Ch75 – Staying

The poisoned man had dripped blood as well as his scent all over the area, and Xiong He knew that it was impossible to hide the man’s whereabouts. He could only admit that he had seen him while hiding the fact that he had been poisoned. His words were ambiguous, making it sound it like the man had fallen unconscious while fighting the dinosaurs.

The people who were chasing after Zhu Zhan weren’t suspicious.

Running over to fight the Barosaurus as soon as he saw it did sound like something their young chief would do.

Normal people would hide themselves away when they noticed such a large disturbance, but instead of doing that, Zhu Zhan had run straight towards it!

It was to the point where he had run so fast that they hadn’t been able to catch up. They only found their way over based on the scent trail he’d left behind.

Now that he learned from Xiong He that they had taken him back to their tribe for treatment, they were quite grateful, “Thank you... Could you bring us to him?”


“Wait a minute. We need to bring this dinosaur back.” Xiong He said. Xiong Ye should have returned by the time they finished getting this dinosaur ready, right?

He had no idea if that man had died from the poison... Xiong He glanced at the people from his tribe and only relaxed after he determined that nobody had any intentions of speaking up and telling the truth.

The priest always told the people of the tribe not to talk as they liked in front of outsiders. It was a very reasonable suggestion.

The people who had come after Zhu Zhan frowned, “You could get someone to just take us there.”

That was actually reasonable... Xiong He said, “I’ll take you there, then!” It was probably safer if he led them there...

“Thank you very much!” These people thanked him again.


On the way there, Xiong He didn’t forget to add, “That person didn’t look to be in good condition, and his leg was injured...”

The men were all on guard and looked at Xiong He with cautious gazes when they heard him mention the wound on the man’s leg.

If someone had merely broken their leg, they only needed to straighten the leg and connect the bones, and it would recover well. However, Zhu Zhan’s leg had been badly injured, and several different bones had all been broken. They had some methods to make his wounds heal faster, but they couldn’t make the leg heal straight.

Anyone who could see would know that he was a blasphemer like the ones mentioned by the Beast God Temple.

Of course, many people didn’t take the Beast God Temple seriously. At least, they didn’t care about the Beast God Temple and didn’t feel that Zhu Zhan was a blasphemer, but there were always some who believed, and there were people who would use these messy things to deal with people who went against them.

They feared that this tribe, who also had a priest, would do the same.


If these people believed in blasphemers, it wouldn’t be good for their young chief...

Xiong He didn’t notice their strange behavior, but he was still trying to give them some psychological preparation, “And we don’t know why he fainted. I noticed that his body didn’t seem to be in good condition, and his face seemed wan.”

Thank the Beast God that the man hadn’t died! Otherwise, they may have had to fight a vicious battle right now!

Xiong He hadn’t acted strangely at all when he mentioned the leg injury, so the people who had come with Zhu Zhan finally set down their worries. After walking for a period of time, they encountered Xiong Ye, who was leading the people of the tribe over to collect the meat.

“Xiong Ye!” Xiong He called out busily, “Xiong Ye, these people are friends of the man you took back earlier and came here looking for him. How is that person doing?”

Xiong He winked at Xiong Ye as he spoke.

A person standing next to Xiong Ye asked, “Tribal chief, are your eyes feeling uncomfortable?”

Xiong He: “......”

In light of this, Xiong Ye was also left speechless––couldn’t this person just not talk?

Seeing Xiong He’s expression, Xiong Ye knew that he must be worried. “He’s fine now.”

“That’s great!” Xiong He was relieved.

The faces of the men who had come here with Zhu Zhan also lit up with joy. They quickly inserted, “Can we pick up the pace?”

“That person is over there.” Xiong Ye led these people to their collective cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, they saw a tall man lying on the ground covered with a piece of animal hide. And... A group of children from the tribe surrounded him, completely engrossed in watching him.

“This man is so tall!”

He’s really big!”

“If only I could grow to be so tall and big in the future...”

While they were talking, someone even lifted up the animal hide and peeked inside.

