"So how did it go? Did my brother approve?" Christina asked, standing by the door of Alexander's office.

Rolan, who just finished speaking and oathing to Alexander startled a little upon seeing Christina's appearance upon opening the door.

"Your Imperial…I mean, Christina. What are you doing here?" Rolan asked in a whisper as he closed the door behind him. He shot a quick glance inside the office and saw Alexander staring and grinning at him as if he had noticed what was going on. No, Alexander definitely noticed,

Rolan could only sigh inwardly.

"Well, I was waiting for you. I was thinking I would waste your time by having you come into my room and share the news of my brother's permission," Christina explained.

"So you returned, is that what you are saying?" Rolan asked, he definitely saw her leave Alexander's office and walk out the hallway.

"Yes," Christina answered simply. "So, are you going to tell me? Did my brother give you his permission to go out with me?" She urged, wanting to hear the answer already.


"Fine. Your brother has given me permission," Rolan finally revealed. "So, I guess I will have to ask you again formally this time," he grabbed Christina's hand and continued. "Lady Christina, may I have the honor to take you out later for a coffee?"

Christina giggled, her cheek blushing a little as Rolan pulled her closer, so close that she almost had no space left between them.

"That sounds like fun actually," Christina said, unable to stop herself from smiling brightly, especially when she looked up at Rolan. "Where will you take me?" she asked.

"In the mall. There's a coffee shop there that I have been intending to visit. But it'll be sad to go alone so I figured if I have you there, I won't feel lonely. And then we can get some food afterward. We could also go for a walk around the park together too or maybe go somewhere else altogether," Rolan responded.

"I am looking forward to that," Christina admitted. "Is it going to be the two of us or there will be Imperial Guards watching over us?" she smiled softly.

"For safety reasons, they'll be present within fifty meters around our perimeter. But they'll disguise themselves as civilians so as to not spoil the night for us. You don't have to mind them, you just have to mind me. I can protect you more than they can protect us," Rolan said as he smiled reassuringly.


"Well if it isn't you who have been doing covert operations on foreign soil, it would be nothing but pride. It's sad that we'll have someone watching over us. I'll get embarrassed.""Don't worry, they are not going to stare at you all the time. A quick glance would do. So, I'm going to pick you up in my vehicle. Don't tell this to your sisters though, I want it to be a secret between the two of us," Rolan said and continued. "Even though your brother already knew, it's not like he is going to tell it to his sisters."

"I will. So, I'm going to wait for your call later…and, when are you going to release my hand?" Christina asked, glancing at her hand that was being held by Rolan.

"Oh," Rolan released her hand sheepishly, feeling somewhat guilty for holding onto her that much longer without warning. "Sorry, I didn't notice. I'll let you go right away so you can prepare for our trip. I'll check on you, alright? I still have four hours of duty," he promised before standing by the door of Alexander's office. His expression changed from casual to serious.

Rolan is in his work mode. Christina left and headed towards her room, spending the rest of four hours deciding which clothes she was going to wear for their date later.

Well, good thing, she had her lady-in-waiting that would help her choose the best clothes for the occasion. She wanted something simpler, the one that wouldn't stand out so as to not attract attention. She wanted her formal date with Rolan to be inconspicuous. Not that she hated the attraction and praise from the people but she still has the right to enjoy things without having to acknowledge them for their polite and warm greetings.

Then, the time finally arrived. Christina discreetly left the Winter Palace with the help of the servants and the Imperial Guards who are patrolling the area. Normally at this hour, Anastasia and Tiffania would be in their study room to finish the task Alexander is giving them from his teachings. While Sophie and Anya would stay in Andrei's room and read stories upon stories until the end of the night.


With that, no one noticed her leaving the Winter Palace.

In front of the main entrance was a car parked in front. It didn't resemble the cars roaming the road all the time but was new. She had seen the vehicle before when she visited Moskva. It was the car Rolan showed her, a muscle car. Its peculiar design may attract attention but in the current standard, it's a car that is considered elegant.action

Many people still prefer the cars that were popularized in the 1920s, as the design had etched in their minds that it is the symbol of elegance and style.

The door of the vehicle opened and Rolan stepped out from it. He is wearing a black dashing suit, his hair styled in a slick back, and a red tie tied tightly. His blue eyes were locked on Christina as she exited the vehicle.

He walked over to her and offered her a hand. Christina placed her hand atop his and walked down the stairs carefully so as to not trip. And walked around the car, in the passenger seat.

Rolan opened the door for her gentlemanly to which Christina accepted gratefully and sat down comfortably. He closed the door and walked to the other side of the car. Before opening the door, he glanced at the Palace, specifically at one of its windows. He saw Alexander's figure giving a penetrating look. It seemed as though he was giving him a warning.

Rolan, thinking that it was the case, gave him a reassuring nod. And when Alexander saw that gesture, he immediately turned around, swiped the curtains, and disappeared from the window.

Rolan opened the door and entered the vehicle.

"Do you know how to wear your seat belt?" Rolan asked as he turned on the key inserted into the ignition key. The engine under the hood roared in response.

Christina nodded at his query as she wore the seatbelt. Seeing that everything is in place, Rolan pressed the gas pedal. The car took off, moving smoothly along the road.

Christina couldn't hold back her smile as they sped out of the Palace grounds and into the city proper of St. Petersburg. They were soon passing through traffic lights and then crossing lanes. And eight minutes later, they arrived at the mall.

Rolan parked the car in the parking lot. Rolan exited the car first, going around and opening the door for Christina.

Rolan offered a hand to help her step out of the car as well. She gladly took his hand, and Rolan helped her up and stood beside him once again.

"It's beautiful here," Christina commented, looking around the vast shopping center.

"You are more beautiful than those glistening lights, Christina," Rolan said smoothly, a light blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Geez, you are silly, Rolan," Christina chuckled and lightly hit his arm, trying to keep her heart from fluttering.

"So, shall we go?" Rolan offered her his arm, wanting her to wrap hers around it.

Christina smiled sweetly as she wrapped her arm around his. She looked around as Rolan led her to the entrance of the shopping mall.

The patrons of the shopping mall queued to get inside. They did the same so as to not raise any unwanted attention. And once it was their time to be frisked, the guard simply beckoned them to go inside without checking them.

Rolan nodded at the guard meaningfully. The guard that was on shift was part of the Imperial Guards, helping Rolan to have a smooth dating experience inside. The patrons behind didn't seem to care about the two not getting frisked, as the process only took seconds.

As promised, Rolan took her to the coffee shop. It was bustling inside, filled with men, women, and children having their sips of coffee, and tea as they chatted joyfully with one another. They too stepped inside and took their seats by the window.

"Okay, I'm going to get us some drinks. Do you want anything in particular? What more do you like? Coffee or tea?"

"I prefer tea," Christina said. "Are you leaving me here?"

"I'll get back as soon as I place the order. You said tea right? I'll get you one of their finest teas."

"I'll wait for you here," Christina said.

"Okay," Rolan left her alone in the seat and headed toward the counter. He made sure to walk slowly so as to make time to ponder what he is going to do next.

"This is it, Rolan," he muttered to himself. "I'm going to say it to her later. So steel yourself."