Pretty lips- Part 1

Having worn a loose dress now, it felt much better as it was breathable. Now that she thought about it, Madeline wondered how she had managed to run in the dress she had worn earlier. Where there was a will, there was a way, thought Madeline to herself, but only this time the way had been cut short to have her return back to the castle.

Three hours ago, she had thought she would be seeing her family and that she would be united with them even if it was going to be for a short duration of time, but here she was sitting in the dining room with Calhoun.

"Thinking about your little escape plan?" asked Calhoun and her eyes snapped to look at him, seeing him pick up the glass that was filled with red liquid until the very brim of it, "I must say, I was surprised not to find you at the maze in the evening. I would have never guessed that you would take a run towards the gates. How did you get past the guards?" he asked, intrigued.

He took a sip from the glass before running his tongue on his lips and sucking the remaining liquid that had settled on his full lips, "Be wise with your answer. You wouldn't want to irk my mood, would you?" He placed the glass down on the table.

"I got a ride."

Calhoun stared at her, "From the castle?" he asked, wondering which coachman had dared to give her a ride to step outside the castle without his permission, "Did you charm one of the servants here to help you leave? Who was it?" The maids had started to serve the food.


"Lady Rosamund and her family were passing by in the carriage-"

"How kind of them," commented Calhoun, sarcasm in his voice and after two seconds a chuckle passed through his lips, "They dropped you in the middle of the road."

Madeline didn't look at him but stared at the things that was on the table. He was having a ball by thinking about it and laughing that the help she felt she could get was dismissed by his aunt. She was naive to believe that someone like Lady Rosamund would provide her help when the woman had shown immediate distaste and dislike towards her.

"What a silly girl you are. How does it feel to be back in the castle than being molested by an older man?" Now that she was caught, Calhoun was going to keep throwing it in her face on what happened and how she had been unsuccessful. The smirk on his face made her want to run away, even more, to show him that she could do it, and she would not be caught.

"I am not used to being alone."

"No!" Madeline quickly protested against it.


Calhoun tilted his head, "You said you were feeling lonely," and she clutched her hands under the table. Her nails dug into her palms.

"That's not what I meant," she said, meeting his eyes.

"I thought that was what you meant and you were shy speak about it," a bright smile lit upon his face, "Don't be shy to tell me if you feel lonely. I will make sure to make it less isolated."

She preferred solitude than his company, "I am fine with how things are."

Madeline didn't want to worsen her luck if he decided to have her in his room. The two times when she was in his room, both the time had resulted in him pushing her down on the bed with him on top of her. If she were to be moved to his room, Madeline didn't know if she would be able to protect her chastity with him in his bedroom.

Calhoun took his fork and knife, cutting the meat and adding it with the leafy vegetable to raise his hand towards her mouth. Was he planning to feed her? Madeline's eyes moved between the fork and his face, "Eat."


When her delicate pink lips parted, Calhoun's eyes were quick to pick the action. She parted it further, widening her mouth, and he pushed the food into her mouth, which was more abundant than her mouth could hold.

"We'll need to work on that mouth of yours," commented Calhoun which she didn't understand as Madeline was trying to make sure she didn't spill the food out of her mouth. As much as she tried to hold in, the liquid dripped down from the corner of her lips and when Madeline picked up the napkin that she had placed on her lap, Calhoun had leaned forward to wipe the liquid with his thumb leaving her dumbstruck with his action.

The stroke of his thumb was sensual near her mouth before he brought the same thumb to his mouth, sucking it with his lips and licking it that turned Madeline red with embarrassment.

She opened her mouth, but her mind was unable to make coherent words that could be put out of her lips. If it was possible, she would have pulled out the table cloth and rolled over to hide and save herself from any further Calhoun's blatant or brazen action.

"Delicious, isn't it?" asked Calhoun to her, while she was still chewing what he had stuffed into her mouth. When her eyes moved slowly to look at him, he said, "The meat was hunted by the family who dropped you in the middle of the forest," and one corner of his lips pulled itself up in mirth.