Chapter 68

Gong Xiaohua and several others arrived in Nanlong Prefecture three days later.

Yu Wei and the others, who were more seriously injured internally, were arranged by Lord Li to rest in beds at the station on the first day they arrived in Nanlong.

This time, Lord Li came to Nanlong as a patrol envoy, stationed in Nanlong on behalf of the Prince to fulfill the Prince's patrol duties.

All the administrative and military systems of Nanlong were temporarily commanded by Lord Li.

To protect Lord Li's safety, two squads were drawn from the garrison forces of Nanlong Prefecture and sent to the station, led by Gong Xiaohua and Xiao Fu respectively, divided into two teams.

There were nearly 40 officials of all ranks and sizes in Nanlong Prefecture. According to court regulations, when the patrol envoy acts on behalf of the Prince, all ranked officials must pay their respects to demonstrate the Prince's might.


In the main hall of the prefectural government office, Lord Li sat at the head, with Gong Xiaohua standing behind him in attendance.

Below the hall, civil and military officials stood in separate rows, with the Prefect leading the civil officials and the commandant leading the military officials.

"Your servants pay respect to His Royal Highness," Lord Li held the Prince's seal as the Prince's representative, standing in the middle of the main hall, accepting the kneeling courtesy of the officials.

"You may rise."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Lord Li returned to the head seat.


"Officials, please be seated."

"Thank you, Inspector."

"On our way here from the capital, we certainly received... attentive care from certain people along the way. Wouldn't you agree, Prefect?" Lord Li looked towards the Prefect.

The Prefect was like sitting on pins and needles, sweating profusely, smiling awkwardly at Lord Li, "You jest, sir."


"On this patrol on behalf of His Highness, I hope for the cooperation of all officials present."


"We pledge our full support in assisting you, sir."


"Where is the magistrate of Shuangyu County?" "Your servant, Zhou Shouren, pays respect to the Inspector." The county magistrate, who had met Gong Xiaohua before, stumbled forward to bow, trembling with fear.

"Tell Us, when floods occurred and corpses filled the county, why were they not disposed of? Also, why did the disaster relief troops claim that no relief funds were allocated by the court?"

Each of Lord Li's questions felt like a hammer blow upon Zhou Shouren's head, filling him with apprehension.

"Your Excellency, the flooding was most severe in Shuangyu County, and the death toll high, exceeding the county government's capacity. We have been working on disposal but there were simply too many..."

"As for relief funds... that was a mistake by the relief troops, we distribute porridge outside the city every day but... but..."

Zhou Shouren spoke haltingly, seeming wanting to say more but stopping himself.

"But what?"

"The relief funds were inadequate for long term disaster relief, hence the idle gossip from the troops."

"Hah! Inadequate? More like lining your own pockets!"

The county magistrate fell to his knees to defend himself desperately, "Inspector, you wrongfully accuse me!"

"Wrongful accusation? Tell Us, half of Shuangyu County's annual taxes are earmarked for river dike maintenance, yet whenever heavy rains come, disastrous flooding takes countless lives. Why is that?"

"Your Excellency, fishing is the livelihood of Shuangyu people. In recent years, bandits on the rivers have increased drastically. This deters both local fishermen and visiting merchants, leading to declining county revenues, which affected dike repairs, in turn causing the floods... "

"If there are bandits, why doesn't the county government dispatch troops to suppress them?"

"We do try to suppress them, but to little effect."

"Even facing death you still make excuses, thinking Us easy to fool?" Lord Li slammed the table angrily.

Immediately, a copy of The Chronicles of Deyang was heavily flung at Zhou Shouren's face.

"This account book should look familiar to Magistrate Zhou."

Sitting next to Zhou Shouren, the Prefect felt his heart skip a beat when he heard "account book", and tightened his grip within his sleeve. Damn that stupid Zhou Shouren.

The Zhou Shouren on the floor also snuck a glance left at the Prefect, only to receive an icy cold stare in response, immediately lowering his head in fright.

That interaction lasted but a moment, unseen by the rest, but not escaping Lord Li's sharp eyes.

"Prefect, is it very hot? Why is your forehead drenched in sweat?"

"A bit... a bit..." The Prefect wiped the sweat from his brow, "The Inspector jests."

Zhou Shouren picked up the account book, the same one he lost that night, about to profess his innocence, when a young prison guard entered the hall to report: "Sir, we've brought everything back as you ordered. They're outside the hall now."

"Good work. Dismissed."

Lord Li descended from his seat, telling the officials, "Come witness what's outside."

Outside the government building was a pile of gold, jewels and gems of all kinds.

Kneeling on the ground was a group led by none other than Zhou Shouren's wife.

The moment Zhou Shouren stepped out, his wife wailed as if having found her lifeline, "Sir, save me!" Seeing the dozen or so boxes outside, Zhou Shouren knew all was lost. Ignoring his wife's cries, he collapsed to the ground. He should have sent that foolish woman back to her parents.

"Magistrate Zhou, any defense?"

"None, Your Excellency."

"Guards, take Zhou Shouren and his family to the dungeons. No visitors. Await sentencing."

"Yes sir."

After Zhou Shouren and family were taken away, everyone returned to the hall.

"Officials, the priority regarding Nanlong's flooding, especially Shuangyu County, is now disaster prevention and refugee resettlement."

Hearing the inspector won't pursue Zhou Shouren's corruption, the Prefect heaved an immense sigh of relief.

"Listen to your orders."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The officials stood waiting for Lord Li's commands.

"All counties are to gather refugees into temporary shelters outside the cities. County granaries are to be opened for daily distribution of porridge to the refugees, with physicians arranged on rotations to care for the sick."

"Any patients discovered are to be immediately isolated for treatment."

"Homes are to be fumigated with herbs like mugwort and realgar."

"Merchants found hoarding supplies or price gouging during relief efforts will be arrested."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Where is the Garrison Commander?"

A burly, bearded man emerged from the ranks to bow before the hall, "I am here to serve."

"Assist the counties in collecting and properly disposing of corpses. Cremation or mass burials."

"I obey, Your Excellency."

"Know that behavior like Magistrate Zhou's shall be dealt with most harshly."

"We pledge our full efforts towards this duty."

"Very good. Dismissed, except the Prefect."

"We take our leave."

After the officials departed, Lord Li asked, "Regarding the Imperial Inspector's death, what are your thoughts?"

"According to his escorts, the Inspector accidentally fell into the river and drowned."

"Oh? Is that so? I personally suspect the Inspector, like myself, was pursued and attacked, only my fortune was better so I still live, and have had the pleasure of meeting the esteemed Prefect."