"South America, you say?" Sergei repeated the name of the continent, wondering what made Alexander get interested in it.

"Africa this year is too unstable and not worth an investment. I never wanted to have a huge chunk of territory in Africa in the first place. I did obtain Senegal but that was for our future major fleet, the Atlantic Fleet."

Sergei hummed in response. So that was Alexander's goal when he demanded reparations from the countries that wage war on him, except for the United States. The United States handed back Alaska to the Ruthenia Empire under the condition that the Ruthenia Empire must buy the territory with ten percent interest and help them with reconstruction efforts in Washington D.C. and signing economic treaties.

Alexander accepted the condition and paid the United States upfront without thinking too deeply about it. He knew that Alaska is a treasure trove filled with minerals and oils that is yet to be extracted. Besides, despite not having the same prestige in the original world, the United States is still an industrial powerhouse that can produce Ruthenian goods under license. The same goes for the Han Dynasty.

Speaking of the Han Dynasty, the Dynasty already fell and the war between the Nationalists and the Communist Party was over. Nationalists won a decisive victory in Beijing, forcing the communist into hiding and conducting guerilla warfare. The Nationalists are still far from declaring it a true victory but nevertheless, they have now complete control of the government, even to the point of renaming the country from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China.

With their hundred million population, the labor the Ruthenia would get easily at a cheap price is like a wet dream. In short, the Ruthenia Empire had put a leash on the United States and China.

Now having put control over a huge populated country, Alexander is still looking for another place that would fuel Ruthenian growth. South America, just as Alexander said, was stable compared to Africa. Though there are some territorial disputes, even leading to a naval arms race among the richest country in South America, that can be settled.


What's more, is that South America is also a home for rare earth minerals such as beryllium and niobium which are used in the aviation industry. However, despite its attractive and tempting features, Ruthenia's Empire's reach to the Atlantic Ocean is limited. And that's why Alexander took Senegal from the Francois Republic and served as headquarters for the new fleet that they'll be adding, the Atlantic Fleet. Who will be then tasked to protect the interests of the Ruthenia Empire within the region and protect its precious cargo?

"So, Your Majesty, if I may ask, will Senegal experience change under your rule? Just like what you did in Manchuria for the Pacific Fleet?"

"I'm actually thinking of making Senegal part of the Ruthenia Empire. Just like how I did with Konigberg. We want warm-water ports right? Now we have it. In the Indian Ocean, we have Ceylon and Bahrain. In Oceania, we have Papua New Guinea, and lastly Manchuria in the Pacific. There is one sea that we haven't conquered yet."

"Ah…I know, the Mediterranean Sea…" Sergei said. "Our luck ran out when the Sardegnia Empire didn't hand over a small portion of the territory of Libya. Saying that they indeed declared war on us but never actually got to mobilize its forces.""Well, there is still another way where we can get into the Mediterranean Sea. The Balkan States. They are so far the most unstable part of Europa. We can use it to our advantage, to help countries that are willing to give us what we want in exchange for support but that will be for another time. Let's focus on our gains first. Senegal. Just like what I did in Manchuria, I will do so in Senegal. They'll experience massive changes, make it appear like every other Ruthenia Empire, industrialize, strong, and advance. And having Senegal as our own territory will give us access to Africa itself once we start diverting our attention into it."

Upon saying that, Sergei started pulling out his notes and pen and started taking note of what Alexander plans. His job as the Foreign Minister of the Ruthenia Empire is to make sure that Alexander's foreign policy is turned into reality. So if he wants to annex, he'll have to go directly to Dakar and speak with the Senegalese representatives and have them sign their terms.

Sergei hoped the Senegalese people would accept their term, otherwise, he would have to use any means necessary to put Senegal under Ruthenian control.


"I have taken note of your foreign policy, Your Majesty. I will now take my leave and prepare the necessary documents for the annexation of Senegal. I'll have to go there myself to show the locals goodwill and if possible, some gifts to establish a good impression."

"You will have everything you need," Alexander said, writing his own notes on his paper. "So if nothing else, I think you may leave…oh wait…I just remembered something that I would like to discuss with you."

"What is it, Your Majesty?" Sergei leaned forward as he asked.

"Look, I've been noticing, most of my ministers are old. Some are in their fifties while others are in their sixties. That's going to be troublesome in the future."

"Do you seek to replace me, Your Majesty?" Sergei asked as he raised his eyebrows with concern and shock. It was obvious from Alexander's attitude that he thought of him as a replacement of sorts.

Alexander chucked with amusement, "We are all replaceable, Sergei. Even me. You do know that we can't live forever right? Someone will eventually take our position and continue doing business as usual. So don't feel bad when I bring that up. So aside from your task in Senegal, I want you to give me a list of recommendations that you'd think best fit for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Preferably those loyal to the crown and to the empire," he said, Sevastian's name crossed his mind.


"I understand, Your Majesty. I shall prepare for it."

Both men rose to their feet and shook hands.

"Okay, good luck with your trip then," Alexander said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Sergei bowed. He turned to his heels and ambled over to the door.

Just as Sergei reached the door, it opened so suddenly that it startled him.

"Oh…Sergei! Good day!" Anastasia exclaimed, she looked a bit enthusiastic.

Not only Anastasia arrived but also Anya.

"What are you two doing here?" Sergei asked.

"We are here to ask papa!" Anya's face lit up with joy.

"What is it?" Alexander asked, his hands braced on the desk as he looked at his daughter and sister.

"Brother! We read in the newspaper that there is a shopping mall grand opening in St. Petersburg! Can we come?!" Anastasia fumbled her hands giddily as she spoke.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Please let us go!" Anya jumped excitedly in place.

Alexander laughed heartily, "Oh it was this week huh? Very well, I'll come with you."

"Yaaay! You hear that sister Ana?" Anya exclaimed as she looked up at her aunt, her voice filled with delight.

"Oh, I'm also speaking on behalf of Tiffania and Christina here," Anastasia reminded me.

"Fine," Alexander simply said.