Chapter 853: Promise rings- Part 1  

Helena finished filing the report on the incident that took place in Cait. And as fast as she had filed it, the issue had resolved thanks to the Devil's involvement. It wasn't like anyone would judge her for her actions, considering she was the head of the High House. But some still tried to stop the functioning and the power she was gaining every day.

"Milady," came the voice from behind her while she stood facing the window, looking outside at the people who were walking on the road.

"What is it?" she questioned, turning around to see one of the High House members who held a scrolled parchment in his hand.

"Milady, this is the signed doc.u.ment of King Edison who has stepped down from his position. He has personally signed and sealed it," informed the man. "But the same is not being accepted by his mother. Former Queen Guilene is angry and she's trying to oppose that you did something to the King. Like black magic."

Hearing this, Helena rolled her eyes, "Let her be. I am sure after some time she will get tired and will drop the matter."

"Yes, milady," the man bowed his head. But he wasn't done speaking, "Um, the person is standing outside the building."


"Which person?"

The man seemed hesitant to speak, and Helena could only guess who it was because no one whispered the Devil or his name.

"Fine, leave and get back to your work," Helena dismissed the person. Grabbing her maroon coat hanging on the stand, she wore it around her shoulders without putting her hands inside the sleeves. When she started to head towards the entrance, she met Dimitri, who was walking by with another fellow member of the High House. "I am leaving for the day, Dimitri," she informed him.

Dimitri was slightly taken aback, but at the same time, he was pleased to see that the small girl whom he had looked after was trying to get back the lost time, even though he knew she was doing it because she was annoyed.

"I hope you have a good time," he bowed his head. "I will be here."

"Hm," the woman hummed, and she stepped out of the building.


She saw a black carriage with black horses tied at the front. In front of it stood Vladimir with his hands in his pockets. "Seems like our minds are working together as you knew I am here," Vladimir offered her a charming smile.

"It isn't hard to know when you are trying to scare my people in the High House," she spared him one glance before looking at the carriage. "What are you doing here?" she questioned even though she knew he was here to see her.

"To spend time with you of course. My grandson kicked me out of little Morven's room telling me I should do something apart from taking all the baby's time. I would have thrown him in the pot, but then he's my grandson and my beloved daughter's son," said Vladimir in a thoughtful tone, "So I thought, why not come here and visit my lady."

Helena's eyes narrowed, "I think you forgot that the deal was about 'considering'. It said nothing about being your woman."

"I remember that, but it is hard to resist the Devils' charm. You know there are quite some benefits. How about I strike a deal where you will get to see your brother?"

Hearing this, Helena's eyes softened, and she glared at him again, "Don't play with me."


"I never meant to," Vladimir's head tilted to the side, "It is an enticing offer isn't it?"

"Did you mend your relationship with the angels and your brothers? Michael," she casually dropped the name.

Vladimir ran his tongue over one of his fangs.

"I wondered when that name was going to come. No, we still have the same delicate relationship that is always on a thin thread of wanting to hurt each other," replied Vladimir, "But there are some exceptions and clauses." At least by her question, Vladimir knew she wanted to see her brother.

"Well, whatever. I need to go home and rest my eyes," she said, raising her hand and looking at the guard standing in front of the building to bring her carriage.

"I don't mind coming along to your house. We can have blood together, which is exciting," as the words flew from the Devil's lips, Helena gritted her teeth. "Or if you want, we can take a stroll. I promise you it will be a good one."

Helena knew when she had agreed to the deal with the Devil, it would come to bite her soon. Maybe she should have left Edison dead. "Fine, let's take a walk," and she started to walk without waiting for him.

Vladimir was quick to join next to Helena, his stature tall and proud. But then Helena was no less to him. She didn't cower, and with the constant furrow of her eyebrows, people on the road were intimidated to come in front of them. People were quick to scurry away, making way for the two people who stepped into the streets of the town.

"I heard about the no charges regarding the incident that took place in Cait," Vladimir was the first one to start the conversation as Helena was quiet.

"They did. Edison claimed I had nothing to do with the gunshot," replied Helena. "Are you going to be here permanently?" she asked him.

"In the living world? I am not sure. Maybe until my family is here, but that doesn't mean I can leave Hell alone all by itself. The last time I did, my poor granddaughter-in-law suffered," responded Vladimir.

"Would have never considered you to be a family man," murmured Helena. But at the same time, she had heard the little things regarding how much the Devil loved his daughter, and he had brought the previous King and his mother to Devon from Hell just to clear his daughter's name. "Do you miss her? Your daughter."

"Here I am picking lighter subjects, and you pick the heavier one's," hummed Vladimir, giving her a look and Helena's eyes moved from the corner to look ahead of her. "Don't any parents miss their child? She was a good daughter, but I am glad that I got to meet her."

"I see," replied Helena, having heard enough about King Calhoun's mother from the public.

They continued to walk in the town, moving from one street to another, while some bowed their heads to greet the head of the High house.

"We have lunch set up this week on Saturday in the castle. How about you join us," Vladimir politely pushed the invitation to her so that she would accept it without a quick refusal. "Calhoun said you haven't dropped by the castle since I arrived. It looks like you are scared of me."

"Do you think I am a person who would fall for words like that?" Helena gave him a dull look. "I have been busy with other things and don't think there is any reason for me to meet people unless they are causing trouble."

"You know, there was this woman I once met. A headstrong woman who didn't follow the herd. I met her when the existence of vampires came into picture and was known to everyone. It was a time of chaos and I was trying to fight for the humans. Unfortunately she died, her health was fragile," explained Vladimir.

"Who was that woman?" asked Helena.

"She was my lover, the mother of my daughter," revealed Vladimir.

"I am sorry to hear that," Helena's lips pursed. She then said, "Being the Devil you must know what is in my heart, Mr. Lazarus. I don't have time for romance, when I can put the same time for something else."

Vladimir nodded his head, "I am aware of that. Which is why we are going to do this step by step," he said optimistically. "We have a lot of time in our hands. There is no time to rush for it," he offered her a smile, and he brought his hand forward.

"We are just acquaintances now," she said to make sure.

"That's a good start," said Vladimir.

Helena sighed, wondering if she was truly stuck with the Devil. Gingerly, she placed her hand in his hand, and that had Vladimir smile.