June 20th, 1929. At the delivery room of the Winter Palace. Alexander paced back and forth as he waited outside.

Rolan followed his movement with his eyes, amused at Alexander's action. Of course, it was natural for Alexander to act like that when behind that door, Sophie is giving birth to their child.

"Look, how many times do I have to tell you Alexander that everything is going to be fine," Rolan said casually in a reassuring tone. "Look, she's being taken care of by a group of expert doctors that you handpicked yourself, so why won't you remain still?"

"You don't understand Rolan. Even with those guarantees, there are still chances of failure. And I'm getting worried if that happens."

Rolan sighed and glanced at one of Alexander's sisters, Christina specifically. "Uhm…Your Imperial Highness, I think my words are not getting through to him. I know this would look like I'm overstepping my bounds but may I request that you calm him down?"

Christine giggled. "I don't think you are stepping out of the line, Rolan. That was a reasonable suggestion and as his little sister, I have a duty to support my brother in any way I can."

After saying that, Christina stepped forward and stood in front of Alexander's way.


Alexander stopped in his tracks and gazed down at Christina.

"Brother, you have to calm down," Christina said simply but behind her words carried a commanding tone.

She continued. "You are making everyone here nervous when the smartest people in the palace are acting like this."

Alexander glanced around the hallway and saw his daughter, sisters, and high-ranking officials from different departments waiting for his child to be born. Alexander sighed inwardly after realizing Christina's words.

But…he can't help but feel nervous. What if something goes wrong during the delivery? What if Sophie faced complications? Seven hundred women die each year due to delivery complications and that one specific fact is what made him not able to have a good night's sleep. And in a world where maternal healthcare is in its infancy, his anxiety grew even larger.

Though Sophie survived when giving birth to Anya, there is still unexpectantly at play here. Alexander removed such negative thoughts from his head and tried to be optimistic. If their mother gave birth to five children without complication and grew perfectly fine, then Alexander had nothing to worry about."You're right, Christina, I'm maybe overreacting. I apologize if my action has made everyone worried—"



His voice paused the moment he heard a guttural grunt from the other side of the door. Alexander's face turned pale and walked over to the door and pressed his ears against it.

"Just a little more, Your Imperial Majesty, I can see the head. Just give it another push!" The midwife said.

Sophie made another guttural grunt, her unwavering determination to see her child coming through clearly in her eyes. It was her duty as the empress of the Ruthenia Empire, to give Alexander, her husband, an heir to the throne. She won't fail in that task. So despite her pain, she pushed harder than ever, and sweat formed on both her forehead and temples. Her cheeks blushed slightly when she noticed that she didn't have enough stamina left.

She had been in labor for fifteen hours and she could feel her energy seeping away. But the thought of her child losing a mother flitted in her mind, filling her heart with dread and fear. She can't let that happen, so she'll fight to the end, and push, and push until the baby is out of her body.

And after much hardship, the baby was born.


The midwife placed the squirming and crying newborn baby on her chest and wiped off his face and hands using a clean towel. Then she cut the umbilical cord and wrapped him up in clean sheets and placed the baby gently in Sophie's grasp.

"It's a boy, Your Imperial Majesty…"

"A boy," Sophie smiled, her labored breathing slowly easing. She stared in awe at the newborn and her fingers gently traced his chubby cheek. He had the face and the hair color of Alexander. Compared to Anya who pretty much resembled Sophie, this time, the boy resembled Alexander. Sophie laughed softly at that observation and she took in a deep breath before speaking quietly.

"Welcome to the world, my precious little Alexander," Sophie whispered.

Then she looked up at one of the doctors. "Can you call my husband here?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."

One of the doctors turned towards their heels and walked over to the door and opened it.

Alexander, who was pressing his ears on the door, tipped forward, but he immediately recovered himself by bracing his hands on the wall.

"Your Majesty, the delivery was a success and Her Imperial Majesty is seeking your presence.

Alexander's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really?" Then dashed inside the room in reflex. Those who had heard the doctor's announcement got up with a relieved gasp and decided to head inside as well.

Unfortunately, Rolan blocked their way in. "Only the royal family is allowed to enter the room. Those who aren't part of it should remain outside and wait for His Majesty to call you.

Rolan let Alexander's sisters and his daughter in.

The family gathered around the bed where Sophie was lying down with a baby on her chest. Everyone crowded close to examine the little boy they were all waiting to see.

Alexander knelt down next to Sophie's bedside and smiled as he gazed at the new arrival, his love for the infant shining out of his eyes.

"He looked like you," Sophie noted as she stroked the soft cheek of her son.

Alexander scanned the baby's appearance and he agreed with her observation. The features on his face were mostly his own. It was like his child was the baby version of Alexander.

"Anya, come, come," Alexander called her daughter, grabbing her by the arm gently and showing her her new sibling.

"Isn't he cute? He is your little brother now and you are going to be his big sister."

"My little brother? Big sister?" Anya's mouth gaped open, loving the idea and the sound.action

"He's cute! I want to give him a hug," Anastasia said.

"You can't," Tiffania objected. "You don't have any experience of holding a baby. You might hurt him."

"Eh?!" Anastasia pouted, causing her brother to chuckle.

"Don't worry, each one of you would have an equal chance of holding my little boy," Alexander said. One of his fingers got curled by the baby's hand.

"Have you already come up with a name?" Christina asked.

"Yeah, the name! What is his name papa?" Anya asked enthusiastically, her eyes beaming in anticipation.

Alexander and Sophie exchanged meaningful glances. They nodded as if it was a signal and revealed the name of their new child together.
