June 30th, 1929. The day after the Queen of the Britannia Empire and the Prime Minister of the Francois Republic arrived, supreme leaders across many states arrived in the Ruthenia Empire as well.

Independent countries from South America and North America participated in the important convention that will be held in the Ruthenia Empire. The formation of the United Nation. A copy of the charter was sent to them beforehand, allowing them to be informed on what's the purpose of the United Nation and why it should exist. Not a single one of the countries Alexander invited refused. As they realized by themselves, that by participating in this convention they would have access to the Europan market which in turn helped them develop their economies.

The venue is the Mikhailovsky Palace, a palace that served as a statehouse to any foreign diplomat who visited the Ruthenia Empire.

The palace has been repurposed to be the temporary headquarters of the United Nation, should it be ratified by signatories in the majority, until a new one is built. Which would be erected in St. Petersburg in three to four years.action

The convention is scheduled to start on June 29th, 1929, which is today's date. Journalists from across the world with their television cameras are being set up just outside the palace gates of the Mikhailovsky Palace. The security around the palace was so strict that even the airspace above became restricted. Meaning, any plane without prior permission, will be shot down regardless if it's a Ruthenian military or private plane.

Imperial Guards donning their new uniform and weapons were also deployed around the palace, standing in their designated position while overlooking the crowds across the streets who were filming and taking pictures of the cars transporting heads of state from every state across the world that will arrive shortly from behind the metal barricade.It's an important day to the Ruthenia Empire and every security agency is keeping an eye out for every threat that could disturb and interrupt the convention. Though the Black Hand already perished, there is still a possibility of remnants lurking around trying to make a difference, although not in the same magnitude as the London attack. The Ruthenian Empire Ministry of Interior is taking national security matters very seriously, which is why people wanting to visit the Ruthenia Empire must have proper documentation before they can enter. Black Hand doesn't have it to conceal their identity, making the chances of them attacking the convention, very slim.

Thirty minutes later, on a bright sunny day in St. Petersburg, the cars of the head of state started arriving at the Mikhailovsky Palace. National flags and insignia of the country fluttered on the pole located at the hood of the cars. One could tell which car is arriving by simply looking at the flag.


The first wave of cars is from the South American continents. Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, and so on entered the Mikhailovsky Palace Ground. Their arrival is being broadcast nationwide and internationally for people to watch.

And then from North America, except for the United States, as they'll arrive later. Mexico was the last country to wrap up North America. After that, it was the East Asian countries. The Republic of China, the Choson Empire, and the Yamato Empire. Then Europa. Francois Republic, Deutschland Empire, Austrean Empire, Sardegna Empire, Kingdom of Norway, Sweden, Belgium, and Helvetia.

After the car from the Helvetia Kingdom entered the Palace Grounds, the United States car came into view. The red white and blue flag fluttered in the wind as it drove forward into the Palace grounds. The President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt can be seen waving his hand at the spectators inside. After the United States came to the Britannian Empire. Its grand and majestic vehicle which symbolizes wealth, power, and beauty slowly drove down the road. The Queen of the Britannia Empire wasn't as enthusiastic as the president of the United States. She didn't wave her hand at the spectators, instead, she remained composed.

And last but not least, where all of the spectators are waiting to see. The Beast. The moment the spectators saw that car, roaring cheers and claps erupted in the street. They wave their flags up in the air, trying to get the attention of their emperor. Alexander looked out of the window and waved his hand casually at them.

Seeing that their emperor had acknowledged their existence welled up with pride in the crowd. A few seconds later, the car entered the gates of the Mikhailovsky Palace and continued until it reached the main entrance. Select journalists who were given special permission to enter the Mikhailovsky Palace and document everything can be seen waiting at the entrance. They have been taking pictures and notes for three hours. Now that they saw the Beast arriving, they can feel the exhaustion slowly seeping out of their body.

Finally, the last one.


Rolan, who was sitting in the front, stepped out of the vehicle and opened the door for Alexander.

Alexander walked out of the car and stood next to Rolan. The journalist immediately tried to get close to the emperor but their efforts were futile. Imperial Guards who have been cutting and blocking them pushed them back.

"Your Majesty, please answer this question. How are you feeling right now when supreme leaders from all over the world arrived in the Ruthenia Empire to participate in the creation of the United Nation?" The journalist asked in a loud voice.

Alexander stopped and turned to face the journalist.

"What am I feeling right now? Well, simple. I'm happy. Happy that we are taking a step forward toward peace among nations. You'll know more when the convention concludes," Alexander said. "Now let me leave here and prepare myself for whatever awaits inside this Palace." He turned to look at Rolan. "Let's go,"

Rolan nodded and led the way inside.


"Your Majesty one last question!" Were the unanimous shout of the journalist in the scene. They wanted to get a more exclusive answer from the emperor but they were turned down with Alexander showing his back and leaving.

Two minutes later, Alexander arrived in the biggest hall of the Mikhailovsky Palace. It wasn't like the plenary hall of the Imperial Council Building. The setup was simple, a long rectangular desk with chairs arranged on it and a name plaque at each seat. Written on the name plaque is the country's name.

In total, there are forty-five countries who participated in the convention.

Alexander took his seat in the middle far back center of the desk. He leaned over to speak into the microphone.

"So, shall we get started?"