Xiong Ye and the others: “......”

The people from the Giant Pig Tribe: “......”

The people from the Giant Pig Tribe had been rather worried that the people of this tribe would hurt Zhu Zhan due to his blasphemer status, but unexpectedly they came here in time to see a group of children being envious of Zhu Zhan’s figure...

Beastmen were very friendly and tolerant of their young, so they didn’t say anything and only went over to check Zhu Zhan’s situation, placing their hands on Zhu Zhan’s chest.

Zhu Zhan’s heartbeat was very strong. He was indeed fine.

“Thank you for saving him!” These people didn’t know about Zhu Zhan being poisoned, and were now full of gratitude towards them.

“No need for thanks, don’t mention it.” Xiong He was finally thoroughly relieved. “What tribe are you guys from?”

These people must have come here from another tribe... Although they had a lot of salt now, they currently didn’t have any stable trade routes for salt due to the Giant Tiger Tribe. It would be great if they could obtain some news!

“We’re people from the Giant Pig Tribe!” These people didn’t try to hide their origins.

This name was very similar to the Giant Tiger Tribe! Fortunately, they were pigs and not tigers! Xiong He was again relieved.

At this time, Zhu Zhan, who had been lying there on the floor, woke up.

He was a little confused at first, but he recovered after a while and asked, “What kind of place is this?” Why had he earlier fainted all of a sudden?

“Young... Lord, this is...” Zhu Zhan’s subordinate glanced at Xiong He.

“This is the Big Bear Tribe.” Xiong He introduced.

Zhu Zhan sat up. His expression was full of dislike, “How did I end up in this wasteland?” The environment in this collective cave... Was really terrible.

Zhu Zhan’s subordinates were a little embarrassed, and Xiong He was a little unhappy––What was so bad about their tribe?

“Sorry, our lord has a bad temper.” Someone from the Giant Pig Tribe spoke up.

“It’s fine...” Xiong He was rather gloomy.

Zhu Zhan spoke as he began to get up, “Let’s go...”

His body was powerless, and he was actually unable to stand up!

At this time, he finally noticed his leg, “My leg!”

“Lord?” Zhu Zhan’s subordinate hurried forward and then discovered that there was a wooden stick tied to Zhu Zhan’s leg. It was set very straight and didn’t look crooked at all.

These people were all a little muddled––the leg was somehow straight now?

The bones inside had been broken and split into several pieces, but it was actually straightened out again?

“What’s the matter?” The priest came in from outside, noticed the situation, and asked.

The priest’s appearance was completely different from the rest of the people in the tribe.

In the situation where the vast majority of the tribe only wrapped a piece of animal hide around their waists, he was wearing a robe made of leather.

Not only that, he also wore a relatively densely woven... fishing net, had circles painted on his face with green paint, and held an unknown animal in his hand that was only about the size of a finger.

The people from the Giant Pig Tribe immediately realized this person’s identity, “Are you this tribe’s priest?”

“Yes.” The priest said. He petted the little monkey in his hand as he spoke.

This priest dressed differently from their priest, but it still looked very mysterious!

Even if they didn’t mention anything else and only focused on his ability to heal... He had actually managed to straighten out Zhu Zhan’s leg!

The people from the Giant Pig Tribe were very excited.

Zhu Zhan asked, “Are you the one who healed my leg?”

“No. Someone else from our tribe healed you.” The priest replied.

The priest hadn’t done anything, but someone else had still managed to heal his leg?

Zhu Zhan looked at his own leg, his expression full of shock.

He could clearly feel that not only had his leg been straightened, it had also recovered a lot. He moved a little and discovered that he was now able to move his toes!

This... was too amazing!

Zhu Zhan broke out into laughter.

The priest then added, “You aren’t a blasphemer. The Beast God will always bless you.”

Zhu Zhan’s smile stiffened.

The people of the Giant Pig Tribe were also dazed.

They didn’t know how the people of this tribe had healed Zhu Zhan’s injuries, but they had originally thought that they probably didn’t know about Zhu Zhan being a blasphemer.

