Two days later, making it the seventh day of Sergei's arrival in Dakar, the deadline for Leopold to make a decision finally arrived.

They spoke in the very same office where they first had their discussion. Sergei was sitting across from Leopold who had been tapping his fingers on his lap as if he was nervous about something.

Sergei shot Leopold a calming smile, hoping that it would help him relax a little. He knew that his decision would change the fate of the Senegalese and their land. Should they accept to be annexed by the Ruthenia Empire, then they will become part of the Ruthenia Empire, receive the same benefits the Ruthenians are getting and be part of the history of the Ruthenians Empire's growth. But, should they refuse to be annexed, then there is another way, yet it involves something which both parties don't want.

"So, Leopold? Have you made your decision?" Sergei began, holding his hand together as he waited for Leopold to answer.

"Well, Sir Sergei. This is the deadline, so I'll give you our decision. After seven days of going around the country, speaking with different tribes, and helping them understand the terms of becoming part of the Ruthenia Empire. I got their responses, and they said yes. They are willing to be part of the Ruthenia Empire so long as their culture, private ownership, lands, and rights are not infringed," Leopold revealed.

Sergei smiled upon hearing that. "Of course, you can assure them that. Did they accept the terms unanimously or did one of them object?"

Leopold shook his head lightly. "No. Though I must say that not all people are involved in the idea. Some wanted independence, but I believe that independence for small, weak territories would lead to the perpetuation of oppression, whereas African empowerment within a federal Ruthenian Empire could transform it for the better."


"That makes you a pro-Ruthenian after saying that."

"I'm just stating the facts, Sir Sergei. As you can see, almost all of the citizens here in Senegal are illiterate. They can't read or write. How do you expect us to lead a country full of those people? Who would be happy enough to have food to eat on the table. This Independence would surely weaken us and I don't want that to happen. I want the people of Senegal to be better by integrating with the Ruthenia Empire. You are the only light I can see at the end of the tunnel where I climb into the abyss."

"You are eloquent, Leopold. I'll give you that. But surely there are people like you in Senegal, intellectuals, someone that could transform your country without foreign intervention."

"As I have stated, Sir Sergei. We have lots of problems here in Senegal. Being illiterate is just one of them. The country can't progress with it and that has to change."

"I agree. I see that you have fully committed to your decision. Well, as the Foreign Minister of the Ruthenia Empire, I will hand you the formal document for you to sign. Am I safe to assume that you are signing on behalf of all Senegalese?""I can assure you that, Sir Sergei. That I will sign on behalf of all Senegalese. Albeit not unanimous about the decision, the majority wins. As long as the Ruthenia Empire does what it promised to Senegal," Leopold stated.

"Very well, let's sign the document now so that I can finish my business here," Sergei said, pulling out a document from a drawer under the table. He set it on top of the desk and opened it for him.


Normally, such an important undertaking like this would often occur in the grandest place in St. Petersburg. However, it takes preparation and money, money that can be used for their development instead of hosting a huge party. It's best that one country be frugal about expenses, as it was earned from the tax of the hard-working people.

"I'm sure you have read the terms and provisions a lot of times, given that you have to explain it to your people one group at a time. So let's get to the end of the papers," Sergei said as he flipped through the pages until the last. "Okay, you will sign here and here. Do you have a pen?"

Leopold nodded, fishing around for it. Finally, he brought out a fountain pen. It looked as if it were brand new. He then started

taking the paper from Sergei as he signed it. Sergei watched as he signed the papers. He was delighted, one of the visions of His Majesty was achieved and his plans for this country are now set in stone. He'll only report it back once the signing process is completed. After that, he can finally go back home and take a two or three-day rest.

Staying in a country that has a different climate and environment to St. Petersburg was a challenge for Sergei. Not only will he have to deal with the tropical heat climate of Senegal, but he'll also have to make do with the technology available in the country. As stated, Senegal was underdeveloped and had little to no advanced infrastructures such as electricity, so there are no such things as air conditioners yet. Though the office had fans, Sergei lived in a country where he got to stay at the most comfortable place to work where amenities such as convenience are offered.

He can't wait to finish his business here in Senegal and return to his original workplace in St. Petersburg. He only had to come here due to the fact that His Majesty wanted to get to Senegal at the soonest time available. He could have let his subordinates do it but since it was a wish of His Majesty itself, he couldn't afford a mistake.


After a minute of dealing with his thoughts, Leopold finished signing the papers.

"Here it is, Sir Sergei. I signed it wholeheartedly. Your turn," Leopold said, handing him the pen he used to sign the document.

Sergei refused to use his as he has his own fountain pen. He picked it up from its stand and signed it. "Alright, the document is now official. The Ruthenia Empire annexed Senegal. Congratulations and I thank you for your cooperation."

"Wait, that fast?" Leopold exclaimed lightly.

"Now actually it will take seven days for the document to take effect. I have to inform my government first that you and I signed the annexation document. And once they learned that, there will be a transitory period or grace period if you prefer. Then we'll have to elect a council preferably from this land to represent the Senegalese people in the Imperial Council. But on paper, Senegal is part of the Ruthenia Empire."

"I see, so it has to go through a lot of bureaucracy first before it can be made official by your government."

"I took care of it beforehand to save us both some time," Sergei said and continued. "What you can do now is inform your people that you signed the papers. This means they became Ruthenians, or at least not yet as they'll have to go through a series of tests to document each and one of you properly. They have the right to choose whether to become a Ruthenian or not but should they choose the latter, then that is an instant deportation. They'll become stateless people, stateless means have no legal rights in any country he or she sets foot in. But if they are taken by another country, then that's good."

"Based on what you said, Sir Sergei. Become a Ruthenian or become nothing. It's like there is no choice at all for them to choose."

"There are choices, Leopold. When there is a choice there is an option to choose. We are not forcing them."

Leopold chuckled after hearing that. Sergei is taking him for a fool which he is not. They are giving the people a sense of option when in reality, there is not. Obviously, the people would want to become Ruthenian rather than stateless. But pointing that out to Sergei would certainly ruin his impression of him. So he kept it to himself.


Three days later.

In St. Petersburg Winter Palace. At Alexander's office, he was reading a letter from Sergei.

"Hmm…this was easy," Alexander uttered. "I guess that's one down. Now, I only need to make an announcement about this. However, who should I call?"

Alexander is having a problem with not having a secretary that would do things such as this for him. Sevastian often does it but he is dead. One can't simply task a dead person to do a task.

Although there were some recommendations. None of them met his standards. Maybe because he hadn't known them until they submitted their resume. It is just hard to trust people, especially when their job description is working as the right hand of the emperor. The position must be given to someone he completely trusts, and he had one in his mind.

There was a knock on the door.

"Your Majesty, your sister wants to have an audience with you," Rolan said from behind the door.

"Let her in," Alexander said and the door opened.

Christina stepped inside and sat on the chair across from his desk.action

"Brother? What do you need me for?" Christina asked.

"I am going to make a radical decision here, Christina. I want you to become my Chief of Staff."