Chapter 40: A Life For a Life

As soon as Shuang Yun closed his eyes, he could remember the scene of Huanhuan falling off the cliff.

He hated himself. Why couldn’t he have been faster? Why couldn’t he have saved her?!

Why was he so useless?!

As for Li Wei, she was locked up for being the reason behind Huanhuan’s fall.

With her big belly, she shouted through the cell door, “You can’t do this to me! I’m a female and I’m pregnant. If anything happens to me, my tribe won’t let you off!”

Everyone was busy searching for Lin Huanhuan’s whereabouts, so no one paid attention to her.


Worse still, there was no one to bring her food or water.

She was left to starve for three days.

It wasn’t until she was about to pass out from hunger that she saw Shuang Yun arrive.

Her face brightened, and she struggled to her feet. “You’ve come to let me out, haven’t you?” she said weakly. “Just let me out. I’m so hungry now. I feel terrible. I want meat..”

Shuang Yun looked at her coldly. “You killed my mate. I’m here to take your life.”

As soon as she heard this, Li Wei cried out in horror. “Lin Huanhuan’s death has nothing to do with me. I didn’t harm her. She fell off the cliff by accident! She deserved to die!”


Shuang Yun grabbed her by the throat and dragged her out of the cell.

“You’re the one who should die.”

He exuded a cold, murderous aura, while his gaze was like a poisoned sword. Li Wei trembled in fear.

Urine spread down the base of her thighs.

The stench filled the air.

Ignoring the embarrassing situation, she kept pleading. “I’m sorry. Don’t kill me. I’m a female. You can’t kill me…”


Before she could finish, there was a muffled click.

Her neck was broken.

Li Wei’s eyes widened as she stared at Shuang Yun in disbelief. Even in death, she couldn’t believe he would actually kill her!

Due to the rarity of females, no matter how serious a crime a female committed, she could not be executed. At most, she would be imprisoned.

But Shuang Yun had killed her without mercy.

Her body was thrown to the ground. She returned to her pheasant form, her eyes still wide open.

She died restlessly.

Shuang Yun turned to leave without hesitation. As he passed Jiu Yuan, he casually instructed him. “Roast her body and send it to Ya Qiu and Ma Qing for them to have a taste.”

Jiu Yuan’s heart skipped a beat. “Yes.”

Ever since Ya Qiu had almost raped Lin Huanhuan the last time, Shuang Yun had stopped giving him and Ma Qing food. If the two of them wanted to eat, they had to go out and find food themselves.

But now that it was a world of ice and snow outside, they could not go out to hunt at all. They could only hide in the cave and eat the dry food they had brought over from the Black River Wolf Tribe.

They hadn’t eaten fresh meat in a long time.

When Jiu Yuan appeared with several large chunks of roasted meat, Ya Qiu drooled.

He grabbed the roasted meat and ate it in big mouthfuls. At the same time, he praised, “Delicious! This meat is so tender!”

Ma Qing also tore off a piece of roasted meat and put it in his mouth. He chewed twice and immediately stopped.

He looked down thoughtfully at the roasted meat in front of him.

Jiu Yuan asked, “Ma Qing, don’t you like this roasted meat?”

He glanced at him, then smiled. “No, I like it.”

Ya Qiu hastily swallowed the meat in his mouth. “I like it too!”

“Since you like it, please finish it.”

After Jiu Yuan left, Ya Qiu ate more enthusiastically. He was so hungry that he didn’t think about where the meat came from.

As for Ma Qing, he had eaten beast meat before, so he knew what meat it was the moment he took his first bite.

But this was not a big deal to him.

It wasn’t like he hadn’t eaten beast meat before. Ma Qing slowly tore off a piece of roasted meat and put it in his mouth to chew slowly.

Such fresh and tender beast meat was rare. He had to enjoy it.

Not long after Bai Di left, Shuang Yun also led a team deep into the forest to search for Lin Huanhuan.

At this moment, Lin Huanhuan was sitting on the tail of the python. She was wrapped in thick animal hide and was looking around for various seeds with her eyes wide open.

There were many plants in the forest, and seeds were everywhere. However, because they were covered in snow, most of the seeds had been frozen. They had lost their signs of life and could no longer sprout and grow. They were essentially useless.

She worked hard for seven days and found 278 seeds.

more to go!

Sang Ye lowered his head and extended his scarlet snake tongue toward Lin Huanhuan.

Lin Huanhuan saw the snake’s tongue unfolding in front of her, revealing two fragrant and crunchy fruits.

Pleasantly surprised, she asked, “Where did you find these fruits?”

Sang Ye placed the fragrant and crunchy fruits in her palm, saying, “I just found them by the side. There are only these two. If you still want them, I’ll help you look for more.”

Lin Huanhuan carefully put away the two fragrant and crunchy fruits. Not only were these fruits crunchy and delicious, but they also had the effect of stopping bleeding and reducing inflammation. They were very rare medicinal herbs for external injuries.

She said, “Remind me if you see these fruits again later. I’ll look for seeds near them.”

If she could find seeds of the fragrant and crunchy fruits, she could grow many of them in the future!

Sang Ye agreed. “Okay.”

The python lowered his head to her, waiting for her to stroke him.

Lin Huanhuan smiled and patted his head. “Why are you so clingy?”

He was not like a cold snake but more like a big dog that liked to stick around its owner.

The python nuzzled her palm, his black vertical pupils narrowing in enjoyment.

He really liked her. And his feelings for her were even growing stronger.

Seeing that it was almost dark, the python slowly brought Lin Huanhuan back to the cave.

Sang Ye transformed back into his human form. He washed the captured prey and carefully placed it on the fire to roast.

Lin Huanhuan took out the seeds she had found today from her fanny pack and placed them together with the seeds she had previously found. She carefully counted them.

She already had 290 seeds.

Only ten more to go.

The quest will be completed soon!

She was very happy! She wrapped the seeds in animal hide. Suddenly, she felt her nose itch and she couldn’t help but sneeze.


She rubbed her nose and muttered under her breath, “Who’s talking about me?!”

After eating and drinking his fill, Sang Ye turned into a python to block the entrance of the cave. Otherwise, when the snow poured in, Lin Huanhuan would curl up into a ball while wrapping herself in an animal hide.

When Lin Huanhuan was asleep, she felt something lick her face.

She opened her eyes and looked at the huge snake’s head that was so close to her. “Stop it,” she said weakly. “My head hurts. I need to rest.”

The python’s tongue swept over her face, and it was clear that her temperature had risen.

She didn’t look good either; she was as pale as the snow outside the cave.

She must be ill.