The Colorful Centipede

He was very sure that although he and his friend were scared and panicked, they had hidden the entrance well when they went out. Moreover, when he looked at the entrance just now, it didn’t look like anyone else had been here.

Since no one had come, why did the skeleton change location?

“Are you sure you remembered correctly? The bones weren’t thrown here by you guys, but somehow moved here by themselves?” After hearing Wen Le’s words, Su Meng felt that something was amiss.

Wen Le was only frightened but there was nothing wrong with his brain. Logically speaking, he should not have remembered wrongly.

But no matter what, a skeleton would change its position by itself. This was ridiculous no matter how you thought about it. How could a skeleton move by itself? Even though she was a feng shui master, she still felt that this statement was ridiculous.

Su Meng looked at the decorations in the tomb and frowned. This tomb chamber gave her a very bad feeling. She couldn’t tell what was wrong, so she decided to go in and take a look.


“Ouch!” Wen Le saw Su Meng’s movement and wanted to remind her to be careful. However, before he could speak, he felt a sharp pain on his palm, as if he was bitten by something.

He shone the flashlight in his other hand. Sure enough, there were two teeth marks on his right hand. They were not particularly deep, but they were bleeding.

Not knowing what had bitten him, Wen Le took the flashlight and shone it around. With that, he saw a scene that would disgust him for the rest of his life. There were dozens of centipedes the size of thumbs around him!

It was different from the ordinary centipedes outside. It was actually colored, and under the illumination of the flashlight, it looked even more vibrant.

The reason why Wen Le was bitten was probably because his hand had touched them. The centipede was poisonous. After Wen Le’s hand was bitten, the area around the wound instantly swelled up and it was extremely painful.

At first, the centipedes were still lying there obediently. When Wen Le shone the flashlight over, they were instantly confused by the light, revealing the thing under the group of centipedes. It was a black snake that was as long as an arm.


Half of the snake’s body had already been eaten by the centipede. It seemed that not much time had passed since it was still struggling.

He didn’t expect these centipedes to eat snakes! This was the first time he had seen it.

Under Wen Le’s disturbance, the centipedes began to crawl around. Two of them even climbed up his clothes and tried to burrow into his clothes.

He jumped up in shock and threw the centipede off his body. He ran toward Su Meng, screaming, “Master, there are centipedes! Help me!”

He ran to Su Meng’s side. He was so scared that he forgot about the difference between men and women and wanted to hug Su Meng.

However, before he could touch Su Meng, Wei Ting grabbed the back of his neck and threw him to the side.


When he was thrown out, Wen Le was still very angry and felt that Wei Ting was unreasonable. However, when his eyes met Wei Ting’s cold and sharp gaze, he instantly became dispirited. He got up obediently and walked to Su Meng’s side, not daring to touch her again.

Su Meng, who wanted to check the tomb, was shocked by Wen Le’s reaction. She stood at the door and did not go in. Instead, she looked at him in confusion.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Wen Le tried his best to calm his emotions before he said, “Centipedes. There are many colorful centipedes in this tomb. They even bit me.”

After he finished speaking, he raised his bitten hand to show Su Meng. Wen Le’s voice trembled from fear.

Su Meng shone the flashlight at Wen Le and took a closer look. The bite was very serious. The area around the wound was red and swollen, and it was even a little black. This meant that the centipede was poisonous and he needed to deal with it in time. Luckily, Su Meng had prepared well and brought emergency medicine.

“Looks like we’ll have to leave first. We’ll come back after your wound is healed.” Su Meng took out bandages and disinfectant from her bag and prepared to treat Wen Le’s wound.

The centipedes were startled by the light and started crawling around. Some of them even crawled to Su Meng’s feet.

Su Meng didn’t stomp them to death. Instead, she gently moved them to the side. She would not act rashly before she understood the specific information of this species.

Judging from the centipedes that were crawling all over the ground but kept a certain distance from each other, they might be social animals. Perhaps there were more of them in the depths of the cave.

“Did you hurt them just now?” Su Meng asked as she bandaged his wound.