But now... It seemed that they actually knew?

“What blasphemer?” Xiong Ye was also a bit confused.

“The people from outside treat people who get injured and heal with crooked bones as blasphemers.” The priest explained.

“How is that a blasphemer? They were wounded and their bones might end up healing crooked by accident. Isn’t that very normal?” Xiong Ye asked. Some of the dinosaurs they’d caught in the past also had crooked legs!

Zhu Zhan said, “Yes. Why would this occur as a result of being a blasphemer? It was very normal if an injury healed crooked! The people from the Beast God Temple are always cheating and lying all day long in the name of the Beast God!”

Zhu Zhan became even more agitated as he spoke, “How could there be a Beast God in this world? I don’t believe it!”

Zhu Zhan had never believed in the Beast God. And it was because he didn’t believe that he had fallen to this miserable point––the priest from their tribe didn’t find him pleasing to the eye. The matter of him being exiled from the tribe was most likely due to that fellow provoking his father!

Before, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had really fallen to this point because he didn’t respect the Beast God, but now, his injury had been healed!

The Beast God definitely didn’t exist!

Those who followed Zhu Zhan also felt the same way.

However, the priest’s expression changed. “Nonsense, how could the Beast God not exist? It was the Beast God’s messenger who healed your wounds!”

Zhu Zhan and the rest: “???” What exactly was going on with this tribe? They didn’t believe in blasphemers but believed in the Beast God...

The priest was a little angry now. It just so happened that he had other things to do, so he no longer paid them any attention and turned to Xiong He and Xiong Ye, “Xiong Ye, the people from the Giant Tiger Tribe sent people to investigate our tribe!”

“Are they the people from the Giant Tiger Tribe?” Xiong Ye demanded and immediately looked towards Zhu Zhan and his people.

“No.” The priest held up the little monkey in his palm as he spoke, “He’s the person from the Giant Tiger Tribe.”

Xiong Ye: “......” This thing was a little too cute, right!?

Xiong Ye looked at the little monkey trembling in the priest’s hands, and his heart blossomed with a wish––if only Zhou Ji’s animal form was like this!

If only Zhou Ji could fit into the palm of his hand...

“We’ll talk outside.” The priest said.

Once they were outside, the priest placed the little monkey in his hand on the ground and instructed, “Tell us everything you know.”

The little monkey took on human form and didn’t try to hide anything. He had soon shared everything he knew and finally added, “My father told me that if I was able to escape, I should tell you guys everything.”

“Those people from before aren’t from the Giant Tiger Tribe?” Xiong Ye wanted to confirm again.

“No.” This person shook his head.

If those people weren’t from the Giant Tiger Tribe, then that was fine. As for the matter of the Giant Tiger Tribe... Xiong Ye asked, “Didn’t you say that we caught someone whose animal form was a mouse? Where are they?”

“That man died by accident.” The priest was a bit helpless about this. That person could originally have been saved, but this little monkey had said that that person was from the Giant Tiger Tribe. After that, the people from their tribe had killed him.

The salt team from before had lost many people to the Giant Tiger Tribe. Although the tribe had recovered very quickly and had soon moved on from their grief, those people’s relatives still remembered this wrong.

Having been given a chance, they would definitely take revenge.

This little monkey had only managed to avoid being beaten up by saying that he was from the Green Hill Tribe right at the start.

Speaking of which... This little monkey’s animal form was so cute that as soon as he turned into his animal form, nobody would be willing to lift a hand against it.

Of course, even if they wanted to fight, this child wouldn’t be able to hold up––this animal form was too weak and small, and they could casually pinch it to death with ease.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe had actually come here to investigate their tribe... The priest discussed it with Xiong He and Xiong Ye, then finally decided to... think of a way to have the people from the Giant Pig Tribe stay.

Someone who would dare rush out to bite a Barosaurus’s neck must be very powerful and wasn’t to be underestimated.


The priest: “Those people don’t even believe in the Beast God! This is unacceptable. I have to talk to them properly and convince them to believe in the Beast God!”