Chapter 134

August 11th, a piece of good news was posted on major platforms.

[International Mathematical Olympiad Chinese Team Wins Championship.]

[The six team members representing China in this competition all won gold medals]

[According to the results announced by the competition, the scores of the Chinese team in this competition are as follows:

Three members scored full marks of 42 points, two team members 41, and one member scored 40 points.

The total score of the Chinese team was 248 points, leading the runner-up by nearly 30 points.]


In less than half an hour, this news was posted on hot search, and the comment section was exceptionally lively.

It is important to know that in the IMO competition, as long as the total score obtained by the contestant is greater than or equal to 32 points, a gold medal can be obtained.

Although there have been cases of full marks in the Chinese team in previous years, there has never been such a high score for each member as there is this year.

Is the difficulty lowered?

This can be seen from the total scores of other national teams. Obviously not.

It is rare to see such a monopoly of nearly 30 points in the first place in so many competitions.


Of course, there are not only congratulations on the Internet, there will always be some "smart people" coming out to show their presence. [The annual championship, scientific research annual did not see the lead.]

[Strange, the gold medal did not lose, why did the Nobel Prize not come out a few?]

[It's just a group of exam-oriented students who can only do questions. China's education is not good. It only knows how to train problem solvers.]

[Don't be too happy too soon. It's not even certain whether these people will still have Chinese nationality in the future.]

[Indeed, the number of geniuses that universities give to foreign countries for free every year is not small. Let's wait and see, don't meet again in the future, and the gun is aimed at your own people.]



As soon as these remarks came out, invisible hands began to operate instantly, and in just a few seconds they were topped hot comments.

The joyful chirping of netizens was instantly strangled. Although many people still reflected clearly and fought back, more and more people poured cold water on them.

In less than a few minutes, the rhythm on the Internet has changed from the initial praise to quarreling with each other.

At this moment, the national team's group photo also attracted the attention of netizens.

At first, netizens were just joking that the altitude of this year's national team members seemed not very high, especially the three standing in the middle, who were obviously much shorter than the surrounding team members.

Because the three of them have the national flag in front of them, only the yellow collar on their upper body and the black trousers below can be seen from the lens.

It looks like people who don't know think they are lucky crowds who came on stage to take pictures with the champions.

Until a large number of related reports appeared, people finally exclaimed.

Well, not only are these three full-mark candidates this time, but they are also only thirteen years old and have skipped grades all the way to high school freshmen.

Netizens were instantly curious about the looks of the three, and they all zoomed in on the long-shot group photo in the report. Don't say, as soon as they zoomed in, they saw some differences again.

It is important to know that although the big brothers of competitions in recent years have extremely high IQs, their looks... There are really few dazzling ones, and they basically belong to the type that you almost forget after seeing them.

But this time it’s different. Although the few people standing next to the three full-mark team members are still stable in their low-key big brother style.

But the three in the middle are very different, and under the foil of several people, they are more eye-catching.

The boy on the left of the C position is a little round, but he looks silly when he smiles, and looks very bully. The boy on the right side of the C position is even more amazing. His big eyes seem to be able to look into your heart through the lens. He is simply an existence with a built-in soft light filter.

And what surprised everyone the most was the girl standing in the middle. It is important to know that in previous years, the national team was almost all boys, and there were rarely any girls.

And this time, not only are there female players, but the girl is also a genius full-mark player who skipped grades all the way.

In the photo, the girl has a high ponytail, her fox eyes are round, and her skin is so fair that her slightly upturned lips look more pink.

Strangely enough, although it is such a delicate face, it looks very generous when looking at the camera, as if it is about to join the party next second.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is...

[Isn't this girl so familiar? How do I look at her?]

[This, isn't this our Ruochu?]

[Ah ah ah ah! Mom, my darling is the gold medalist of the international competition!]

[My good girl, I have sponsored so many protagonists, this is the most promising one.]

[Who said our Ruochu got into the genius class through the back door? Who?! Mom is calling you now, dare you respond? !]


Soon, "Ji Ruochu" and "International Competition Full Score" and other words rushed to hot search.

Ji Wang's fans who received the news rushed to sue, and in just a few minutes, the popularity of the International Mathematical Olympiad competition rose another level.

It ranked first in hot search for a whole day, and extended other related hot searches.

The movie "Eating Meat" starring Ji Ruochu earlier ate meat, and even the less popular "Dad in Charge" took a sip of the soup.

This time, no black fan dared to come out and stubbornly say that the Ji family came in through the back door, because... whose back door can lead to international events?

[Good news, I took half my life to write the novel]

[Bad news, I only have half a life left]