"The second body of the United Nation is the Security Council. Its roles and responsibilities are defined Under the United Nations Charter, the functions and powers of the Security Council are to maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations, to investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction, to recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of the settlement, to formulate plans for the establishment of a system to regulate armaments.

"To determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken, to call on members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression, to take military action against an aggressor, to recommend the admission of new members, to exercise the trusteeship functions of the United Nations in strategic areas, to recommend to the General Assembly the appointment of the Secretary-General and, together with the Assembly, to elect the Judges of the International Court of Justice."

Alexander memorized the United Nations Charter, so he was able to speak about all the roles and responsibilities of the Security Council without having to look at the paper, as it won't look cool to him.

"It's pretty self-explanatory. So, Mister Prime Minister of the Yamato Empire, are the powers of the United Nation clear to you?"

"With all due respect, Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. Your tone and words are a little bit implicating, aren't they? Why are you assuming that we would take aggressive actions toward our neighbor? Isn't it a bit rude? I thought we have come here to discuss the creation of an organization that will keep the world safe?"

Alexander closed his eyes as if he had realized it by himself. The Prime Minister of the Yamato Empire has a point, he is being prickly. It must be because of the recent conflict between the two where his sisters were nearly killed. That's understandable but he is in the meeting of creating the United Nation, he must be objective and remove prejudice from his systems to get this thing going.

"I apologize to Mister Prime Minister for my words," Alexander acknowledged his mistake. "I was just making a point to make it clear to everyone.""To make a point and brand as a barbaric country who only knows violence. Is that the point you are trying to make?" the prime minister retorted.


"I never said, Mister Prime Minister. Please, behave yourself now, we are still in the middle of the session. I apologize once again. I have never meant anything in my words."

"Fine, just don't do it again, please. I just asked a question, and yet you acted too aggressively. Now, expect that the others won't raise questions as they may fear being called out on live television."

Alexander rubbed the bridge of his nose, disappointed to himself.

"Please continue, Your Majesty," Diana stepped in to cool down what could be a heated argument by prompting Alexander to resume.

"Okay, that was unprofessional of me, so let's proceed. The Security Council will consist of five countries that are economically and militarily strong. The first member will be us, The Ruthenian Empire, the Britannian Empire, the United States, the Yamato Empire, and the Deutschland Empire."

"May I object?" The Prime Minister of the Francois Republic stood. "What was the basis of selection for the permanent seat for the United Nation Security Council? Are you saying, Your Majesty, that we aren't strong enough to be part of the permanent seats?"


"This is according to the data we have collected, the Francois Republic fell short of the Deutschland Empire. Nothing personal."

"Nothing personal? I don't believe it. Sorry to say, Your Majesty, but this is too much, I don't think we can stay through the end if we are not being treated fairly. Besides, you must have made some sort of a deal with those countries you selected.""Prime Minister Clemenceau, you are to remain in your seat. We are working for global peace here and you are going to leave it because you are not selected? I wasn't finished. The Security Council will be made up of eight members and your country is included there."

"But is there a way for us to become a permanent member of the Security Council?" Benjamin asked.

"There is a way but it'll be a long process. The same goes for kicking out a permanent member. You heard that right. A permanent member of the Security Council may be removed if the member violated the charter that it swore to fulfill. There's no room for an exception here, not even me. Now you know how serious I am in developing this intergovernmental organization."

"Thank you for clarifying it, Your Majesty," Benjamin said as he returned to his seat reluctantly. Still bitter at the fact that they weren't part of the permanent seat. It was their country that had helped the Ruthenia Empire industrialize, and this is how they are going to repay them?

'This is ridiculous,' Benjamin thought inwardly.


"Okay, the non-permanent member of the United Council would be the Francois Republic, Republic of China, and Sardegna Empire. After two years the position for the non-permanent members will be elected each year by the General Assembly for a two-year term. Well, that sums up the Security Council. Let's move on to the next, which is the Economic and Social Council."

The delegates flipped the pages of the document, and read the content.

"The Economic and Social Council, according to article sixty-two the Economic and Social Council may make or initiate studies and reports with respect to international economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and related matters and may make recommendations with respect to any such matters to the General Assembly to the Members of the United Nations, and to the specialized agencies concerned. Article sixty-three, sixty-four, and sixty-five is where you can find more about the aforementioned council. But basically, the council deals with the economic and humanitarian issues across the globe," Alexander said, stretching his neck as he was looking at the document and speaking to the delegates for about thirty minutes."

"Last three would be the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. The Trusteeship Council is the one who will supervise the administration of trust territories as they transition from colonies to sovereign nations. So territories that are formerly held by great powers, when there is one, could seek protection from the United Nation. They also have the right to join the United Nation as long as they accept the charter. The International Court of Justice is the supreme court of the world, and the Secretariat Secretariat carries out the substantive and administrative work of the United Nations as directed by the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the other organs."action

From there, an in-depth discussion started about the three bodies, and it lasted for about three hours. The delegates asked questions for clarification and Alexander answered them while referring them to the charter.

And after three hours, Alexander stood.

"So everyone, I hope you have understood the essence and importance of the United Nation. With that said, if any of you are interested in joining the United Nation. You can be formally admitted by signing the papers that will be given to you later. You have one week to decide. That's all, the convention is adjourned," Alexander concluded the convention and prepared to leave the hall.

He heaved a huge sigh of relief, at last, it was finished. That's one down in one of his bucket lists before he can fully retire from his position.