monster master like Rudra who could actually outpace her natural growth she was never really called upon by his master for his protection in a dangerous situation.

Against Lucifer today, Furball was able to feel her master's desperation as he called on her to create an opening for him to get enough time to heal and fight this battle with renewed energy, however furball's flames were snubbed off by Lucifer with ease as she was turned into an ice sculpture.

As she felt her master embrace her in his last moments furball's pride crumpled as she refused to beleive that the ONE time that her master actually relied on her for something important, she failed.

Anger, Disbelief, Shock, and refusal to admit defeat created a spark of emotions inside her which ignited her divinity and triggered her sprouting the ninth tail as Furball finally achieved her true form as the divine nine tailed beast!

Her golden furcoat ignited into golden flames as the ice around her started to melt rapidly.

Within one breaths time she broke free of the icy prison as her divine golden luster brightened the entirety of surroundings around her, becoming a beacon of light in Lucifer's dark world as she glared at the devil with rage and disgust.

A primal howl shook the kingdom of hell as furball roared in fury.

Stepping away from her master who looked bewildered to see her transformation, Furball expanded to her true size which was that off a 100 meter tall and 40 meters wide fox with 9 , 70 meter long tails that looked like the wings of a flaming phoenix, but golden and much more divine.

Opening her mouth Furball started to collect divine fire near her nostril as a breaths time later she unleashed a terrifying golden flamethrower straight towards Lucifer's sword slash!

The golden flames stopped the descent of the sword slash however were being progressively pushed back.

This was unacceptable for Furball who planted her feet firmly into the ground and pushed back with all her might!

Lucifer who was panting and recovering from unleashing his strongest attack was bewildered to witness this scene beneath him as he muttered under his breath ' impossible '.

His attack was laced with divine power and only divine power could truly chip it off and it seemed furball's flamethrower contained a trace of the divine power .

Lucifer did not want to beleive what he was seeing, however his denial was not going to change a thing.

The fact of the matter was .....

That today a new beast queen had been born!

/// Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know your thoughts in the comments below 🙂 ///action